Review Engagements (SSARS) M4 Flashcards
What does a Review Report state?
- “I am not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements.” (negative or limited assurance)
- A review “includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management.”
- A review “is substantially less in scope than an audit in accordance with GAAS, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion.
What should be flagged on each page of the f/s in a review engagement?
Each page should be marked “See Independent Accountant’s Review Report”.
How should the practitioner handle a material departure from GAAP during the review of financial statements?
- The accountant should recommend that the financial statements be revised to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
- If the financial statements are not revised, then the accountant might consider modifying the report,
or, if modification is inadequate, withdrawing from the engagement.
How should the practitioner handle a scope limitation during the review of financial statements?
Accountants must be able to perform whatever procedures they deem necessary, and if those procedures are not accomplished, the review is incomplete. A review that is incomplete will prevent the issuance of a review report.
\What procedures are performed for a review?
Only available for non-issuers
- No audit procedures are done.
- A review engagement is based on inquiry and analytical procedures.
- Inquiring about related party transactions.
- Required to obtain a client representation letter from the owner, manager, or chief executive officer, and, if appropriate, the chief financial officer.
- When performing a review, inquiries should be made with members of management that have direct financial and accounting responsibilities. For example,
the inquiries would include: the accounting principles/practices used by the entity and the
method of applying them; any unusual or complex situations that may affect the financial
statements; material subsequent events; and, significant journal entries or adjustments.