Review 7-8 Flashcards
Ideal temperature for fermentation?
75-95 f
What does kneading do to a yeast bread?
Develops gluten evenly throughout the dough.
Storing of bread in fridge will speed up staling(slow down)
Yes, very quickly, within a couple of days.
Stages in bread production?
Scaling ingredients, mixing, bulk fermentation, punching c02, scaling or portioning dough, rounding, benching, makeup and panning, proofing, baking, cooling, storing.
Enemies of yeast are?
Salt (direct contact) and heat (will kill yeast)
salt last
Why are there 2 types of flour in Danish dough?
Bread and pastry flour ensure the texture is firm/developed but yet not chewy.
Higher protein makes it firmer(bread flour)
What is oven spring?
The initial rising of the bread once you put it in the oven.
3 leavening agents in Danish dough are?
What is proofing?
Continuation of fermentation (warm,moisture,heat,steam)
Yeast w/ moisture, sugar & starches of flour starts off the fermentation process which releases what form of gas?
C02 carbon dioxide
Strength ratio of dry to fresh yeast is?
1:3 1 part dry to 3 parts fresh
High sugar & fat content in a yeast dough will?
Will slow down the fermentation process hence sponge dough method is used.
What is a lean dough?
Low amounts of fat & sugar
What is a rich dough?
High amounts of fat, sugar, & eggs
Baking w/ steam provides what?
Provides a good crust formation & assists w/ browning
What type of dough method is used to prepare Danish
Sponge dough
What is the purpose of salt in bread making?
Controls proofing & flavour
Keeps bread in shape
How many folds for Danish dough?
4/3 folds 4 sets of 3 single folds
Regular yeast bread uses what type of dough method?
Straight dough/lean dough
Method of soft dinner rolls
- Add Luke warm water and yeast. Add the rest of the ingredients and salt last.
- Mix the dough on 2nd speed for 6 min. W/ a dough hook
- Transfer dough on slightly floured table and knead dough then cover it
- Let dough ferment for 30-45 mins. Until doubled in size
- Punch down c02
- Divide the dough into portions and round it.
- Shape as desired & arrange on parchment paper
- Brush proofed rolls w/ water wash & place poppy/sesame seeds. Bake 400 approx. 15-18 mins
What is the straight dough method? (Focaccia)
All Ingredients are mixed to full development
Dough is covered/time to ferment
Punch down to release c02
Scale dough
Round to develop smooth surface
Benching to allow gluten to relax
Make up/moulding
Shape into rolls or loaves
Double in size
Egg wash