Review for Final Exam Flashcards
True or false: In the short story “the boat” one of the topics is tradition.
What literary device is used in the following passage?
“My earliest recollection of my father is a view from the floor of gigantic rubber boots and then of being suddenly elevated and having my face pressed against the stubble of his cheek, and of how it tasted of salt and of how he smelled of salt from
his red-soled rubber boots to the shaggy whiteness of his hair.”
In the story pig, what point of view is used?
Third person omniscient
What literary device is used in the following passage? “Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones.”
What literary device is used in the following passage? “We lived on the outskirts of Rosedale, over on the wrong side of Yonge street.” What literary device is this?
What literary device is used in the following passage? “with his blue eyes flashing like clearest ice beneath the snow that was his hair. His usually ruddy face was drawn and grey, reflecting the exhaustion of a man of sixty-five who had been working in those rubber boots for eleven hours.”
Is the character Ann from Claire Rothman’s “Shiva” a flat or a round character?
Round character
“With pleasure, the sticker said, and taking Lexington gently by one ear with his left hand, he raised his right hand and deftly slit open the boy’s jugular vein with a knife.” In this previous passage, Lexington is killed. We can say that _________ (2 words) is not present.
“The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.” What literary device is this?
Is the character Old Man Warner from Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” a flat or a round character?
Flat character
What literary device is used in the following passage? “Mr. Summers was very good at all this: in his clean white shirt and blue jeans, with one hand resting carelessly on the black box. He seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins.”
“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white.” What literary device is this?
Is the narrator reliable in the story Traplines?
Yes. (there is no reason to doubt Will’s reliability)
Is the character Will from Eden Robinson’s “Traplines” a round or a flat character?
Round character
Which literary device is present in the following excerpt?
“We play two-on-one: me against Ruby-Doo and the nurse from “Romeo and Juliet”. The nurse’s name is Charlotte, a pretty, twenty-year-old girl who probably didn’t get cast as Juliet because she’s fat and black.”
Which literary device is present in the following excerpt? “Cinderella of the basketball court.”
Is the character Lexington from Roald Dahl’s “pig” an unreliable narrator?
The fact that Mr. Adam was the first person to question the lottery and that he “was in front of the crowd of villagers” to kill Mrs. Hutchinson is——?
situational irony
What is the point of view used in the following passage: “My earliest recollection of my mother is of being alone with her in the mornings while my father was away in the boat.” How so?
First-person POV is used in this passage. The narrator uses the word ‘my’ to affirm the claim.
“Though three quarters of our overcrowded world are starving, we are lucky here to have more than enough, thanks to population control. Obesity’s our problem, not malnutrition.” What literary device is used here?
Situational irony
“the reason for his own enlistment was precisely so that Cy and I could not be soldiers. “ (200)
Situational irony
In Dedalus and Icarus, Icarus flew too close to the sun even though his father told him not to. What is this called?
Poetic justice
Which literary device is present in the following excerpt?
“In the winter they sent him a picture which had been taken on the day of the singing, On the back it said “To Our Ernest Hemingway” and the “Our” was underlined.”
The main character kills an old man and then gets caught. This is an example of ____________
Poetic justice
What literary genre is the following story: “Moose, skid, tree. Two parents mourning” ?
Flash fiction
What literary device is found in the title of the short story “The Boat”?
“But it wasn’t until his good strong heart had pumped the last drop of blood from his body that he passed on out of this, the best of all possible worlds, into the next.” What literary device is used?
Verbal irony
Which literary device is present in the following excerpt?
“The lawn was neat and green and I only saw dandelion.”
Which literary device is present in the following excerpt?
“First I’m going to have another rose!”