Review Exam OB/GYN Flashcards
A cloverleaf shaped cranium in a 2nd tri fetus is characteristic of
skeletal dysplasia
which genitourinary abnormality depends on fetal gender
posterior urethral valve and turners
which pelvic structure contains the uterine blood vessels and nerves
broad ligaments
when the vasular space between the placenta and myometrium is absent, the sonographer should suspect
placenta accreta
measurment of the biparietal diameter is taken at a level to include the
thalamic cerebri
the best measuring method for evaluating gestational age is the
crown rump length
bilateral symmetric pelvic masses are most likely
pelvic muscles
a localized hypoechoic adnexal mass is present on serial sonograms. physiological ovarian cysts of varying size are presen bilaterally. based on this clinical history, the adnexal mass is most supicious for a(an)
maintaining privacy of a patients medical and personal info is a primary concern of the
health insurance portability and accountability act
which of the following is not evaluated during a fetal bpp
fetal swallowing
an echogenic endometrium with posterior acoustic enhancement is present during which of the following phases
normal serum maternal alpha feto protein levels vary with
gestational age
a diamniotic/momochorionic multifetal pregnancy will demonstate
one placenta and two gestational sacs
symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction is most likely a result of
1st tri insult
which of the following structures shunts blood away from the fetal lungs
ductus arteriosus
which of the following abnormalities demonstrates an arteriovenous anastomosis
twin to twin transfusion syndrome
which rare benign ovarian neoplasm occurs most often in postmenopausal women
hydranencephaly is an abnormality of the
cerebral cortex
common sonographic finding associated with dandy walker syndrome include
enlarged posterior fossa and absence of the cerebellar vermis
a menarche patient presents with a history of dysmenorrhea and uterine tenderness during a physical exam. her last menstrual period was 2 weeks earlier. the uterine myometrium appears diffusely inhomogeneous on ultrasound. this is suspicious for
which phase of the endometrium demonstrates the thinnest diameter
late menstrual
normal embyonic herniation of the bowel permits development of the
abd organs
which classification of osteogenesis imperfecta is the most lethal
type 2
which leiomyoma location is most likely to cause heavy irregular uterine bleeding
the landmark used to localize the correct level for measuing abd circumference is
lt portal vein
which portion of the fetal heart lies closest to the anterior chest wall
rt ventricle
normal nuchal translucency does not exceed
which ob condition is an indication for immediate delivery
placental abruption
at what ges age are chorionic villus sampling procedures commonly performed
10 to 12 weeks
which structure would you evaluate if a patient presents with a hist of a gartner cyst
brightly echogenic bowel in the 2nd tri is most likely associated with which abnormality
tri 21
clinodactyly refers to what
the inward curvature of digits
in postmenopausal women, endometrial thickness is consistently benign when measuring
5mm or less
fluid within the endo cavity is
not included in the measurement
the cervix to corpus ratio of premenarche uterus
enlargement of the 3rd ventricle is a finding associated with
agenesis of the corpus callosum
which segment of the fallopian tube is potentially the most life threatening in a ruptured ectopic
if the fluid filled fetal stomach is not visualized on serial sonograms, the sonographer should suspect
esophageal atresia
the yolk sac is abnormal after the diameter exceeds
in relation to the ovaries, the external iliac vessels are located
ovulation usually occurs when the diameter of the dominant follicle measures
what adx pathology is associated with trophoblastic disease
theca lutein cysts
placenta previa is ruled out when the placental edge is located a minimym of what distance from the internal OS
dangling of the shoroid plexus is associated with
a defect of the fetal lymphatic system typically results in development of a(n)
cystic hygroma
in a menarche patient, a multi layered appearance is present during which endo phase
later proliferation phase
which vessel provides the best imaging landmark for locating the ovaries
internal iliac
which pelvic muscle is most frequently mistaken for an ovary
proliferation of the endo is a result of
the most common cause for postmenopausal bleeding is
benign hyperplasia
an extrauterine mass most commonly develops on which of the following structures
broad ligament
a mature physiological cyst is termed a
graafian follicle
the lavator ani muscles are at the level of the
which of the following is not a physiological in origin
nabothian cyst
encephaloceles are typically located in which region of the calvaria
what mimics anencephaly
the most common neural tube defect is
holoprosencephaly is most often associated wit
result of cranial defect
most likely demonstrates a normal maternal serum alpha fetoprotein level
normal maximum placental thickness in a 2nd tri pregnancy should not exceed
most likely associated with oligohydramnios
intrauterine growth restriction
the anatomical relationship between the ureter, ovary, and iliac vessels
the ureter and iliac vessels lie posterior to the ovary
fetal abnormality more commonly associated with diabetic patients
caudal regression
which hormone is responsible for inducing ovulation during a normal mestrual cycle
luteinizing hormone
a cystic hygroma is often associated with
chromosomal abnormality
nabothian cysts are located near the
which portion of the fetal brain demonstrates ventriculomegaly first
occipital horn of the lateral ventricle
which abnormality is associated with trophoblastic disease
theca lutein cysts
what is unique to the luteal phase
demonstration of the constant 14 day lifespan
a thin spetation within the endo is consistent with which uterine anomaly
septae uterus
thickness of the endo is dependent of
hormone levels
a chocolate cyst is a term used to describe
diffuse uterine enlargement demonstrating diffuse myometrial anechoic areas are sonographic findings consistent with
T.V., in sag plane. the urinary bladder should display on which portion of the screen
left upper
what lab value determines when the ovary is ready to ovulate
30yrs, normal menses, 10th day of cycle, the endo stripe is expected to demonstrate
a thick, hypoechoic functional layer and a hyperechoic basal layer
what is true for a post menepoausal patient not receiving hormone replacement therapy
decreases in estrogen can shorten the vagina
which portion of the uterus is indistinct in the nongravid stage
the suspensory ligament attaches the
ovary to the pelvic sidewall
an anechoic tubular adx mass posterior and lateral to the uterus in an asymptomatic patient is most likely the
fetuses with a diabetic mother have an increased risk of developing
cases of heterotopic pregnancy occur in approximately
what syndrome is associated with an extra set of chromosomes
visualization of the fractured fetal femur is most suspicious for
osteiogenesis imperfecta
a cystic teratoma is most commonly located
superior to the uterine fundus
2nd tri ultrasound eacms are best in determining fetal
what structure allows communication between the right and left atraia
foramen ovale
precocious puberty may indicate the possible presence of a mass of the
hypothalamus, gonads, or adrenal gland
a unilocular thin walled cystic structure is identified adjacent to a normal appearing ovary. This mass is most suspicious for
paraovarian cyst
the most common gynecological malignancy in the united states involves the
a bicornuate uterus is a congenital anomaly resulting from
incomplete fusion of the mullerian ducts
in ectopic pregnancy, serial human chorionic gonadotrpin levels are expected to
abnormally increase
ovulation typically occurs within how many hours of visualizing a cumulus oophorus
what endo phase demonstrates the greatest dimension
early secretory
fertilization of the ovum occurs in the
distal fallopian tube
which structure is responsible for the secretion of the follicle stimulating hormone
pituitary gland
the normal endo of a post menopausal patient not receiving hormone replacement therapy is expected to appear
thin and echogenic
cystic structures located within the choroid plexus
normally regress by 23 weeks gestation
which biometric parameter is most widely used to determine gestational age in the early second trimester
biparietal diameter
which neoplasm is most likely associated with meigs syndrome
the endo may demonstrate posterior acoustic enhancement in which of the following endometrial phases
which portion of the primitive brain displays as a prominent cystic structure
the maternal side of the developing placenta is termed decidua
the purpose of the cephalic index is to determine
normalcy of the head shape
normal fetal lung development is dependent on the
exchange of the amniotic fluid within the lungs
which term refers to midcycle or ovulatory pain
duodenal atresia is associated with which tri syndrome
a rapid increase in serial human chorionic gonadotropin levels in associated with
trophoblastic disease
which pelvic mass is commonly displayed in a normal first tri pregnancy
corpus luteal cyst
what is caused by the presence of one defective gene
autosomal dominant
a lemon shpated cranium is more commonly associated with
visualization of the distal femoral epiphysis documents a fetus with an approximate gestational age of
32 weeks
a fixed, small, hyperechoic focus within the left ventricle is most likely the
papillary muscle
the normal diameter of the lateral ventrical atria should not exceed
10 mm
the apex of the fetal heart is normally positioned toward the
left side of the body at 45 degrees