Review 4 Audition II Psychoacoustics Flashcards
Temporal processing includes
Temporal resolution for following the quick change of signal with time, and temporal integration for using information accumulated over a time period to improve hearing
The temporal resolution can be tested in following tests except:
Simultaneous masking
How the bandwidth of the gap marker impacts the gap threshold?
Wider the bandwidth, lower the threshold
How does hearing loss impact the gap detection threshold?
A. flat hearing loss may not change the gap detection threshold
B. High-frequency hearing loss elevates the threshold of gap detection with broadband markers
In the cross-channel gap detection test, the two gap markers are___, and the performance is generally _____the within channel test.
In different frequency region, worse than
Temporal process is important in which aspect(s) of signal processing?
A. Frequency discrimination
B. Speech perception
C. Signal detection in noise
D. Enjoy the timbre of different instruments
E. Sound source localization
Which time frame is generally okay for estimating the temporal resolution of the auditory system?
A. 50 ms
B. 16.6 ms
C. 10 ms
D. 2-6 ms
2-6 ms
Which parameter is placed coded in IC in addition to frequency?
A. The direction of frequency modulation
B. The best modulation frequency
C. The gap detection threshold
D. the time difference between ears
B. The best modulation frequency
The masked threshold of a pure tone is_______ with the frequency of the tone when the masker is white noise.
White noise has even density. The intensity of the noise in CB is the effective masker, which is the production of BW of CB and density. Since the density is unchanged, and the BW of CB is increased with frequency, therefore the intensity of the noise (the masker) in the CB increases with the frequency. Put together, the effective masker level increases with the frequency due to increasing BW of CB.
Please define critical band using your own words.
band of audio frequencies within which a second tone will interfere with the perception of the first tone by auditory masking.
What is co-modulation masking release?
improvement in the detection threshold of a masked signal that occurs when the masker envelopes are correlated across frequency
What is masking overshoot?
The phenomenon where signal detectability improves for a short-duration signal as the onset of that signal is delayed relative to the onset of a longer-duration masker.
What is informational masking? How is it different from energetic masking?
Degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded in a context of other similar sounds at a higher auditory level; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker in the cochlea.
What are the similarities and differences between informational masking and central masking?
Occur at a higher level
Informational masking threshold 30 dB
Central Masking 15 dB
What are the major mechanisms of hearing signals in noise?
Binaural Processing
Inhibition to spatial filtering
Mechanisms of Higher TR
Low-SR ANF and (cochlear) efferent control
Interaction between ascending and descending
Comparison on Fre discrimination tested with FM and pulsed signals.
FM result is better at high frequency region but worse at low frequency than the result of the pulsed signals
The best frequency discrimination threshold in the low-frequency region is about:
10 Hz
How does the frequency discrimination threshold change with signal intensity?
How can we measure CB?
By observing threshold change with the signal bandwidth
By observing the changes of masked threshold with the bandwidth of the masker
By measuring the change of loudness with the change of signal bandwidth
By measuring the change of the threshold of acoustic reflex with signal bandwidth.
About critical band (CB):
How many CBs are there across the whole frequency range of human hearing up to 16 k?
How many just detectable steps are there in frequency discrimination in each CB?
How long distance is covered by each CB across BM?
How many mels are covered by each CB?
24 CB
25 steps in each CB
CB = 1.3mm
100 mels = 1 bark = 1.3mm
How does intensity impact pitch with increasing sound level?
Low frequency sound produce lower pitch and high-frequency sound produces higher pitch, no change with middle frequency sound
To produce a clear tonal sensation, the tone burst must be at least :
3-4 ms or 6 cycles
Perception of missing fundamentals is largely due to:
Neurons synchrony to the periodicity of vibration at the region excited by the high harmonics.
Examples that cannot be explained by periodicity theory for missing fundamentals:
Missing F0 can be heard by a sequential presentation of three harmonics (each 40 ms, interval 10 ms) in noise, but the pitches of each harmonic in quiet
Pitch can be established by presenting different harmonics dichotically, non-harmonic sounds can still produce pitch
What factors pitch perception?
Onset time
Harmonic partials
Number of harmonics
Modulation and co-modulation
Dichotic presentation
Timbre are mainly determined by
Dynamics characteristics
Integrity of hearing system
Binaural benefits
Increased loudness
Improved discrimination
Improved identification
Improved perception in noise
Improved sound localization
How playing speed impacts the sensation of mixed high and low-frequency tones?
Playing in low speed makes them into one stream
Co-modulation masking release disappears when
Signal band and flanking band shows different onset time
Sound localization task is first divided into
Azimuth and vertical plans
The cues for localization in azimuth include
The cues for sound localization in vertical plan includes
About ITD, which statement below is the best
Determined by head size, change with frequency, the direction of the sound source, and related with IPD
About ITD and ILD, which statement below is incorrect?
A, The relative importance of those cues changes with species
B. The relative importance of those cues changes with signal frequency
C. They are determined by different factors
D. They contribute equally to the sound localization in azimuth.
They contribute equally to the sound localization in azimuth
The shadow effect is
Important for the sound localization in azimuth for the high frequency
To breakdown the front-back confusion, which cue(s) must be used
About ITD and IPD, which statement below is incorrect?
A. They are equal
B. IPD is resulted from ITD but also impacted by signal frequency
C. IPD is more important for localization of continuous sound
D. ITD is more important for the onset and offset.
They are equal
When using earphones for a sound localization test, how to set up the sound source from 45 degrees in azimuth using ILD?
Make ILD = 9 dB
The minimal time difference between both ears that can be detected by humans is
10 us
The largest masking level difference is produced by