Review Flashcards
What pharmacies must be under continual supervisions?
Class A or B
Class C >100 beds
Class D
Class E
How are scheduled drugs scheduled?
Potential for abuse
Level of dependence
Risk to the public
Define Narcotic
Derivatives of opium
DEA registration CANNOT
be sold, transferred or assigned
Security requirements?
Limit access during the work day, adequate security after working hours, alarm, self closing and locking doors, key locks
Cage with 10 gauge steel (1 in diameter, set in concrete, nor more than 10 feet apart with horizontal 1.5 every 60 inches)
Secure storage area
Selling of controlled substances not to patients limitation?
Less than 5% of total dosage units distributed and dispensed in 1 year
Pharmacy Requirements for handling of controlled substances?
Licenses Pay fee and submit application No violations Signature granting consent Each business has its own Certificate readily retrievable at all times
Registration Exemptions
Individual pharmacist employees Warehouse employees User Law enforcement official Relief organizations
DEA 222 form is for
ordering of schedule IIs
Copy one goes to
Copy Two
Copy Three
What counts as a line on the 222 form?
Each new drug and each new strength
Common 222 errors
Ordering non-CIIs
Ordering more than 10 items
CSOS Ordering Services
Enroll with DEA and receive CSOS number (serves as the pharmacist’s signature on the order form)
Acqusition record for CIII/IV/V
Invoices or packing slips from wholesaler
DEA 106 Form
For theft or lost of controlled substances
Sent to DEA DPS TSBP and one kept for records