Review for Final Practical Flashcards
Age: Primary Mandibular central incisor
6 months
Age: primary mandibular lateral incisor
7 months
age: primary maxillary central incisor
7.5 months
age: primary maxillary lateral incisor
9 months
Age: primary mandibular first molar
12 months
Age: primary maxillary first molar
14 months
Age: primary mandibular canine
16 months
Age: primary maxillary canine
18 months
Age: primary mandibular second molar
20 months
age: primary maxillary second molar
24 months
Age: permanent mand. central incisor
6 years
Age: permanent 1st molars (max and mand)
6 years
Age: permanent max central incisor
7-8 years
Age: permanent mandibular lateral incisors
7-8 years
Age: permanent maxillary lateral incisors
8-9 years
age: permanent mandibular canine
9-10 years
age: permanent premolars
10-12 years
age: permanent maxillary canine
11-12 years
age: permanent 2nd molars
12-15 years
age: third molars
17-21 years
Innervation: PSA
maxillary molars: pulps, ligaments, alveolar bone, facial gingiva
Innervation: MSA
Maxillary Premolar pulps, Mesiobuccal root of 1st maxillary molar, alveolar bone, ligaments, facial gingiva
Innervation: ASA
Anterior teeth: pulp, facial gingiva, alveolar bone, part of sinus
Innervation: Terminal branches of Infraorbital Nerve
Upper Lip, Nose
Innervation: Long Buccal Nerve
Buccal gingiva of mandibular molars, 2nd premolars, mucosa of cheek up to commisure
Innervation: Lingual Nerve
General sensory to anterior 2/3 of tongue; mucosa of floor of mouth; lingual gingiva of entire mandible
Innervation: Inferior Alveolar Nerve
Mandibular Molars, Premolars: pulp, alveolar bone, ligaments
Innervation: Incisive Nerve (branch of inferior alveolar)
Mandibular Canines, Incisors: pulp, ligaments, alveolar bone
Innervation of Muscles of Mastication
Innervation: Mental Nerve (branch of inferior alveoloar)
Facial Gingiva of mandibular anterior premolars, canines, incisors
Innervation: Greater palatine nerve
Hard Palate, Lingual gingiva maxillary molars and premolars
Innervation: Nasopalatine Nerve
Hard Palate, Lingual Gingiva of maxillary canines, incisors
Innervation: Chorda tympani
taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Innervation: CN IX
taste and general sensory posterior 1/3 of tongue; stylopharyngeus muscle; secretory to parotid gland
Innervation CN XII
Motor to muscles of tongue
Parotid Nodes
drain cheek, ear, eyelids
Submental Nodes
drain tip of tongue, anterior part of lower lip, anterior part of floor of mouth, mandibular incisors
Submandibular nodes
drain rest of max and mandibular teeth, posterior floor, posterior tongue, posterior lower lip, upper lip