review in class 2/19/13 Flashcards
innate nerves are
educated nerves are
skeletal nerves/true nerves
major premise of stephen 33 principles
existence of god, maintains the existence of universe
whats significance of dr. tulius ratlidge
active in bringing the 1922 referendum to cali voters
who was founder of national school of chiro in 1906
john howard
T OR FALSE : in terms of philosophy, epistomology determines the basis of knowledge, knowing the nature of truth, and the relationship between knowledge and belief
Mult Choice: early 1970s was turning point of chiro caues:
a. 50th state legalize,
b. chiro reaserch
c. insurance???
d. all above
d. all above
significance of fed education for veterans for both world wards
increase education and enrollment
T/F heroric med practicionars used mercury and other toxic substances to purify the patient
True , merc was used for stds
who was andrew taylor still
father of osteopathy
T/F deductive reasoning cant be employed where the premises of an argument are based on observations of nature
MC: which is important differnece between class and trad philosophy in chiro
a. classical is godless
b. class makes no contribution to natural
c. classical doesnt use deductive reasoning
d. class uses a process of inquiry rather than a set of beliefs
e. somethign uses metaphysics
D. class uses process of inquiry rather thne a set of beliefs
MC: which doctors were magnetic healters
a. dd
b. a stil
c. none
d. both
d. both
year lacc founded
last state to license chiro