review for final Flashcards
what are some things you need to do before giving an injection?
- wash hands and don gloves
- confirm medication label 3 times
- clean vial
- clean injection site
how many needles are used in the process for an injection you have to draw up?
2 (needle dulls after puncturing vial)
what are the injection angles?
IM - 90 degrees
ID - 10-15 degrees
SQ - 45 degrees
what are the 3 types of injections?
intramuscular - muscle
intradermal - upper layer of skin
subcutaneous - fatty tissue
what is the proper way to clean the skin before an injection?
aseptic technique - circular motion starting at the middle
how do you properly secure an injection site before administering?
hold the patients skin taught
what are 2 ways to get rid of air bubbles?
- flicking syringe
- drawing out extra medication
what is the proper way to administer oral meds to a patient?
drop pills into the bottles cap, then transfer to a cup
study of drugs
what are the 3 major label requirements for pregnancy drugs?
- pregnancy (includes labor and delivery)
- lactation
- females and males of reproductive potential
what are some other things listed on pregnancy drugs?
- risks
- potential effects on infant
- infertility info
where can you find more information on drugs?
physicians desk reference and epocrates
what 5 things does a drug label contain?
- warnings
- active ingredients
- use of medication
- amount of each dose
- when to contact pharmacist
what is the difference between the generic and trade name?
generic - active ingredients are the “name”
trade - name given by the manufacturer
why do we inject air into the vials?
prevents air bubbles and creates a vaccumn like effect
what are the needle gauges for the different injections?
ID: 26-28 G
SQ: 25-27 G
IM: 20-23 G
protective cover that goes over the needle before disposal
safety device
what is the best way to prevent needle stick injuries?
immediately use safety device and dispose needle into sharps container
what are 3 sharps container safety tips?
- wear gloves while handling
- drop needles with sharp pointing down (never push)
- keep closed while not in use
when should you no longer use a sharps container?
2/3 full
what is the difference between a sharps container and biohazard bag?
sharps - puncture proof and used for needles
biohazard - used for bodily fluids
what items do you need before giving an injection?
- 2 needles
- gloves
- syringe
- alcohol wipes
- band aids
- medication
how do you open the syringe and needle package?
- open the least sterile part away from you
- hold syringe by the barrel to prevent contamination
what 3 things should you do when entering the patients room?
- introduce yourself while washing hands
- identify patient
- state the reason youre there
what do you do after a patients appt has ended and they have left the room?
clean the room (wipes surfaces and change bed cover)
how can you reassure a patient who is nervous for injections?
- do not show them the needle
- distract them by making conversation or complimenting
- ask if they want a countdown
- let them know the pain is temporary
- for children: bribe them
what is the Z track method and what is it used for?
pinching and pulling skin to the side during IM injections to avoid medication coming back up
what are the rules for converting from one unit to another?
move the decimal:
smaller to larger - 3 times to the left
larger to smaller - 3 times to the right
what do you do if the needle comes out during your injection but there is still medication in the syringe?
remove the needle and replace it with a new one to reinject
what is important when documenting numbers for measurements?
always include unit of measurement
what time frame does a patient have to get their TB test read?
48-72 hours
what do you look for when reading a TB test?
a reaction (swelling, redness, irritation)
who can read a TB test?
- MA
- Physician
- other clinical staff with a title
what Rx may be called into a pharmacy?
all except schedule II drugs
drug to prevent cough
drug used to reduce inflammation
drugs used to dilate the bronchi (airway) to increase air flow
drug to lower blood pressure
who can prescribe, administer, and dispense meds?
prescribe - physician
administer - MA
dispense - pharmacist