Review Flashcards
What is state sovereignty?
What is international anarchy?
What is state-centrism in IR theorizing?
What are the three levels of analysis in IR?
What is materialism?
What are the limitations of materialism?
What is behaviorism?
What are the limitations of behaviorism?
What is the social construction of world politics?
What is the nuclear proliferation debate?
What is nuclear deterrence?
Continuing the behaviour of another state by making threats if they were to change their behaviour
What is nuclear compellence?
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What is soft power?
What is soft/institutional balancing?
What is a balance of power system?
What is collective security?
What are security communities?
What are interest-based explanations?
What are norm-based explanations
What is the logic of consequences?
What is the logic of appropriateness?
What are psychological theories?
What are the limits pf the rational-choice approach?
What is a norm’s life cycle?
What is the boomerang model?
What are human rights?
What is humanitarian intervention?
What are ideological conflicts on world politics?
What are civilizational conflicts in world politics?
What is bargaining?
What is cooperation?
What are absolute gains?
What are relative gains?
How can game theory be used as an analytical tool?
What are coordination games/problems?
What are collaboration games/problems?
What is a dominant strategy?
What is a dominated strategy?
What is a nash equilibrium?
What is pareto optimality?
What is an expected outcome?
What are international institutions?
What are the three main causes of war?
incomplete information, commitment problems, indivisibility
What is the problem of incomplete information?
What are commitment problems?
What is the problem of indivisibility?
What are strategies that mitigate bargaining problems that may lead to war?
What is the democratic peace theory?
What is democratic segregation and a league of democracies?
Is major war obsolete?
What are civil wars?
What is terrorism?
What is the security dilemma?
What is balance of power theory?
How do alliances form?
What are balancing mechanisms?
What is bandwagoning in the international system?
What is the relationship between polarity and instability?
What is Gilpin’s theory of systemic change and hegemonic war?
What is critical strategic theory?
What were the domestic regime changes and systemic changes at the end of the Cold War?
What is socialization?
What is the US-led international liberal order?
What are the sources of stability under unipolarity?
What are the sources of instability under unipolarity?
Is China a revisionist rising power?
What is the role of hegemonic war as a mechanism of systemic change?
How is the US declining and China rising?