Review Phys Flashcards
what promotes hyperkalemia?
deficiency in insulin or aldosterone
cell death
hyperkalemia = increased ECF K+ –> decreased K+ efflux out of the cells (membrane potential becomes less negative, because less is moving out, thus depolarized)
decreased ECF K+ –> more inctracellular K+ rushing out (increased efflux)
–> membrane potential becoming more negative = hyperpolarized
increased K+ conductance
results in increased K+ efflux from cell –> membrane becomes more negative = hyperpolarized
what does resting potential depend on
VERY sensitive to changes in ECF K+ !!!!
- eating puffer fish (diet hx necessary for ddx)
- numbness of hands and feet, mm. weakness, respiratory problems,
- no proven antidote; charcoal binds toxin
- TTX blocks voltage-gated sodium channels resulting in depolarization being inhibited and AP generation/propogation is inhibited
sx: proximal weakness and absent DTRs: mm. response increases w/ repeated activation
- Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) = paraneoplastic syndrome
- pre-synaptic AI attack directed against voltage-gated calcium channels on the PRESYNAPTIC motor nerve terminal
- calcium normally promotes ACh vesicle fusion and exocytosis and is registered by synaptogamin
repeated stimulation results in increased mm. strength b/c stimulation can increase Ca2+ influx through functioning channels –> increased release in ACh
malignant hyperthermia
- sx: increase body temperature, mm. rigidity, tachypnea, tachycardia, elevated PCO2 following anesthesia
- heritable condition (AD)
- disorder of Ca2+ regulation in skeletal mm. triggered by volatile anesthetics
- causes uncontrolled release of Ca2+ from SR –> rigidity, tachycardia, hyperventolation, hyperthermia
- acute hyper-metabolic state w/in mm. tissue; prolonged contraction
affected receptor?
- defect in RYR1 gene or DHPR
- targets the synaptic vesicle fusion process
- clostridium botulinum: peripheral effects, flaccid paralysis, inhibition of ACh release at the NMJ
sx: canned food, dry mouth, double vision, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, diarrhea
tx: botulin antitoxin
myasthenia gravis
- sx: present with thyroid problems, difficulty reading, diplopia and blurred vision, mm. weakness, speech swallowing (bulbar mm.), neck mm, proximal limb weakness
- weakness worsens with increased activity, improves with rest
MOA: autoimmune disease - resulting from circulating Abs directed against nAChR (causing destruction) = fewer channels capable of opening in response to ACh
- normal release of ACh has little effect due to fewer channels capable of opening in response to Ach
= decreased ability to generate an end-plate potential
test? temporary improvement after Ice pack test: cooling inhibits AChE activity
tx: AChE inhibitor
- TT targets synaptobrevin: synaptic vesicle fusion
- neurotoxin of clostridium tetani
sx: c/o jaw pain, inability to fulloy open mouth, difficulty swallowing, generalized stiffness, stepped on a nail
spastic paralysis: d/t central effects results in inhibition of the inhibitory interneurons
tx: anti-tetanus immunoglobulin
steps of synaptic transmission
AP at axon terminal of presynaptic neuron opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
Ca2+ influx from ECF into synaptic knob
Ca2+ influx induces fusion & exocytosis of synaptic vesicles → neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft
N.T.s diffuse & bind to receptors on subsynaptic membrane of the postsynaptic neuron
Bound N.T.s result in alteration of membrane permeability of postsynaptic neuron
Termination of signal by removal of N.T. from synaptic cleft (enzymatic breakdown, cellular uptake, diffusion)
active zone
Dense spots over which synaptic vesicles are clustered; where fusion of synaptic vesicles & release of ACh occurs
Oriented directly over secondary postsynaptic clefts between adjacent postjunctional folds
Postjunctional Folds = Extensive invaginations on postsynaptic membrane directly undernerve terminal
- Increase surface area of muscle plasma membrane
terminates synaptic transmission after AP –> choline and acetate
Choline acetyltransferase
Synthesizes ACh from choline + acetyl coenzyme A
ACh-H+ exchanger
ACh uptake by synaptic vesicle
Driven by vesicular proton electrochemical gradient (ACh influx coupled with H+ efflux; due to positive voltage & low pH inside)