Review slides Flashcards
Surveillance. Think what 2 things?
Incidence rate
Prevalence is a _ of a population at a given point in time
Incidence is a _ of a population at a given point in time
Prevalence is a measure of the state of a population at a given point in time
Incidence is a measure of events of a population at a given point in time
Cumulative incidence is the _ of new cases that develop in a population _
Cumulative incidence is the proportion (risk) of new cases that develop in a population over time
CI = Pr(New Disease) = risk of disease = (# new cases)/ pop at risk….. over time t
Incidence rate is the instantaneous or _
It is not a _ or _
Incidence rate is the instantaneous or average rate of disease occurrence
It is not a probability or proportion
IR=Rate of disease= (# cases)/(Persons at risk * time) or (sum of person time from follow up)
- person time
RR equation
RR= P(D+, E+)/ P(D+/E-).. over time t
RR= CI exposed/ CI unexposed.. over time t
CI exposed= (cases w/ exposure)/(person w/ exposure at risk)
CI unexposed=(cases w/o exposure)/(persons w/o exposure at risk)
Risk difference eqt
Incidence among exposed- incidence among unexposed
the exposure is associated with a _% absolute increase in risk, compared to the unexposed group
Incidence rate ratio eqt
IRR= (rate of disease in exposed)/(rate of disease in unexposed)
IRR= (incidence rate in exposed)/(incidence rate unexposed)
Odds ratio or exposure OR

Components of an Outbreak Investigation
1) Verify the _ and confirm the _
2) Define a _ and conduct _ _
3) Tabulate and orient _: _, _, and _
4) Take immediate _ _
5) Formulate and test _
6) Plan and execute _ _
7) Implement and evaluate _ _
8) Communicate _
Components of an Outbreak Investigation
1) Verify the diagnosis and confirm the outbreak
2) Define a case and conduct case finding
3) Tabulate and orient data: time, place, and person
4) Take immediate control measures
5) Formulate and test hypothesis
6) Plan and execute additional studies
7) Implement and evaluate control measures
8) Communicate findings
Steps to determine if an outbreak is real
1) verify _
2) define a _
3) ID & count _
4) _ vs _
5) rule out other _
Steps to determine if an outbreak is real
1) verify diagnosis
2) define a case
3) ID & count cases
4) Observed vs expected
5) rule out other reasons
Hypothesis generating vs. hypothesis testing
Hypothesis generating:
- Attempt to identify most likely exposures
- Cases only, limited number
- Open-ended questions
Hypothesis testing:
- Focus on most likely cause or causes
- Include comparison group
- Closed-ended question
Attack rate= _
Attack rate= CI
(New cases)/(Population at risk)…. over time t
Secondary attack rate
Secondary Attack Rate = P(D+|_)
Secondary Attack Rate = P(D+|_)
Secondary attack rate
Secondary Attack Rate = P(D+|Contact with a known case)
Secondary Attack Rate = P(D+|Exposure to a known case)
Describe common source point epidemic
Sharp slope w/ gradual downslope

Describe Common Source Point with Secondary Transmission (Mixed)
Initial point source with subsequent person-to-person transmission
May have either:
a bimodal appearance Or
a prolonged downslope

Describe Common Source Continuous Epidemic
Rise sharply, as with point source
Plateau reached and sustained

Describe a propagative epidemic
Encompasses several generations of the agent
Begins with single case or small number of cases
Downslope related to exhaustion of susceptible hosts

What outbreak?

Common Source Continuous

What outbreak?

Common Source Point

What outbreak?


What outbreak?

Common Source Intermittent

Simple Structure of Four Study Designs

A) Pros Cohort
B) Retro Cohort
C) Case Control
D) Cross-sectional

Best use for cohort study (2)
short latent period
well-defined pop at risk

Best uses for case-control
Long latent period
unclear pop at risk
common exposure

best use cross-sectional
initial evaluation- Used to take out population that isnt at risk anymore
Study design: Cross Sectional
Measure of frequency:
Measure of association:
Study design: Cross Sectional
Measure of frequency: Prevalence
Measure of association: Prevalance ratio

Study design: Case Control
Measure of frequency
Measure of association
Study design: Case Control
Measure of frequency: None
Measure of association: Odds ratio

Study design: Retrospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Cumulative incidence
Measure of association
other consideration
Study design: Retrospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Cumulative incidence
Measure of association: Risk ratio
other consideration: Use with minimal loss to follow-up

Study design: Retrospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Incidence rate
Measure of association
other consideration
Study design: Retrospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Incidence rate
Measure of association: Incidence rate ratio
other consideration: Use with loss to follow-up; recurrent disease

Study design: Prospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Cumulative incidence
Measure of association:
other consideration
Study design: Prospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Cumulative incidence
Measure of association: Risk ratio
other consideration: Use with minimal loss to follow-up

Study design: Prospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Incidence rate
Measure of association
other consideration
Study design: Prospective cohort
Measure of frequency: Incidence rate
Measure of association: Incidence rate ratio
other consideration: Use with loss to follow-up; recurrent disease

Epi causal triad
Epi causal triad: AGENT (3)
Infectivity; pathogenesis; virulence;
The characteristic of the agent that reflects the ability to _, _, and_.
The characteristic of the agent that reflects the ability to enter, survive, and multiply in the host.
Property of an organism that determines the _ to which overt disease is _ in _
Property of an organism that determines the extent to which overt disease is produced in an infected population
A measure of the _ caused by an organism
A measure of the severity of the disease caused by an organism
Infectivity eqt
people infected/ people exposed

pathogenicity eqt
clinical cases/ people infected

virulence eqts
severe cases/ clinical cases
severe cases/ people infected
clinical cases/ people infected

incubation period
time between infection and clinical symptoms

Latent period
time between infection and infectious period

serial interval
time between clinical symptoms in 1* and 2*

what comes first, infectious period or clinical symptoms?
infectious period
Reproductive (reproduction) number (R)
average number of _ per I
Reproductive (reproduction) number (R)
average number of successful transmissions per infectious person
Secondary cases/ primary cases
R: When will an epidemic stop?
So with R < 1, the epidemic is not sustainable
When should R be at a maximum?
R0: Basic reproductive number
If everyone is susceptible (s = 1), R should be at its maximum.
R0 = average number of secondary cases caused by a single, typical person in a completely susceptible population
Rn : Net (effective) reproductive number
If the infection is initiated in a population with <100% susceptibility, the net R (Rn) will be less than _
Similarly, as the number of susceptible persons in a population is not stable (e.g. disease causes immunity), _
Rn : Net (effective) reproductive number
If the infection is initiated in a population with <100% susceptibility, the net R (Rn) will be less than R0
Similarly, as the number of susceptible persons in a population is not stable (e.g. disease causes immunity), R will change over time
Rn: Function of R0 and proportion susceptible
Rn =R0*s
Where s = proportion of the population that is susceptible to the infection
Herd immunity threshold (HIT) eqt
If the population can attain a level of immunization (or immunity) > HIT, what will happen?
HIT= 1–s =1–1/R0
HIT=(R0 –1)/R0
If the population can attain a level of immunization (or immunity) > HIT, what will happen? The epidemic should end
Components of R0
R0 = pcD
transmission probability (p);
contact rates (c); length of infectious period (D);
Rn = R0_= pcD_
Rn = R0s = pcDs
transmission probability (p);
contact rates (c); length of infectious period (D);
proportion of susceptibles (s)
What does the relationship R = pcDs suggest about potential targets / mechanisms for control strategies?
Reduce transmission probability (p); early treatment
Decrease contact rates (c); stay home!!! (quarantine)
Reduce length of infectious period (D); treatment
Reduce proportion of susceptibles (s): flu shots (immunization)
Cancer Clusters difficulties
Clusters sometimes result from confounders
Difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between disease and exposure
Often fail to come to a satisfactory conclusion.
Unable to confirm a geographical or temporal excess in the number of cases
A cluster may be a collection of several diseases
Establishing source of cluster very difficult
Cancer cluster Preliminary Evaluation: SIR
Standardized incidence ratio
Number of observed/ expected
Non-infectious disease