review 2 Flashcards


Last judgment 1534-41

Artist: __________
Location: ________of Sistine Chapel, _______, Rome
Medium: _____

  • Last judgement is an old subject in Art history from the _____ Testament from the book of _____.The location of this piece is the _________ of the Sistine Chapel, where the pope led mass and this is still the room where College of _______ selects the next pope. This image would be included in this space to serve as a reminder to the Christians about what may happen, and serve as a reminder for them to holy and not be ______ by sin.

Artist: Michelangelo
Location: Rear wall of Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome
Medium: Fresco
- Last judgement is an old subject in Art history from the New Testament from the book of Revelation. The location of this piece is the high altar of the Sistine Chapel, where the pope led mass and this is still the room where College of Cardinals selects the next pope. This image would be included in this space to serve as a reminder to the Christians about what may happen, and serve as a reminder for them to holy and not be tempted by sin.

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The school of Athens 1509-11
Artist: ___________
Location: Stanza ____ _______, Vatican, Rome
Medium: ______
-The fresco is located in the pope _________ personal library, so when the pope is looking at the painting, the knowledge of all fields is emphasized and celebrated. The reason why the pope want to celebrate all kinds of knowledge may be that he is also interested in ________.

-______ was influenced by _______ ceiling in the Sistine chapel. As they both work at the sistine chapel at the same time, they must seen each other’s work because the two locations were very near. In addition, the portrait of Raphael and Da Vinci are included to emphasize that the artist is not merely an artist that doesn’t ger acknowledged in the painting.


Artist: Raphael
Location: Stanza delle Segnatura, Vatican, Rome
Medium: fresco

  • The fresco is located in the pope Julius II’s (commissioner) personal library, so when the pope is looking at the painting, the knowledge of all fields is emphasized and celebrated. The reason why the pope want to celebrate all kinds of knowledge may be that he is also interested in encyclopedia.
  • Raphael was influenced by Michelangelo’s ceiling in the Sistine chapel. As they both work at the sistine chapel at the same time, they must seen each other’s work because the two locations were very near. One can notice in both pieces, the musicality are emphasized. In addition, the portrait of Raphael and Da Vinci are included to emphasize that the artist is not merely an artist that doesn’t ger acknowledged in the painting.
  • The topic of ceiling in the Sistine chapel is all the knowledge from the old testament
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Portrait of Julius II 1511-12
Artist: ________
Location: NKOL
Medium: Oil painting

  • commissioned many important Renaissance works including the Raphel. ______ pursue for art. His expenditure were thought to be corrupt, extreme by the _______. Created large expansion in the _____ and _____ field for the church. Wanted to expand the church to be more then just _____.
  • Acorns on his chair, symbolize his family name, ____ ______, this gives reference to his family, links him beyond the church

Artist: Raphael
Location: NKOL
Medium: Oil painting

  • Julus II commissioned many important Renaissance works including the Raphel. Luxurious pursue for art. His expenditure were thought to be corrupt, extreme by the protestant. Created large expansion in the scholarly and artistic field for the church. Wanted to expand the church to be more then just theology.
  • The warrior pope, he lead soldier and he united the religion with economic and politic. He looks like a king though as a spiritual leader. The jewels he had on his finger alludes his earthly power, the holy figures are those which wear the jewels.
  • Acorns on his chair, symbolize his family name, Della Rovere, this gives reference to his family, links him beyond the church
  • His position on a throne, is reminiscent of his high status, however he shown alert, not stoic, is an active pope rather than a member of royalty who would otherwise sit still
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An Allegory with Venus and Cupid 1545
Artist: ____
Medium: ______

  • a gift from _______(Duke of _____) to the king of _____, This was a ____ gift, important for them to keep France as an ally
  • This piece presents ______ in various forms, there is Cupid and Venus, in an ______ act, there is the person thought to symbolize _____, a sexually transmitted disease, then there is the little girl presenting an apple (temptation) but she is actually a snake. Also father time is there to represent the passing of life. All of these things were presented together because they represented ____ and _____ the values of the church.
  • This painting is in the style of _____, it went away from the _____ influence of that inspired people to be accurate, rather it aimed to create an idealized form that could be considered ______ ___.

Artist: Bronzino
Medium: Oil painting

  • critique of the sins of Luxury: an ambiguity
  • a gift from Cosimo di Medici(Duke of Florence) to the king of France, This was a political gift, important for them to keep France as an ally
  • This piece presents sin in various forms, there is Cupid and Venus, in an incestuous act, there is the person thought to symbolize syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease, then there is the little girl presenting an apple (temptation) but she is actually a snake. Also father time is there to represent the passing of life. All of these things were presented together because they represented Cristian fears and reinstate the values of the church.
  • This painting is in the style of Mannerism, it went away from the classical influence of that inspired people to be accurate, rather it aimed to create an idealized form that could be considered unnaturally elegant.
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Self-Portrait with Virgin and Child
Artist: Sofoni___ Anguiss___
Medium: ____ painting

  • She learned indirectly through ______. She had sent a artwork to Michelangelo and had been in correspondence with him. She was influenced by his work.
  • She is openly defense. Majority of self-portrait are done by male. By painting the virgin Mary, she is suggesting she is ______: she is doing the woman work even he is in a male world.
  • she is in a noble family, that makes easier for her to work with great artists. Her works serves as the highest level. Her _______ gave her privilege to become an artist and the connections to get her a job in the court.

Artist: Sofonisba Anguissola
Medium: Oil painting

  • Women are not usually artist at that time, especially when there were no artist in her family.
  • She learned indirectly through Michelangelo. She had sent a artwork to Michelangelo and had been in correspondence with him. She was influenced by his work.
  • She is openly defense. Majority of self-portrait are done by male. By painting the virgin Mary, she is suggesting she is virtue: she is doing the woman work even he is in a male world.
  • she is in a noble family, that makes easier for her to work with great artists. Her works serves as the highest level. Her noble status gave her privilege to become an artist and the connections to get her a job in the court.
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Venus of Urbino 
Artist: \_\_\_\_
Medium: \_\_\_ painting
- commissioned by Gui\_\_\_ Bal\_\_ II, the son of the duke of \_\_\_\_\_. Either for his wedding or to his parents as an anniversary gift. Other also suggests this is a gift from husband to wife since a strong sense of sensuality. Painting represents the allegory of marriage.  
  • the background of the image is the _____ (where her goods are keep), suggesting her _____ class, a sign of marriage. It would have been carried next to her during the wedding procession and may have held part of her dowry in it. The ______ not only had a function, to hold valuables, but it also was an important part of a marriage

Artist: Titian
Medium: Oil painting

  • commissioned by Guido Baldo II, the son of the duke of Urbino. Either for his wedding or to his parents as an anniversary gift. Other also suggests this is a gift from husband to wife since a strong sense of sensuality. Painting represents the allegory of marriage.
  • even it’s called as Venus but she is not the real venus
  • the background of the image is the cassone (where her goods are keep), suggesting her economic class, a sign of marriage. It would have been carried next to her during the wedding procession and may have held part of her dowry in it. The cassone not only had a function, to hold valuables, but it also was an important part of a marriage
  • typical of venetian art, achieve golden coloration, a distinctive difference with the southern renaissance painting
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Burial of count orgaz 
Artist: El \_\_\_\_
Location: Santo \_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_
- at a time of counter reformation, emphasis the saints do have important role in connecting the physical and spiritual world(intercessors): \_\_\_\_\_ of the importance of the saints. 
  • It was ______ for elite men to come to the burial of other nobles in Spain at this time. But the painting include the nobel man in the late sixteenth century. The contract of the painting in 1586 suggests the portraits must to be included to suggest that they _____ the miracle. As a result, he included people he know into the painting as a sign of ___.
  • if you have a great picture of a ______, this is way of saying we want you to contribute to the church as well. Reassertion of giving to the church to find _____.
  • mixed royalty, he received the commission from the nobel and the church, showing a class conflict.

Artist: El Greco
Location: Santo Tome, Toledo

  • The line form by the head serve as a barrier that divided the normal people with the saint
  • at a time of counter reformation, emphasis the saints do have important role in connecting the physical and spiritual world(intercessors): reassertion of the importance of the saints.
  • It was customary for elite men to come to the burial of other nobles in Spain at this time. But the painting include the nobel man in the late sixteenth century. The contract of the painting in 1586 suggests the portraits must to be included to suggest that they witnessed the miracle. As a result, he included people he know into the painting as a sign of respect.
  • if you have a great picture of a benefactor, this is way of saying we want you to contribute to the church as well. Reassertion of giving to the church to find salvation.
  • mixed royalty, he received commission from the nobel and the church, showing a class conflict.
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Cassone of Conquest of Trebizond 
Artist: \_\_\_\_\_ and di \_\_\_\_\_ 
Medium: \_\_\_\_, \_\_\_ and \_\_\_ on wood 
-A marriage case, and \_\_\_\_\_\_ family is the commissioner it is a gift to their daughter when she get married, the cassone is display right next to the bride when she is on the street, so it is designed to show off the wealth of the family. Since the expectation of the bride is to carry children, so the painting include the pomegranate, which symbolize female fertility. In addition, it is commonly belief that for a bride, you can have beautiful children when you look at beautiful images. 

-It is now believed that the artists deliberately conflated two historical events within the one scene: the fall of _____ in ______ and a battle which took place in 1402, when the Ottomans were defeated at the hands of the famous Mongol Emperor _____ I. By conflating these two events in this manner, the artists visualized the idea that the Ottomans were not invincible and although they had brought about the fall of the Byzantine Empire, they could be defeated once again. The panel therefore reinforced the belief that the Ottomans were no match for the might of the armies of mainland Europe. The Italian is threatened by the Ottoman empire.


Artist: Giamberti and di Tomaso
Medium: Tempera, gold and silver on wood

  • A marriage case, and Strozzi family is the commissioner it is a gift to their daughter when she get married, the cassone is display right next to the bride when she is on the street, so it is designed to show off the wealth of the family. Since the expectation of the bride is to carry children, so the painting include the pomegranate, which symbolize female fertility. In addition, it is commonly belief that for a bride, you can have beautiful children when you look at beautiful images.
  • It is now believed that the artists deliberately conflated two historical events within the one scene: the fall of Trebizond in 1461 and a battle which took place in 1402, when the Ottomans were defeated at the hands of the famous Mongol Emperor Bayezid I. By conflating these two events in this manner, the artists visualized the idea that the Ottomans were not invincible and although they had brought about the fall of the Byzantine Empire, they could be defeated once again. The panel therefore reinforced the belief that the Ottomans were no match for the might of the armies of mainland Europe. The Italian is threatened by the Ottoman empire.
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Annunciation Triptych
Artist: Master of ___ or ______
Medium: ____ on wood panel

-out of time, positioning at everyday environment. Relates to the story more, connecting to god.


Artist: Master of Flemalle or Robert Campin
Medium: Oil on wood panel

  • out of time, positioning at everyday environment. Relates to the story more, connecting to god.
  • Brunelleschi just invent perspective in 1420, the idea didn’t transfer to North yet. multiple perspectives, the figures are too large for the room.
  • hidden symbolism
  • italian renaissance: rational space, perspective. Northern renaissance: details. Oil paint enables them to create texture.
  • translate from german to english, means, patron are wealthy, their wealth is being used instead to honor christian religion.
  • no matter in church or in home,
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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Artist: _____
Medium: ______

  • Durer raises the everyday popular to _____, by his own techniques and the context of the artwork, right around the time of high renaissance. Influenced by ______. The way the horse is massively articulated. The details are borrowed by the _______, focus the body of both animal and human. So influential was Durer’s graphic output, that his prints become popular models for succeeding generation of painters.
  • Durer is a protestant. Selling of indulgence, inconsistency in doctrine(priest were not educated, need church or need of faith, corruption. Anti-______.

Artist: Durer
Medium: Woodcut

  • Durer raises the everyday popular to fine art, by his own techniques and the context of the artwork, right around the time of high renaissance. Influenced by Michelangelo, travel to south, brought discovery to the North. The way the horse is massively articulated. The details are borrowed by the south, focus the body of both animal and human. So influential was Durer’s graphic output, that his prints become popular models for succeeding generation of painters.
  • Durer is a protestant. Selling of indulgence, inconsistency in doctrine(priest were not educated, need church or need of faith, corruption. Anti-catholicism
  • prints are done in multiple copies, there is a potential of develop critique of the church. Parallel with the personal relationship
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Arnolfini Wedding
____ van ___
____ on wood panel

  • Commemorates the marriage of _____ and ____ Cenami. It is thought to be of them on ____ day, the day that he would bring the wedding ring to Giovanna at her house. The painting shows them holding hands with one of his hands raised. He may be reciting his vowels to her and this painting acts as documentation of the marriage. The artist includes his signature with the statement “Jan Van Eyck was here”, this is thought to be a part of documentation, the artist provides his signature as one of the witnesses to the marriage.
  • commissioned by the bride’s father,
    ____ was a wealthy Italian merchant, while his wife was of the noble class. This painting shows their combined _____ and status. This is done through the fine clothes that they are shown in. The oranges on the window sile also suggest wealth, as oranges were a luxury good that was rare to get.

Jan van Eyck
Oil on wood panel

  • Commemorates the marriage of Giovanni and Giovanna Cenami. It is thought to be of them on ring day, the day that he would bring the wedding ring to Giovanna at her house. The painting shows them holding hands with one of his hands raised. He may be reciting his vowels to her and this painting acts as documentation of the marriage. The artist includes his signature with the statement “Jan Van Eyck was here”, this is thought to be a part of documentation, the artist provides his signature as one of the witnesses to the marriage.
  • commissioned by the bride’s father,
    Giovanni was a wealthy Italian merchant, while his wife was of the noble class. This painting shows their combined wealth and status. This is done through the fine clothes that they are shown in. The oranges on the window side also suggest wealth, as oranges were a luxury good that was rare to get.
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Las Meninas
_____ on canvas

  • Shows the royal princess of _______,_________, she is surrounded by an entourage of maids, _______, a dog, and two dwarfs for entertainment. The scene also shows the princess’s parents: Philip IV in the reflection of the mirror. It is interesting the _______ focuses on the princess and his own self portrait over that of the royal couple. This reinstated the _____ mindset of the artist, where they were no longer just a worker, they were now considering themselves a valuable part of society.
  • This painting uses new technique to create the scene. Rather than having a typically posed subject. Velazquez uses a __________ to show himself making a painting of what would presumably be the viewer. The princess is also not shown as the only person in the portrait, rather her entire _______ is also featured

Oil on canvas

  • Shows the royal princess of Spain, Margaret Theresa, she is surrounded by an entourage of maids, chaperones, a dog, and two dwarfs for entertainment. The scene also shows the princess’s parents in the reflection of the mirror. It is interesting the Velazquez focuses on the princess and his own self portrait over that of the royal couple. This reinstated the new mindset of the artist, where they were no longer just a worker, they were now considering themselves a valuable part of society.
  • This painting uses new technique to create the scene. Rather than having a typically posed subject. Velazquez uses a confusing perspective to show himself making a painting of what would presumably be the viewer. The princess is also not shown as the only person in the portrait, rather her entire entourage is also featured
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Lotto Carpet

  • Type of carpet that was imported to Europe from the Middle East, particularly Turkey. The yellow upon a red ground, became popular in the Western aristocracy. Was famous for its use of red/gold and intricate pattern. They were a Middle Eastern import.
  • Once they started getting popular artists, particularly Lotto, began including them in their paintings, not only were they visually interesting, but they showed off the wealth and worldliness of the subject/patron
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The Last Supper
Location: Santa \_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_, Milan
Medium: \_\_\_\_

The Last Supper
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Location: Santa maria delle Gracie, Milan
Medium: Fresco

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Mona Lisa
Artist: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Location: NKOL 
Medium: \_\_\_\_\_\_

Mona Lisa
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Location: NKOL
Medium: Oil

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  • The Last Judgment was one of the first artworks _________commissioned upon his election to the papacy in _____. ______ sought to address not only the many abuses that had sparked the _________, but also to affirm the ______ of the Catholic Church and the _______ of its doctrines.
  • The Last Judgment was one of the first artworks Paul III commissioned upon his election to the papacy in 1534. Paul sought to address not only the many abuses that had sparked the Protestant Reformation, but also tio affirm the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and the orthodoxy of its doctrines. The Catholic church was having a big conflict with the break away of the Protestants and it was important for them to reinforce their power and their legitimacy. This painting reinstated the cult of saints, by featuring them in the scene with christ. The protestants were against saints. Reminded viewers that saints were an important and valid part of Christianity.