Review 101 Flashcards
What is the Circle of Fifths?
A circular diagram representing the relationship between key signatures, where each key is a fifth apart from the next.
What key has no sharps or flats?
C major / A minor.
Which key has 1 sharp?
G major / E minor.
Which key has 2 sharps?
D major / B minor.
Which key has 3 sharps?
A major / F# minor.
Which key has 4 sharps?
E major / C# minor.
Which key has 5 sharps?
B major / G# minor.
Which key has 6 sharps?
F# major / D# minor.
Which key has 1 flat?
F major / D minor.
Which key has 2 flats?
Bb major / G minor.
Which key has 3 flats?
Eb major / C minor.
Which key has 4 flats?
Ab major / F minor.
Which key has 5 flats?
Db major / Bb minor.
Which key has 6 flats?
Gb major / Eb minor.
Which keys are enharmonic equivalents in the Circle of Fifths?
C# major / Db major and F# major / Gb major.
What is the relative minor of C major?
A minor.
What is the relative major of D minor?
F major.
How many sharps does the key of B minor have?
2 sharps.
How many flats does the key of Eb major have?
3 flats.
What is the key signature of E major?
4 sharps.
What is the relative minor of G major?
E minor.
What is the key signature for C minor?
3 flats.
Which key has 7 sharps?
C# major / A# minor.
Which key has 7 flats?
Cb major / Ab minor.