Review for EX180 Flashcards


Podman Section


Run and Manage Containers
Task 1.
Edit the registries:

sudo vi /etc/containers/registries.conf
Enter your cloud_user password.

Find the the parameter line and add ‘registry-1:5000’ to end of registry (remember to press i to enter insert mode).

Find the registries.insecure parameter line and add ‘registry-1:5000’ as an insecure registry.

Save and quit the file by pressing Escape followed by :wq.
Task 2.

Pull the latest Nginx image

podman pull

Verify the pull was complete:

podman images

Clear your screen:

Run a container using the Nginx image with the specified parameters:

podman run -d –name=web-vol -v /home/cloud_user/web:/usr/share/nginx/html/:Z –pod task-2

Verify you can access the web page:

curl localhost:8081

Save a copy of the container logs to a file named web-vol.log:

podman logs web-vol > web-vol.log

Verify the copy of the container logs was saved:

ls web-vol.log

Review the contents of web-vol.log copy:
less web-vol.log

Task 3.

Pull the latest MySQL image from (this may take a few minutes):

podman pull

clear your screen.

Verify the image was pulled:

podman images

Start a container with the specified variables:

podman run -d –name=mysql-llama -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=badpass -e MYSQL_USER=guru -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret -e MYSQL_DATABASE=llama -p 3306:3306

clear your screen.

Verfiy the MySQL instance is running and confirm that the llama database is present:

echo “show databases;” | mysql -uguru -pbadpass –protocol tcp -h localhost

Make a directory named mysql_logs:

mkdir mysql_logs

Copy the log file /var/lib/mysql/mysql/general_log_213.sdi to the directory:

podman cp mysql-llama:/var/lib/mysql/mysql/general_log_213.sdi mysql_logs/

Verify the log file was copied successfully:

ls -l mysql_logs/

Task 4.
Log in to the registry:

podman login -u cloud_user registry-1:5000

Enter your cloud_user password.

View the images:

podman search registry-1:5000/

Inspect the image for alternate tags:

skopeo inspect docker://registry-1:5000/nginx | less

clear your screen.

Start the container using the image with the alternate tag (not latest):

podman run -d –name=web-default -p 8080:80 registry-1:5000/nginx:useme

Verify the default message:

curl localhost:8080

clear your screen.

Connect to the container:

podman exec -it web-default bash

Edit the file:

vi /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

Clear Replace Me and type A guru was here!.

Save and quit the file by pressing Escape followed by :wq.
Exit the file:

Verify the change using curl:

curl localhost:8080

Commit the new container to new image:

podman commit web-default registry-1:5000/nginx:web-guru

clear your screen.

Review the images to confirm registry-1:5000/nginx with the tag web-guru was created successfully:

podman images

Build and Run Custom Images

Task 5.

View the images:

podman images

Push your new image to registry-1:5000:
podman push registry-1:5000/nginx:web-guru registry-1:5000/nginx:web-guru

clear your screen.

Stop the existing container:

podman stop web-default

Start a new one container:

podman run -d –name=web-guru -p 8080:80 registry-1:5000/nginx:web-guru

Verify the change was saved in the new image and is present in the new container (You should see the A guru was here! message):

curl localhost:8080

Save the image to a tar file:

podman save -o guru-web.tar registry-1:5000/nginx:web-guru

List guru-web.tar:

ls guru-web.tar

Task 6.

List the docker directory:

ls docker

List the files:

ls files

Move into the docker directory:

cd docker

Copy the ZIP and tar files to the docker directory:

cp ../files/* .

List the files:


clear your screen.

Edit the Dockerfile (you can review the file in this Git repo):

vim Dockerfile

Change the color of the comments to grey for better readability:

:hi Comment ctermfg=grey

Under #Please use image, enter:

Under Set yourself as the Maintainer of this image, enter:

Under #Provide a brief description of the image next to LABEL description=, enter (make sure you are using straight quotation marks):
“New web server”

Under #Install nginx and unzip, enter:
RUN yum install -y nginx unzip

Under #Use ENV to set the variable PORT to 90, enter:

Under #Use the variable $PORT to expose the set port, enter:

Under #Copy to /tmp/, enter:
COPY /tmp/

Under #Extract /tmp/ to /etc/nginx and overwrite any existing files, enter:
RUN unzip -o /tmp/ -d /etc/nginx/

Under #Extract llama_cart.tar to /usr/share/nginx/html/, enter:
ADD llama_cart.tar /usr/share/nginx/html/

Under #Set the workdir to /tar_file/ and copy llama_cart.tar to this directory without uncompressing it, enter:
WORKDIR /tar_file/
COPY llama_cart.tar .

Under #Set the container to start “nginx” with options “-g” and “daemon off” as overwritable options (hint: use ENTRYPOINT and CMD), enter:
ENTRYPOINT [“nginx”]
CMD [“-g”, “daemon off;”]

Save and quit the file by pressing Escape followed by :wq.

Task 7.
Build the image (this may take a few minutes):

podman build -t llama-cart:v1 .

clear your screen:

Review the images:

podman images

Start a new container:

podman run -d –name=llama-web -p 8090:90 localhost/llama-cart:v1

clear your screen.

Confirm the container is running:

curl localhost:8090

clear your screen.

Navigate to the cloud_user home directory:


Navigate to server_info.txt:

cat server_info.txt

Copy the public DNS name, paste it into a new browser, and add :8090 to the end to confirm the custom image is running.

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Not at all

OC Section


Creating Applications with OpenShift
Task 8:

Create new project named guru-php with display name of Test hello guru project:

oc new-project guru-php –display-name=”Test hello guru project”

clear your screen.

Create the new PHP app with the specified configuration and this GitHub repo:

oc new-app –name=hello-guru –as-deployment-config php~ –context-dir=php-hello-world -l app=hello-guru

clear your screen.

Retrieve the resources and wait until the pod build is ready (this may take a few minutes):

oc get all | less

Retrieve the service:

oc get service

Expose the service:

oc expose service hello-guru

Retrieve the routes:

oc get routes

Test the route:


Task 9: CodeReady Containers

Create new project named inventory:

oc new-project inventory
clear your screen.

Download the template file:

curl -o multi_test.yaml

Verify the file was created:

ls multi_test.yaml

clear your screen.

Publish the template to the current project:

oc create -f multi_test.yaml

Verify the template was created:

oc get templates

clear your screen.

Process the template, save it to a file named
processed_template.yaml, and set the following parameters:

oc process -f multi_test.yaml -p NAME=fruit-stand -p DATABASE_NAME=fruit_stand -p DATABASE_USER=guru -p DATABASE_PASSWORD=badpass -p DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=badidea -l app=guru-fruit > processed_template.yaml

Verify the file was created:
ls processed_template.yaml

clear your screen.

Create the application:
oc create -f processed_template.yaml

clear your screen.

Retrieve the resources (it may take a few minutes until the build is complete):

oc get all | less

Retrieve the resources with the above command to confirm pod/fruit-stand and pod/postgresql are running.

oc get pods

Scroll down to the route section, copy the route hostname, and paste it into a new browser.

curl or HTTP

Task 10: Confirm you’re logged in to the inventory project:

oc project

Build the required directories:

mkdir -p logs/pod-fruit-stand logs/pod-postgres

List the logs:
ls -ls logs

clear your screen.

Retrieve the pods:

oc get pods

Sync /var/log from the running fruit-stand pod to the respective directory. Note: It will show an rsync error in CRC if rsync is not installed. The command will still work by falling back to tar:

oc rsync <FRUIT_STAND_POD>:/var/log/ logs/pod-fruit-stand/</FRUIT_STAND_POD>

clear your screen.

Retrieve the pods:

oc get pods

Sync /var/log from the running postgresql pod to the
respective directory. Note: It will show an rsync error in CRC if rsync is not installed. The command will still work by falling back to tar:
oc rsync <POSTGRESQL_POD>:/var/log/ logs/pod-postgres/
clear the screen.
Check the directories:
ls logs/*
Task 10: OpenShift Sandbox
Confirm you're in the <username>-stage project:
oc project
Build the required directories:
mkdir -p logs/pod-fruit-stand logs/pod-postgres
List the logs:
ls logs
Retrieve the pods:
oc get pods</username></POSTGRESQL_POD>

Sync /var/log from the running fruit-stand pod to the respective directory. Note: It will show an rsync error in OpenShift sandbox if rsync is not installed. The command will still work by falling back to tar:

oc rsync <FRUIT_STAND_POD>:/var/log/ logs/pod-fruit-stand/</FRUIT_STAND_POD>

Retrieve the logs:

ls logs/pod-fruit-stand/

clear your screen.

Retrieve the pods:
oc get pods

Sync /var/log from the running postgresql pod to the respective directory:

oc rsync <POSTGRESQL_POD>:/var/log/ logs/pod-postgres/</POSTGRESQL_POD>

Retrieve the logs:

ls logs/pod-postgres/

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