Reverse Selling Scripts Flashcards
You are calling a prospect back in March. You last called them in January. What do you say?
“Hey we talked back a couple months ago. We talked about getting together in March. I’m just following up to see if it might still make sense or not for us to do that at this point.”
How do you respond to this question: “What are you going to do to sell my house?”
“Here what I’ll get done: I’ll position your home is the market so that rather than us compete for buyers, I’ll have buyers compete with each other for your home resulting in your getting the price that works for you or more which is exactly what you want, am I right?”
“I’m going to put your property in front of all the buyers with the highest qualifications who are willing to pay the most for houses just like yours.”
What do you say when a prospect tells you they’re not ready to sell?
“Is there maybe, a good time in the future that you would like me to give you a call back, where at that point it might make sense for us to have a conversation about potentially getting together?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
“Makes sense with how crazy this market is… could I just ask, If you got an offer on the home with the price and terms that did make sense for you, is selling something that just still wouldn’t make any sense at all at this point?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
“Yeah and if we did end up listing the home, if you got an offer right away, would there be any conflicting issues that that might cause?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
“You have a beautiful home, what are you looking for that you don’t have now?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
“How important is it for you to sell quickly?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
“I’d love the opportunity to earn your business when the time is right, how open would you be to meeting with me down the road?”
If a prospect has the desire to sell, the ability to sell, the reason to sell, and a timeline for selling, what do you say when a prospect tells you to call them back next week or in a month?
“Listen Mr. Prospect, you know, does it even make sense for us to have another conversation in a week because trust me you can tell me now if you’re not interested, I mean the last thing I want to do is be that annoying realtor that chases you down if you’re not interested”
What do you say when a prospect tells you they have a different realtor?
“No worries at all, I totally understand that. Well I’m just going to be completely honest with you. I would still love to have the opportunity to earn your business and so would you be totally opposed to maybe having my team and I stop by one day this week just to see what we might have to offer?”
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Kollin, I’m a realtor, I don’t think we’ve ever spoken before…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor and listen, I know this call is out of the blue…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor, I was hoping you could help me out for a quick second…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor, and I know you weren’t expecting my call…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor and I didn’t know if I should even call you…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor, and I’m sure you don’t like getting calls like this as much as I don’t like making them…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
- “John? John, this is Brandon, I’m a realtor and listen, before you hang up…”
Step 1 of the sales call: The Pattern Interrupt
What is this an example of?
“I was hoping to ask you a quick question, would that be okay?”
Step 2 of the sales call: Getting permission:
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “If you got an offer that made sense, would that be something you be opposed to?“
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “I saw your home had come off the market unsold and I didn’t know if you had sold it privately or if it might still be available?“
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “With how Many buyers there are looking for a house just like yours in your neighborhood, I just didn’t know if you had been considering making a move or not?“
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “With how many buyers there are willing to pay a premium for a house just like yours, I didn’t know if that would be of any value to you or not, I mean, you’re not considering making a move anytime soon are you?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “I’m not sure if you can help or not, but there’s a few people looking to buy a home in your neighborhood who are willing to pay a great price and I didn’t know if you knew of anyone that might be considering making a move this year?
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “Sounds like no matter how much you could get for your home, you’re not selling, right?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “You have a beautiful home, why not just stay there?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “When you sell, can you stay local or what areas are you looking at?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “You have a beautiful home, what are you looking for that you don’t have now?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “What don’t you like about where you live now?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “How important is it for you to sell quickly?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “What’s more important, to sell quickly for a fair price or to get the highest price no matter how long it takes?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
- “I’d love the opportunity to earn your business when the time is right, how open would you be to meeting with me down the road?”
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
What aspect of motivation does this question uncover?
When asking for the appointment:
“Let’s not agree to anything right now… but it sounds like it might make sense for us to meet. If you want, and I truly don’t mind, I’d be happy to stop by one day…”
Step/skill #1: Autonomy supportive language
When asking for the appointment:
- “When we meet, I’d be happy to show you what I’m doing with my clients to get buyers to compete for their home, driving the price up all without dealing with the stress most sellers feel when selling…”
Step/skill #2: Opening Curiosity loops
When asking for the appointment:
- “After our meeting, you can decide if I’m the type of agent you might consider working with or not and if not, that’s totally fine, I’m not the agent for everyone, seem fair?”
Step/skill #3: Removing psychological reactance
When asking for the appointment:
- “After we meet, you can decide for yourself if working with me makes sense or not, because let’s face it, you’d only hire me if you felt that I could get the job done, right?”
Step/skill #3: Removing psychological reactance
When asking for the appointment:
- “After we meet, you can decide if working with me in the future would be of any value to you or not and the second you feel like I’m not the right agent, you can tell me without worrying about offending me, the truth is, you want an agent who you feel comfortable with, right?”
Step/skill #3: Removing psychological reactance
When asking for the appointment:
- “After you see my plan, you can decide for yourself if hiring me makes sense or not because let’s be honest, you’re not going to do anything unless it made sense, right?”
Step/skill #3: Removing psychological reactance
When asking for the appointment:
- “And if you did feel like it made sense to hire me, would you be opposed to getting started right away?”
Go for No: Ask the prospect if they’re against the idea of working together if the meeting goes the way we want it to go
When to use this script?
- “Bob listen before you decide on the list price, which is ultimately up to you, would it be okay if I shared the potential upsides and downsides so that you can make the decision that you feel makes the most sense?”
Discussing list price with seller
What is this an example of:
- If you want…
Autonomy supportive language
What is this an example of:
- I’m not sure…
Autonomy supportive language
What is this an example of:
- It’s up to you…
Autonomy supportive language
What is this an example of:
- It’s your choice…
Autonomy supportive language
What is this an example of:
- The choice is yours…
Autonomy supportive language
What is this an example of:
- It’s completely your decision…
Autonomy supportive language