Review test Flashcards
1) In the first משנה, what happens if the store owner remembers which person he sold the item to?
You listen to the store owner.
2) Why are people nervous to make a שבועה
Because people are nervous to swear with Hashem’s name.
3) Why can’t two people split the it em (or the value of the item) without swearing?
Because then people would lie.
What is the הלכה in a case where A says, “It’s all mine”, and B says, “It’s half mine”?
A gets 75%, B gets 25% and they swear….
What is the הלכה if two people agree that they both got on to an ownerless animal at the same time?
Sell it and split the money and swear.
What happens if the two people disagree and both say, “It’s all mine”, but there are עדים that say they got on the animal at the same time?
You always trust and listen to witnesses.
Explain the way a person needs to tell another person to pick up an item for him if he wishes to acquire it.
Can you please give me that item so I can acquire it.
What is a way that he can say it where it won’t work and someone else can pick it up for themselves?
Can you give that to me?
Can one fall on an item to acquire it?
Explain when a person can have his field acquire an animal for himself and when he can’t
If the animal is injured it can acquire it for you.
Name two people that acquire an item and it goes to the husband/father/owner, and 3 people that acquire an item and it goes to themselves.
Under bar/bat mitzvah, non-Jewish slave, wife. ….. vs. divorced wife, over bar/bat mitzvah or Jewish slave.
Name 2 documents that need to be returned to the author as opposed to the person that it says in the document.
Divorced papers, will.
Why do those 2 documents need to be returned to the author as opposed to the person that is says in the document?
Because maybe the author changed their mind. They could always give it back.
Name 1 document that is returned to the person it says in the document.
Promise to pay the step-daughter.
Why aren’t we worried that the author changed their mind?
Because only a judge can write this document so it is official and he can’t change his mind.
What is the הלכה about a brand new item that you found? Why?
Keep it because there are no simanim or signs.
Why don’t you have to announce bread of a baker that you found?
Because they all look the same.
Name an item that you have to announce?
Homemade bread
Why should you take a computer that is on top of a pile of dirt and announce it?
Because it is clear the person left it there accidently and it had a siman.
What is the הלכה about a computer that is found under a pile of rocks? Why?
Keep it because the owner probably gave up hope in finding it
What happens if you find a pair of sunglasses on the cashier’s desk?
It is the cashier’s because it is close to him and on his property
What are the 2 opinions as to how long you need to announce an item for until you can keep it?
7 days until after the holiday
Until the neighbors hear about it.
Explain why 7 days.
3 days to go home, 3 days to go to yerushalayim, 1 day to announce
How is a רמאי different than other people when it comes to them claiming a lost object?
They are known to lie so you have to question the more.
Why are you allowed to use the milk from a cow in order to sell it so you can feed the animal?
Because otherwise no one would ever want to watch these types of animals/items.
What should you do with an item that will go bad by the end of the time you need to announce it (cake)?
Eat or sell and give the money to the person.
What do you need to do to clothing and books in order to take care of them while watching them?
Flip through them every 30 days.
When can you use gold vessels that you found?
Never because they don’t rust.
When can you use silver vessels that you found?
Allowed to use it for its own good.
Where is a cow considered a lost object that you can keep?
When it is in the middle of no where.
If a person loses money because he skips work in order to watch your object and wishes to get repaid for his missed time at work, what happens?
Minimum wage.
Because you don’t know who is watching it for you and it wouldn’t be fair to base your payment on the person’s job.
If your father tells you to do something (כיבוד אב ואם) against the תורה, what do you do? Why?
Don’t listen to him because Hashem told us to honor them so it would be going against him.
Name the 4 שומרים in Hebrew and English.
Shomer Chinam - Free Watcher
Shomer Sachar - Paid Watcher
Shoel - Borrower
Socher - Renter
Which שומר has the least responsibilities? Why?
Shomer Chinam because they don’t get anything out of it (can’t use it) and don’t get paid.
Which שומר has the most responsibilities? Why?
Which שומר has the most responsibilities? Why?
What 2 options does a person have if he is watching an item for free and he either loses it or it gets stolen?
He can either:
Swear it was not his fault
Pay for it
What does כפל mean and what does it have to do with a גנב?
Double payment, you have to pay double if you are caught stealing.
When does a גנב pay 4 times the amount if he is caught?
If he steals a sheep.
Why is one animal 4 times and the other animal 5 times?
Because stealing a sheep is embarrassing because you need to carry it on your shoulder and it looks to others like you are stealing, so we make you pay less of a fine.
Who gets the כפל if the שומר pays? Why?
The Shomer. Because he took responsibility.
someone rents a cow and lends it to his friend and the animal dies who pays (מחלוקת)?
It’s a machloket…
Explain the מחלוקת.
One opinion says the person who rented it and the other says the person who borrowed it.
If a person admits to stealing $100 from one of 2 people, but he forgets, who gets the money?
Both of them because he admitted it.
Explain the case where two people give 1 guy $100 and $200
If two people give money to another to watch and he forgets who gave him 100 and who gave him 200……