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Group Process
- Expressing how they feel about the experience, the leader, and each other
- Not the content
- Does not include past or recent history of members
- Concerns the interpersonal relationships of participants
Group Dynamics
Forces that influence the interrelationships of members and ultimately affect group outcome
Tuckman’s stages of group development:
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjourning
Forming (Tuckman’s stages of group development)
- Orientation, Testing, Guidance
- Members are positive and polite; some can be anxious as they may not understand the role of the group and perhaps their role in the group; some may be excited about the task. Leader you play a dominant role, while the member’s roles and responsibilities are less clear.
Storming (Tuckman’s stages of group development)
- Conflict amongst members
- Members are jockeying for positions and role clarifications; definition of work is established; members may be overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the task or approach; members may question or resist; the stage when many groups fail due to a sense of being on a roller coaster as there are no relationships established among members. A leader should maintain authority and establish structure and direction.
Norming (Tuckman’s stages of group development)
Harmony, acceptance, trust
Hierarchy is established; members develop respect for the leader, while other members demonstrate leadership in specific areas; socialization begins; members ask for help from each other and provide constructive criticism; a stronger commitment to the goal develops; progress is observed.
Performing (Tuckman’s stages of group development)
Works together in supportive environment
Hard work leads to progress toward a shared vision or goal. members may leave or join the group without disrupting the functional nature of the group or the culture. The leader is able to delegate work and concentrates on the development of team members. Members’ fine membership in the group is easy.
Adjourning (Tuckman’s stages of group development)
The time when the group is disbanded can be stressful. It is important to make sure the group goals have been met and that group members are ‘prepared’ for the disbandment to occur. The leader should set the stage for the group sessions near the end, as the members have established roles and routines associated with participation and relationships have been established.
Leadership styles
- Autocratic/Directive
- Democratic/Facilitative
- Laissez-Fair/Advisor
Autocratic/Directive (Leadership Styles)
- Complete control by a leader with no input from members. Results in high productivity. Defines the group, the activities, selects the members, and structures everything.
- Is necessary with low-functioning clients who cannot make decisions or problem solve. May create resentment and hostility as members view their dependence on the leader. May also feel infantilized, it can stunt growth or development of group by not accepting challenges of leadership.
- Allows members to make choices and guides towards goals. Results in high moral and group cohesiveness. Acts as a resource person and educator.
- Group members must have a certain level of knowledge and skill. Style that most likely will lead to group cohesion. Most useful in motivating clients and getting active involvement. Not good for low functioning or people who lack cognitive skills or self-awareness skills
- Takes on little responsibilities and lets people do as they please. Most passive leadership style. Lack of accomplishment towards goals falls into a repetitive and routine, stagnate group process.
- Highest functioning member population and group goals such as wellness, problem solving. Independent people who would require guidance on certain specific issues.
Coles 7 steps
- Introduction
- Activity
- Sharing
- Processing
- Generalization
- Application
- Summary
INTRODUCTION (Coles 7 steps)
- Can make or break a group
- Intro of the therapist, title and name of the group
- Intro of members to each other to help acknowledge their membership
- Warm-up: Exercise that captures the groups attention relaces them and prepares for the experience
- Setting the mood: Environment, facial expression, and media
- Expectations: Therapists’ manner and expression should generally reflect the expectation
- Explaining Purpose
- A brief outline of session
ACTIVITY (Coles 7 steps)
- Timing: Keep it simple and short
- Therapeutic Goals
- Physical and Mental Capacities
- Knowledge and skills of leader
- Adaptation of Activity
- Activity Analysis: Break down of an activity into component parts and match each part with human functioning
- Activity Synthesis: Modifications made in an activity to suit clients’ ability
SHARING (Coles 7 steps)
Acknowledge each member’s contribution
PROCESSING (Coles 7 steps)
- Member express how they feel about the experience, the leader, each other
- Help identify issues that encourage or discourage “engagement in occupation” or emotions that facilitate or present barriers to participation
- Discussion of nonverbal aspects of group, underlying issues
GENERALIZATION (Coles 7 steps)
- Cognitive learning of aspects of group
- What are conflicting areas of the group?
- Group energy?
APPLICATION (Coles 7 steps)
- Understand how the principles learned can be a-applied to everyday life
- Verbalize the meaning or significance of the experience
SUMMARY (Coles 7 steps)
-The purpose is to verbally emphasize the important aspects of the group
-Review goals, content, and process
ALWAYS end on time
Curative aspects of groups
- Installation of Hope
- Universality
- Group Cohesiveness
- Interpersonal Learning
- Altruism
- Existential Factors
- Family Re-Enactment
- Self Understanding
- Catharsis
- Imitative Behavior
- Imparting Information
INSTALLATION OF HOPE (Curative aspects of groups)
When members share with people who are in the process of changing, their hopes of changing are reinforced. Members are usually at different stages in the health continuum, seeing people getting better, gives them hope.
UNIVERSALITY (Curative aspects of groups)
People often feel they are alone in their misery. In groups, they learn that others have the same concerns, worries, fears, and experiences. This is reassuring, to know that they are not truly different from others despite how painful their experiences might be.
GROUP COHESIVENESS (Curative aspects of groups)
- Sense of belonging between group members. The sharing of experiences and feelings can augment the therapeutic aspects of treatment.
- The level of attraction a group has for its members and members have for each other (motivation).
INTERPERSONAL LEARNING (input and output) (Curative aspects of groups)
- Therapy group is a microcosm of society, through the process of reality testing in the here and now, their behaviors in the group, one can develop an understanding of their behavior outside the group in the real world.
- Input: feedback given from the group and participation within the group. Can compare information in relationship to their self-concept.
- Output: Better express their feeling, practice resolving differences, and build skills in getting along better with others. Build social skills.
ALTRUISM (Curative aspects of groups)
The opportunity in group to help others through group participation. Members gain feelings of self-worth when they are able to make a difference in someone’s life. People need to feel that they are needed and they can help others, it brings feelings of goodness, which in turn helps their immune system.
EXISTENTIAL FACTORS (Curative aspects of groups)
Personal concerns about isolation, death, and helplessness may be discussed and shared. Often by facing these issues people can live more honestly and openly. The group can provide the support needed to face such traumatic issues.
FAMILY RE-ENACTMENT (Curative aspects of groups)
(correct emotional experiences):
- May operate on an unconscious level. Clients with problematic issues with family backgrounds often express their distortions through the roles they choose to play in the group, as well as their response to the group leader.
- The therapy group may become a primary group closely resembling the family group. The leader is often perceived as a parental figure. Families socialize individuals for group/societal interactions. The group can make members aware of and correct maladaptive behaviors.
SELF UNDERSTANDING (Curative aspects of groups)
- Intellectual component denoting “insight”, and self-understanding clarifies the continuity of past and present in one’s own life.
- Self-discovery can be both positive and negative, important to accept negative things we have done in our past as part of our “imperfect self”. Discovery of new strengths and abilities can enrich one’s life.
CATHARSIS (Curative aspects of groups)
Expression and release of feelings are an important part of the healing process. Members learn to express feelings openly, and that this may not be as disastrous as they had feared. Often many people are surprised that negative and positive emotions may exist at the same time.