review 1 theme a Flashcards
outline the difference between budget deficit and national debt
a government budget deficit occurs when government spending is greater than revenue in one year
government debt is the cumulative total of all money owed by government as a result of borrowing
outline the difference between demand pull inflation dn cost push inflation
demand pull inflation is caused by a shift outwards to the right of aggregate demand
cost push inflation is caused by a shift inwards to the left of (short run) aggregate supply
what compost of the ups current account on the balance of payments would include profits generated by overseas investors on their fdi
net primary income
what does it mean if there is falling unemployment
that the level of gdp growth is rising
what does a rise in job vacancies indicate
that there is a rising derived demand for labour
gdp growth and unemployed labour links
duw to the gdp growth which cannot be filled by available unemployed labour
short run aggregate supply
is shifted by changes in business running cost such as wages, raw material or indirect tax
long run aggregate supply
long run aggregate supply is shifted by changes in the quantity and quality of factor of production represented by land labour capital or enterprise
outline one factor that could result in a government having a budget surplus
strong economy increasing tax revenues
long run is defined
the period in which all factors of production might vary
short run defined
the period in which at least one factor of production remains fixed
explain one reason for a decline in the maximum output level of an economy
labour because if the level of unemployment decrease the maximum output poteiental depends on the factors of production available and their productivity
explain two in which government could use fiscal policy to imp[rove labour productivity
policies might include spending on education and/or skills training: subsidies for research and development; tax breaks for technological investment
gross domestic product plus net income from abroad
deprivation on the exchange rate
A depreciation increases the cost of imports so there will be an increase in cost-push inflation. A depreciation makes exports more competitive – without any effort. In the long-term, this may reduce incentives for firms to cut costs, and could lead to declining productivity and rising prices
are supply side polices alone enough
supply side polices alone are rarely sufficent to achieve growth. there must also be high enough level of aggratege demand so that the increased supply side capacity of the economy is actually used
government spending on education ?
improves human capital but this also has the knock on effect of improving physical capital as opptunities for innovation arise with increased educational presence such as in universities
government spending on education structaul unemployment
reduced as it provides training such as for those made recently unemployed in a previous industry and the occupational mobility of workers is improved