Review Questions Flashcards
Possible test questions covered during class lecture
Linear tactics were designed in response to what new weapon technology?
The smoothbore flintlock musket
What was the Center of Gravity for the Patriots at the New York City Campaign in 1776?
Preserving the Army
Did the British make the same principles of war and METT-TC errors at both Bunker Hill and Charleston?
NO; while the British failed terrain and enemy in both, they only failed the offensive at Charleston.
Did the British underestimate their enemy and misuse terrain at both Bunker Hill and Charleston?
Did simplicity problems lead to fratricide at Germantown during the Philadelphia Campaign in 1777?
Did complex operations, poor visibility, and anxious US troops lead to a friendly fire incident at Germantown during the Philadelphia Campaign in 1777?
What was Washington’s reaction when the British counterattack gained momentum at the Battle of Monmouth?
Washington demonstrated excellent short term leadership and relied upon Von Steuben’s training to repel the British counterattack
Did the British practice restraint and legitimacy at The Waxhaws in 1780?
British failed legitimacy and restraint… British legitimacy went down because they committed a massacre the public reacted negatively to the massacre and they were against the British
Who had better Observation and Fields of Fire at King’s Mountain in 1780?
The Patriots
Did Greene assess Cornwallis’ aggressiveness well at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse?
Did the US and the French work well together during the Yorktown Campaign in 1781? Why or Why Not?
YES; it showed the power of combined/joint operations.
What was the French fleet’s role during the Yorktown Campaign in 1781?
The French Navy was responsible for cutting off LOCs
What was the impact of Jackson’s aggressiveness on logistics during the Jackson’s Creek War Campaign?
Jackson outran his LOCs, hurting logistics
Who made better use of lines during the Horseshoe Bend Battle (Jackson’s Creek War Campaign)?
Jackson made good use of external lines. A failure of interior lines by the red sticks.
What was the reason for Jackson’s aggressiveness during the Jackson’s Creek War Campaign?
Jackson wanted a quick victory / win
Did Jackson help Red Sticks who changed sides during the Jackson’s Creek War Campaign?
YES; doing so showed loyalty and demonstrated ethics and morals. Not being able to protect allies undermines authority.
What was the significance of the Battle of Lake Champlain?
It confirmed US sovereignty
Who was responsible for cutting off LOCs at the Battle of Lake Champlain?
The US Navy
Did the tactical outcome at the Battle of Lake Okeechobee benefit the US strategically?
NO; the US won tactically, but not strategically because it did not accomplish the war aim
Did the US Military persevere to win in the California theater during the Mexican War?
How does Taylor handle AoAs at Monterrey?
Taylor cuts off the city, making good use of AoAs that are advantageous to capture the town.
What is the significance of Taylor’s use of LOCs at Buena Vista?
Taylor’s LOCs were long and vulnerable which could be easily attacked by guerrillas
Why was Chapultepec Key Terrain?
To access to Mexico City, it was necessary to pass through Chapultepec via elevated causeways (roads). Chapultepec was a mountain fortress used as a military academy and the surrounding terrain was extremely boggy; thus, Chapultepec was the only way into the city.
How did Chapultepec affect security for Scott’s Army?
Scott had to take it
How did Scott handle counterinsurgency during the Mexican War?
Scott used good counterinsurgency; he used “locals to fight locals”
Did the capture of Mexico City end the Mexican War immediately?
In his Mexico city campaign, did Scott use principles of war well?
Did Scott mass forces well at Chapultepec?
Did Scott achieve security well at Chapultepec?
Did Scott use key terrain well at Chapultepec?
Did Scott use maneuver, offensive, and surprise well to take Mexico City?
Does Scott show or lack restraint with the locals during the Mexican War? What was the impact on his legitimacy?
Scott shows restraint with the locals which helps his legitimacy
Do Hardee’s Tactics try to account for new technologies, such as the rifled musket?
Do Hardee’s Tactics abandon linear tactics?
Are Hardee’s Tactics for a conventional or unconventional enemy?
What is the impact of Hardee’s Tactics on warfare?
Hardee’s Tactics increased the tempo and kill zone
Are Hardee’s Tactics Agile and Flexible?
NO; led to communication issues
Would Hardee’s Tactics work well against prepared, well-disciplined defenders?
Under Hardee’s Tactics, how well could attackers sustain their advance if they overcame a strong position?
Not Well
Were Hardee’s Tactics a reaction to rifled musket threat?
Did new technology influence both Hardee’s Tactics and Linear Tactics?
Did Hardee’s Tactics boost maneuver and reduce firepower mass to address agile, unconventional threats?
Was communications security important during the Civil War?
Did the Civil War require fluent handing of communications?
At what levels of war did the telegraph have the greatest impact?
The Strategic & Operational Levels (not the tactical level)
How do you do command-control-commo on a Civil War battlefield?
Signal Flags, Bugle Calls, & Runners
How were Hardee’s Tactics useful during the Civil War?
Large, tight, linear formations led to proficient communications since all soldiers could see the officers
Did the Navy play a role in the advance at the Battle of Shiloh?
Did combined arms organization hurt the rebels at the Battle of Shiloh?
In relation to the Kentucky Campaign during the civil war, what was the State of Kentucky and where was it?
Kentucky was a Union Slave State (aka Border State)
During the Kentucky Campaign, what enabled Bragg to make a big move?
Grant provides the opportunity
Is the Kentucky Campaign an example of “Offensive-Defensive?”
What was the major issue (public affairs) for Bragg during the Kentucky Campaign, and what did Bragg ultimately do?
Bragg undercut his own support with locals; ultimately Bragg leaves the confederacy
During the Battle of Stones River, did Rosecrans hold his position?
Did US Army leaders handle crisis well at the Battle of Stones River?
Did the Battle of Stones River end in a smashing victory for Rosecrans?
Did both Grant and Rosecrans recover after being surprised?
Who achieved the element of surprise at the Battle of Stones River?
Was the surprise at the Battle of Stones River exploited well?
NO; the surprise was not well coordinated
Did the Union Army make good use of exterior lines in the Shenendoah?
Who sustains the principle of offensive during the Seven Days Battles? Lee or McClellan?
Lee. Lee controls the fight; McClellan is reacting to Lee
Who wins tactically during the Seven Days Battles? Lee or McClellan?
Who wins operationally and strategically during the Seven Days Battles? Lee or McClellan?
Lee. Lee needs McClellan to back up
Did Rebel commanders try to exploit an opportunity to strike the union during the Antietam Campaign and Battle?
Is the Antietam Campaign and Battle an example of “Offensive-Defensive?” Why or why not?
YES; Lee has the opportunity to invade into the north because the union army is not keeping the pressure on the south.
During the Chancellorsville Campaign and Battle, did fratricide occur early or late in the attack?
Late in the attack
At which battle did Lee use lines and principles better? Chancellorsville or Gettysburg?
At Chickamauga, did Rosecrans have an electronic communications breakdown?
NO; there was a communications breakdown, but it was written
Did a communications issue hurt Rosecrans’s smooth operations at Chickamauga?
NO; there was a communications issue, but things were already hectic before the coms issue arose
Did Rosecrans’s problem at Chickamauga involve a clarity issue that existed in spite of the communications technology used?
YES; it was a wording issue, so the medium didn’t matter
After the Wilderness during the Overland Campaign, did Grant retreat or continue offensive operations? What was the impact on his troops’ morale?
Grant Continued Offensive Operations; Troop morale was high
During the Overland Campaign, did Grant keep his LOCs short and very secure?
When Sheridan attacks Early during the Shenandoah Campaign, what does Sheridan destroy?
Crops & Food (Scorched Earth Approach)
During the Shenandoah Campaigns, is Early on the “Offensive-Defensive?”
YES; he has an opportunity and doing so may influence the election in the North
During the Atlanta Campaign, did rebel commanders try to exploit an opportunity to strike at the union in some way?
What is Hood’s aim during the battles of the Atlanta Campaign?
Hood’s aim is to keep the city and thus keep Sherman out of the city
What was the biggest impact following the Atlanta Campaign, and did this support the war aim?
The biggest impact was the election; the war aim was supported. Capturing Atlanta boosted morale and helped Lincoln win the election in the North.
Did Early’s valley ops deny Lincoln’s re-election?
At Sherman’s ‘March to the Sea,’ What was the Rebel’s Center of Gravity?
Rebel morale by hitting foodstuffs
Upon what did Sheridan and Sherman focus in their destructive raids?
Crops/Food *not industry
In light of the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act, why did federal troops get involved in the 1894 Rail Strike?
The 1894 Rail Strike involved interstate commerce, as well as a court order
Were there Issues with tactics, commitment, mission, resources, etc during Red Cloud’s War?
Was terrain the only problem during Red Cloud’s War?
Did the Seminoles always enjoy summer rest during Red Cloud’s War?
Did the Seminoles always beat US Amy units during Red Cloud’s War?
Did the Seminoles deny the US strategic progress during Red Cloud’s War?
During Red Cloud’s War, were there issues with US commitment?
How did civil affairs play a role in the Modoc and UTE wars?
Violence alone did not solve the problems; civil affairs were necessary
During the Modoc and Ute wars, what was the impact on public support?
Completely undercuts support for the Modocs
How did violence erupt between the US Army and the Utes during the Ute War?
The Commander failed to maintain control of the situation
During the Modoc and Ute wars, did army leaders restrain fires well in the tense standoffs?
During the Modoc and Ute wars, was the violence short lived?
YES; Ute war ends quickly
During the Modoc and Ute wars, did civil affairs play a role in negotiations?
During the Modoc and Ute wars, did poor civil affairs play a role in starting these wars?
Did the Modoc and Ute wars last for months or for years?
Months, not years
During the Modoc and Ute wars, were the Modocs and Utes frustrated?
Were the Modoc and Ute wars bloody and fought by force alone?
NO; there was little loss of life and civil affairs played a critical role
In the South Cuba Theater, how well did US forces coordinate new technology like balloons?
Poorly; they got shot to pieces!
In the South Cuba Theater, were there inter-service issues, and were joint force aims met?
Inter-service issues existed, but joint force aims were still met
In the South Cuba Theater, what was responsible for killing most soldiers?
Disease (Typhoid, Cholera) in the training camps due to poor hygiene
During the Philippine War, did the 1900 Surge end enemy action decisively?
NO; still going on
During the Philippine War, were extra troops the only measure?
Did the Philippine War fail due to bad civil affairs and excessive force?
During the Philippine War, were Civil Affairs efforts focused well or poorly?
Was Grant negligent before Shiloh?
Was it Connell’s tight security policy that upset Balangiga locals?
NO; there was no security policy in the first place; his security wasn’t even tight!
For both Rosecrans and the concept ‘Artillery Conquers, Infantry Occupies,’ do both involve electronic communication breakdowns?
For both Rosecrans and the concept ‘Artillery Conquers, Infantry Occupies,’ do clarity problems exist in spite of the communications technology used?
Where there reliable radios to aid firepower responsiveness for WW1 armies?
Has the advance of communications technology ended communications problems in the modern era?
NO; just because you have the technology doesn’t mean it is effective (“don’t pick D”)
How did the Germans utilize tanks in WW1?
The Germans did not have tanks in WW1!
During WW1, did high command have radios to control small unit actions?
NO; “they have to have a level of trust”
During WW1, according to Hutier tactics, were combined arms used at higher or lower levels of command?
Lower Levels of Command
In relation to the Early 1900 Defense Acts, who specifically pushed for reform?
Guard Advocates
With the passage of the Early 1900 Defense Acts, what happened to the National Guard’s national defense role?
The National Guard’s national defense role expanded
During the WW1, was the newly established Officer Training School era prepared for big-unit combined-arms operations?
NO; new officers essentially received “on the job training”; this kind of training had not been done before
In relation to Pershing’s Command at meuse-argonne, what did Pershing do to himself?
Pershing Fires Himself!
In relation to Pershing’s Command at meuse-argonne, did Pershing heed political demands?
What is the conceptual connection between Hutier tactics and the blitzkrieg concept?
Leadership & Philosophy; they are really the same concepts but with different applications
Do Hutier tactics and the blitzkrieg concept use Infantry weapons/tactics, planes, and tanks?
NO, they did not use tanks
What is the aim of the blitzkrieg concept?
Quick Operational Warfare
How did MacArthur react to the Bonus March?
MacArthur was too Aggressive
Was the response to the Bonus March an example of good Civil Affairs and Restraint?
NO; poor civil affairs and lacking restraint (they overreacted); the public did not get a good impression on how army veterans were treated.
What was the impact upon U.S. President Hoover’s political legitimacy regarding the depression?
Roosevelt won the election
During the Japanese Internment, did rumors affect US Army actions?
What was the Center of Gravity at the Bismarck Sea / Lae?
The Troop Ships
What achieved the objective at Lae?
The Turning Movement
Did the US seize and hold the objective at Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands)?
What was the Key Terrain at Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands)?
The Airfield (Henderson Field)
Did the US use land sea air and electronic domains well at the Solomon Islands?
Did army doctors reduce yellow fever during early 1900s Cuban civil ops using DDT?
Was WW1 military medicine (Penicillin) able to stop the Spanish Flu?
NO; Penicillin was a medical development during WW2
Did Combined Arms hurt operations for the rebels at Shiloh and at Kasserine Pass?
Who used troops and terrain better? Patton or Freednall?
In regards to the Red Ball Express, did the US Army have ample or limited access to French ports?
What was the effect of enemy assessment and communications on operation market garden?
Hurt it
For the Rebels and the Germans, was the failure due in part to their own faults, enemy leadership, and enemy combined arms?
YES; note that the ‘enemy’ in this case is the US!
Were the rebels disorganized?
Did the rebels lack resources?
Did Grant lack naval help?
Did McAuliffe lack air support?
Did both Grant and McAuliffe use mounted and dismounted arms well?
Did McAuliffe use obstacles well?
Did poor control hurt Britain’s Saratoga operations?
Was poor control a factor in the failed crater attack?
Were the Japanese surrounded and contained in spots at Luzon?
YES, but they don’t stop fighting
At which of these islands did enemy and terrain conditions help ground maneuver? Saipan, Luzon, and/or Okinawa?
Did Luzon’s large size let the US army outmaneuver and contain Japanese forces?
At Saipan, Luzon, and Okinawa, did the Japanese retreat inland to hold certain positions?
At Saipan and Okinawa, did the smaller size, rugged terrain, and tough inland defenses deny easy maneuver?
Did the Emancipation Proclamation integrate African Americans into the Army?
NO; it was Executive Order 9981
However the Emancipation Proclamation did permit enlistment of African Americans into segregated units.
Was Task Force Smith well-prepared?
During the Run to the South, where did this attack occur?
Did the UN secure its Pusan-based LOC at Inchon?
Did the UN take Incheon to cut a north Korean LOC?
For Grant and Ridgeway, did they help or hurt morale?
Did Ridgeway help improve morale for the 8th army?
At Korea, did the air campaign have any impact upon the communist alliance?
What was the level of damage following the air interdiction at Korea?
Bad, but it did not destroy the entire communist supply source
Is armor organic for all types of triangle divisions?
Was the Pentomic division proven through years of war?
NO; very short timeframe
How did the US army help demonstrate government legitimacy at Little Rock Arkansas during the unrest of the 1950s and 1960s?
Maintain order &
Assert federal authority
Did the Posse Comitatus Act and it’s loopholes reflect American ambivalence about federal army domestic law enforcement?
Did the 1894 railroad strike and unrest in the 1960s show the same American ambivalence about federal army domestic law enforcement?
Did court orders let the president sidestep the Posse Comitatus Act and send fed troops against the strike and ole miss rioters?
Did a state governor use the Posse Comitatus Act to block federal army presence in Detroit riots?
NO; he requested it!
Did an exception in the Posse Comitatus Act authorize the federal army to spy on sixties-era radicals?
Was there legal justification for the army spying (in the 1960s)?
Were Abrams and Federal units censured for poor restraint?
Did the green berets do good counterinsurgency with the Highland Tribes?
YES; developed good rapport with the locals
Was Moore outnumbered at LZ XRAY?
At LZ XRAY, did Moore hold his position?
Could linear tactics beat the rifled musket threat?
Did air mobility require outside fires and sustainment?
For linear tactics, hardee’s tactics, and air mbility, did these items boost maneuver and reduce firepower to address agile, unconventional threats?
When did combat medics appear?
Were the Army’s Indian War lessons relevant to it’s Vietnam COIN operations?
Was terrain the only problem the army had versus the Seminoles and Veit Cong?
Did the US army ever beat the Indians (Seminoles and Red Cloud) in direct battle?
Did the US army ever beat the North Vietnam Army in direct battle?
Why was there a failure to make strategic progress in Vietnam?
US was not focused on the war aim; more focused on tactical wins
Did the US forces make an appropriate assessment of the enemy at Vietnam?
NO; failure to asses the enemy correctly
At Cedar Falls (Vietnam) were enemy critical sanctuaries denied?
Is armor organic for all types of triangle divisions?
Was the Pentomic division proven through years of war?
How did the US army help demonstrate government legitimacy at Little Rock Arkansas during the unrest of the 1950s and 1960s?
Maintain order &
Assert federal authority
Did the Posse Comitatus Act and it’s loopholes reflect American ambivalence about federal army domestic law enforcement?
Did the 1894 railroad strike and 1960s unrest show the same American ambivalence about federal army domestic law enforcement?
Did court orders let the president sidestep the Posse Comitatus Act and send federal troops against the strike as well as the ole miss rioters?
Did a state governor use the Posse Comitatus Act to block federal army presence in Detroit riots?
Did an exception in the Posse Comitatus Act authorize the federal army to spy on sixties-era radicals?
Was there legal justification for army spying in the 1960s?
Were Abrams and Federal units censured for poor restraint?
Did Dak To and Cedar Falls show some of the challenges in assessing and defeating a hybrid enemy decisively?
Did the Dak To fight start when NVA regulars threatened SOF camps doing COIN operations?
At Operation Cedar Falls, did the US forces mis-assess the enemy?
YES; It was not the NVA… it was guerillas!
Compare these US military escalations: the Philippine War’s 1900 ‘surge’; the US in Vietnam, 1965-1967; the OIF Surge; and/or the OEF Surge.
Did US escalations in these wars end enemy action decisively?
Did COIN efforts fail in both Philippines and Vietnam?
Which war had better civil affairs: Philippines or Vietnam?
Did escalation in both the Philippines and Vietnam wars fail to change their negative direction?
NO; succeeded at Philippines
Was an ineffective focus a factor in either or both the Philippines or Vietnam Wars?
YES, for Philippines; focus problems with Vietnam
For Pershing and Abrams, did they heed or ignore political demands?
Heed; but MacArthur ignored them
At the Kent State Incident, did army leaders overreact to protestor’s apparent threat?
At what level of leadership did a leadership and ethics failure occur at the My Lai incident?
Lower leadership; a junior officer (LT)
At the My Lai incident, did LT Calley order an atrocity, or did he loose control of a sticky situation?
LT Calley ordered an atrocity
Did Special Forces in Vietnam deal with dissention among local allies?
Did Special Forces work well with the Highland Tribes, and what was South Vietnam’s reaction?
YES; South Vietnam did not like this
At the Mayaguez Incident, was enemy assessment and communication good or poor?
For Rosecrans and at Mayaguez, did a clarity problem exist in spite of the communications tech used?
Do the blitzkrieg and air-land battle concepts share the same aims?
NO; not the same aims
Do the blitzkrieg and air-land battle concepts both emphasize offensive and maneuver?
Do the blitzkrieg and air-land battle concepts both aim to repel large-scale soviet attacks
Do both the blitzkrieg and air-land battle concepts stress seizing opportunities to maneuver as necessary to conduct slashing attacks in to the enemy’s rear areas?
Under the all-volunteer force, were all combat roles open to women?
NO; combat arms roles were not open to women
What is the significance of obstacles at the Battle of the Bulge?
McAuliffe used the city of Bastogne as an obstacle against the Germans.
On which island did Japan attempt to repel US attacks? (Saipan, Luzon, or Okinawa)
Did computer cyberspace attacks OR kinetic cyber-attacks setup the US/UN for a successful desert storm air and land attacks?
kinetic cyber-attacks
Consider the Korean war stalemate air campaign and the desert storm scud hunt. Did either break up an enemy alliance?
Did GEN Schwarzkopf have unity of command at Desert Storm?
At Monmouth, TF Smith, and Desert Storm, did the US army have well trained us troops in ALL of these?
NO; it failed at TF Smith
At Monmouth, TF Smith, and Desert Storm, did all of these halt the enemy offensive?
NO; it failed at TF Smith
Did Task Force Smith stop a North Korean attack?
Where did the attempted attack occur?
NO; Osan
Were Civil war signals so primitive that COMSEC was unimportant?
Did Civil War signals require fluent handling of encrypted communications?
Did WW2 code talking require fluent handling of encrypted communications?
Did US operations in Desert Storm and Operation Allied Force feature cyber related kinetic attacks against opponents?
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Did they have the same or different purposes and capabilities?
They all had DIFFERENT purposes and capabilities
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Which one stands out from the others?
The Pentomic Division
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Which one was created to fight the soviets in Europe?
For which purpose were the others designed?
THE PENTOMIC DIVISION was created to fight the soviets in Europe.
The OTHERS (The Triangle Division and The Brigade Combat Team) were designed for WORLDWIDE DEPLOYMENT.
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Was Armor organic for all types?
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Which could sustain themselves in combat?
The Triangle Division and The Brigade Combat Team
not the Pentomic Division
Compare the Triangle Division, Pentomic Division, and the Brigade Combat Team.
Which had sustainability problems?
The Pentomic Division
For BCTs, did new tech influence their creation?
For BCTs, were tech challenges addressed well?
Compare rumors’ effect in the Bonus March, Japanese-American Internment, and Katrina relief.
Did rumors affect US army actions in all of these events?
How did rumors affect army expectations going into New Orleans?
What were they met with?
The Army expected violence based on rumors about what was going on in the region.
Instead, the Army was mainly met with grateful citizens.
Did reliable radios aid on-site responsiveness for WW1 Armies and Katrina Relief Ops?
Did both Vincennes Crew and Katrina Relief Ops beat stress and not shoot non-combatants?
NO; while Katrina Relief Ops were peaceful, Vincennes Crew shot non-combatants!
At OEF and at Cedar Falls, did both deny the enemy critical sanctuaries?
At both OIF and The Overland Campaign, did US commanders keep LOCs short and very secure?
LOCs at Overland Campaign were tight and secure BUT
they were long and vulnerable at OIF!
Did GEN Karpinski have strong or weak control of detainee operations at Abu Ghraib?
Weak control
Considering major leadership failures, how did these commanders earn controversy regarding handling subordinates?
Bad command climate
Did Petraeus’s COIN doctrine rely heavily upon hyper kinetic operations?
NO, it was a balanced approach.
The Kinetic force was balanced with sustained civil affairs to stabilize Iraq.
Did Petraeus balance kinetics and civil affairs?
Did both Ridgeway and Petraeus arrest enemy momentum?
In the Red Cloud War and Weigel Valley, did army succeed or fail to crush will ** ?
Did all US escalations fail to change the negative direction of their respective war due to an ineffective focus?
At OEF surge, did GEN Petraeus have to adjust COIN tactics he had used in OIF surge?
Did SF support the phoenix program?
Did the British and LT D both have problems caused by their local allies?
As a result of his allies, had LT D lost local legitimacy?
Comparing intelligence factors between Son Tay and LT D, did intel failures hurt US operations at Son Tay and the region LT D was in?
What was the cause of the failure faced by LT D?
Bad Local Intelligence
Did bad intelligence at Son Tay and for LT D end in high casualties?
Did drones fail to help during operation inherent resolve?
Did Putin use various domains to setup combat ops?
For Desert Storm, Allied Force, and Russian Ops, do Kinetic Cyber Ops play a role?
YES for all three
Did US operations in Allied Force and Russian ops feature actual computer attacks?
Did only BCTs address tech changes well?
Do BCTs booster offensive fires over time?
Identify which force(s) made GOOD use of Cover and/or Concealment (OAKOC):
- Morgan at Cowpens
- Rebels at Pickett’s Charge (Gettysburg)
- Chinese during MacArthur’s run to the north
- 36th Division’s attempt to cross the Rapido River
- Morgan at Cowpens
- Chinese during MacArthur’s run to the north
Identify which force(s) made GOOD use of Observation and/or Fields of Fire (OAKOC):
- British at Kings Mountain
- Buell at Perryville
- Union Flag Signalers at Gettysburg
- Germans at Cassino
- Union Flag Signalers at Gettysburg
- Germans at Cassino
Identify which of the following used a turning movement and achieved the objective:
- British at New Orleans
- Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign
- Lucas at Anzio
- Patton at France
- Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign
- Patton at France