review exam #1 Flashcards
American Dental association
-can recommend but not regulate infection control standards
Organization for Safety and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control
-can recommend but not regulate
-tracks data
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
-mandates protocol to minimize exposure to keep employees safe
-receives recommendations to make laws
-explains what to do in the event of exposure
Food and Drug Administration
-regulate equipment and labels on chemicals
Environmental Protection Agency
-endless list of all chemicals
-chemicals must be registered in order to ensure microorganisms are killed
-has a registration number
Components of an infection control prgram
-must be called an “exposure plan”
-Plan must be written
-must be reviewed with staff annually or when updated
-must be accessible (easy to find)
Exposure Plan Components
- Exposure determination (categories)
- Schedule for implementation
- Evaluation of exposure plan (up to date)
OSHA bloodborne pathogen standard
-Treat blood and all other body fluids as potentially dangerous material with all patients
-body substance isolation
-based on asymptomatic carriers
Standard Precautions
infection control procedure to prevent the spread of disease
-combine concept of universal precautions (the need to treat blood and other body fluid from all patients as potentially infectious) with body isolation.
Asymptomatic carriers
the ability of a microorganism to cause disease (Degree of pathogenicity)
Stages of Infectious Disease
Stage 1.
Incubation stage
period from the initial entrance of the infectious agent into the body to the time when the first symptoms of the disease appear.
-disease agent is surviving or multiplying and producing harmful products that ultimately damage the body
-ranges from a few hours to a few years
-Disease producing potential
-# of microorganisms
-body’s resistance
symptoms of incubation stage
fever, swelling, skin discoloration, ulceration, pain, bleeding, watery eyes, and runny nose
Stages of Infectious Disease
Stage 2.
Prodromal Stage
“Running before stage” , involves the appearance of early symptoms
-first symptoms called “malaise” - not feeling good
Symptoms of Prodromal Stage
slight fever, headache, upset stomach
Stages of Infectious Disease
Stage 3
Acute Stage
Symptoms are maximal, person is obviously ill.
-not likely to enter office unless emergency
Stages of Infectious Disease
Stage 4
Convalescent Stage
Recovery Phase
-microorganism numbers decline
-declining symptoms may not be recognizable to others
-symptoms may occur over a long period of time or intermittently
Modes of Disease Transmation
-droplet infection
-airborne infection
Direct Contact
touching soft tissue or teeth in patients mouth results in direct contact with microorganisms with immediate spread from the source.
-opportunity to penetrate the body through small breaks or cuts on ungloved hands
Indirect Contact
injuries with contaminated sharps (needle sticks) and contact with contaminated instruments, equipment, surfaces and hands. (Formites)
Droplet Infection
Large particle oof droplet spatter by close contact
Airborne Infection
Small particles (droplet nuclei or aerosol particles)
-can remain airborne for hours and can be inhaled
Routes of entry
-surface of skin through small cuts or abrasions
-injuries with contaminated sharp items
-spatter or aerosol through mucous membrane, eye, nose, mouth or are inhaled
Infectious Agent
virus, fungi, bacterium, protozoan
Saliva, feces, blood, water, environment, animals, insects
-stay healthy, sterilization, disinfection, water asepsis
Portal of Exit
Secretions, excretions, droplets, aerosols
-hand hygiene, barriers, minimize spatter, waste containment
Mode oof Spread
direct contact droplets, indirect contact airborne
-hand hygiene, surface barriers, gloves, masks, aseptic techniques, sterilization, disinfection, clothing and eye wear
Portal of Entry
Inhalation, ingestion, mucous membranes, broken skin
-gloves, eyewear, clothing, masks, aseptic techniques,
Susceptible Host
person at risk
-Immunizations, mange underlying diseases
Factors that influence the development of disease
- virulence
- dose
- resistance
Factors that alter normal defense
- abnormal physical conditions
- systemic diseases
- drug therapies
- prosthetic implants