Review: Temporomandibular Dysfunction Flashcards
Describe the TMJ
Gliding joint made up of: convex articular condyle of the mandible and concave articular fossa on squamous portion of temporal bone
Separated by a fibrocartilaginous articular disc — 3 parts of disc: thick anterior band, thin intermediate zone, thick posterior band
Describe TMJ changes in terms of the meniscus with mouth closed vs. mouth open
Meniscus with mouth closed: condyle is separated from the articular fossa of the temporal bone by the thick posterior band
Meniscus with the mouth open: condyle is separated from the articular eminence of the temporal bone by the thin intermediate zone
Muscles of mastication that depress mandible initially, then pterygoids take over
Digastric, suprahyoid
Action of left lateral and medial pterygoids
Move mandible lateral and forward to the right
Muscles of mastication responsible for tight jaw closure
Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
Actions of buccinator, depressor labii inferior, depressor anguli oris and platysma, mentalis
Buccinator = approximates lips and compresses cheeks (blowing)
Depressor labii inferior = protrudes lower lip (pouting)
Depressor anguli oris and platysma = draws corners of mouth down
Mentalis = draws tip of chin upward
Actions of orbicularis oris, zygomatic minor, and levatror anguli oris
Orbicularis oris - approximates and compresses lips
Zygomatic minor - protrudes upper lip
Levator anguli oris - lifts upper border of lip on one side without raising lateral angle (snarl)
Actions of zygomaticus major and risorius mm
Zygomaticus major = raises lateral angle of the mouth
Risorius = approximates lips and draws lips and corners of mouth lateral (grimace)
Symptoms/signs of TMJ dysfunction
Most often c/o facial pain, HA, ear sxs, TMJ pain, or sxs of jaw dysfunction
Cephalgia, otalgia, neck pain, eye pain, shoulder/back pain, tinnitus, dizziness
May describe pain as a dull ache with difficulty opening mouth (click/crepitans), lateral jaw deviation, spasm within facial muscles, onset of TMJ symptoms may correspond with onset of stress or added stressors
Behavioral associations with TMJ
Nocturnal bruxism (controversial)
Jaw clenching (anxiety, stress)
Types of TMJ dysfunction
Opening click
Closing click (reciprocal clicking)
Inability to fully open jaw (close-locked)
Inability to close if TMJ symptoms are bilateral
Crepitus and grating
Fusion of the joint (ankylosis)
Causes of jaw clicking
Almost always d/t disc displacement (after disc is thin/stretched)
other causes: Adhesions, uncoordinated muscle action of pterygoids, tear or perforation of disc, osteoarthritis, occlusion imbalance
Important components of patient hx to ask about when pt c/o TMJ symptoms
PMH of jaw trauma Sleep habits/position Symptoms of bruxism Use of mouth orthotics Occupation/hobbies Symptoms of depression/anxiety Recent stressful events
Also personal habits like usual posture, nail biting, or frequent gum chewing
General Etiologies of TMJ dysfunction
Trauma (direct, whiplash, third molar extraction, intubation)
Malocclusions of maxillary and mandibular teeth
Muscle strain (oral habits, postural/work, sports)
MSK problems or Somatic dysfunction
Compensatory changes (short leg syndrome, scoliosis)
Developmental abnormalities (condylar hypoplasia/agenesis)
Mood disorders (anxiety, depresion, PTSD, hx of abuse)
Endocrine, hypocalcemia (Chvostek’s sign, Trousseau sign)
What type of TMJ injury results from direct blow to the joint with a closed mouth?
Posterior capsule injury