Review of Possessive Adjectives Flashcards
Possessive adjectives (e.g., mi, nuestros) indicate to whom something belongs or pertains. They agree with the associated noun phrase (nuestros abuelos paternos, nuestra abuela) in number and gender. For instance, in the noun phrase mi día feriado favorito the noun día is masculine, so the words mi, feriado and favorito are marked with masculine singular endings
Mi día feriado favorite es el cuatro de Julio porque mi hermano y yo nos vamos de vacaciones a Colorado a visitar a nuestros abuelos paternos. Nuestro abuelo nos lleva al lago en su camioneta cuatro por cuatro y luego pescamos en su lancha a motor. Cuando volvemos de nuestro día de pesca, nuestra abuela nos cocina su famoso pastel de manzana.
My favorite holiday is the fourth of July because my brother and I go to Colorado on vacation to visit our grandparents. Our grampa takes us to the lake in his all wheel drive truck and then we fish on his motor boat. When we return from our fishing trip, our grandma bakes her famous apple pie.
when possessive adjectives come before the noun phrase, which is the most common placement, they have the following forms:
* Subject Pronoun → English → Spanish Singular/Plural
- Yo → *My *[mi/mis]
- Tú → *Your *[tu/tus]
- Vos → *Your *[tu/tus]
- Él/ella/Ud. → His/hers/its/your [su/sus]
- Nostoros/nosotras → *Our *[nuestro/a, nuestros/as]
- Vosotros/vosotras → *Your *[vuestro/a, vuestros/as]
- Ellos/ellas/Uds. → Your/their [su/sus]