Review Flashcards
What does Philosophy stand for?
Love of Wisdom
What is philosophy?
A search for the truth and about the world and our place in it.
What is the study of ultimate reality?
-Is there a God?
-What is a person?
What is the study of knowledge?
- What is the truth?
-What is knowledge?
What is the study of value?
- What makes a person good or bad?
-Are there universal human rights?
What is the study of correct reasoning?
- What kind of arguments are there?
-What is an argument?
Arises from the beliefs that we change in many
ways throughout our lives and that these changes happen to the same person. But,
if we change we’re different. So how is it possible for a person to change yet still
remain the same?
Problem of Personal Identity
Every event has a cause and that humans have free will. Yet,
if every event is caused by some prior event, how can anything we do be up to us?
Problem of Free Will
The world was created by an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all good being, (God) and that there is evil in this world. If God doesn’t want evil to
exist and God is all powerful, God can prevent evil from existing. So how can
there be evil in a world created by such a being?
Problem of Evil
Certain actions are objectively right or wrong and
that all moral judgments are relative. If all moral judgements are relative, then no actions are objectively right or wrong, how is moral disagreement possible? If
believing something to be right makes it right, how can anyone legitimately claim what another did was wrong?
Problem of Moral Relativism
Knowledge requires certainty and that we have knowledge
of the external world. Our knowledge of the external world is based on our sense
experience, but our senses can sometimes deceive us. Given that we can’t be certain what we learned through our senses, how can we have knowledge of the
external world?
Problem of Skepticism
How do philosophical problems arise?
because some of our fundamental beliefs seem to
conflict with one another
Necessary Condition
-If something X is a necessary condition for something Y, then it’s impossible to have Y without X
a requirement it’s a condition that must be met in order
for something to occur or exist
sufficient condition
meets all the requirements
Fallacious Argument
one that either is deductively invalid or is inductively very weak or contains an unjustified premise or that ignores relevant evidence that is available and that should be known by the arguer.
Inductive Argument
an assertion that uses specific premises or observations to make a broader generalization.