Reverse deck Flashcards
Uses in research?
Unique husbandry requirements?

Octodon degus (Degu or trumpet-tailed rat)
- Spontaneous DM d/t islet amyloidosis
- Precocious neonates are models of neurobiological development patterns
- Diurnal sleep patterns model human sleep/wake cycle & circadian rhythms
- Herbivore foraging & digestion patterns during seasonal changes
- Cataract formation secondary to DM
- Require dust bath 2X weekly
- Induced ovulators
- Long gestation for rodent = 90 days
- Spin like a top when held by tail = use fish nets to capture/restrain

Loris tardigradus (Slender loris)
CITES? Research uses?

Aotus spp. (Owl/Night monkeys)
All owl monkeys listed in BB are Cites II
Malaria (P. falciparum & P. vivax), leishmaniasis, herpesviral oncogenesis, hepatitis A, vision research

Macaca fuscata (Japanese macaque)
Uses in research?
Unique genetic characteristic?

Oryzomys palustris (Rice rat)
- Periodontal disease: spontaneous & accelerated on high sucrose diet
- Effect of photoperiod on reproduction
- Pineal gland function & effect of melatonin on reproduction
- Genetic damage due to metal pollutants
Unique characteristic
- Robertsonian chromosome polymorphism: varying diploid number

Suncus murinus (Musk shrew)

Nycticebus coucang (Slow loris)
CITES? Research uses?

Saguinus oedipus (Cotton-top tamarin)
Cites I (along with S. bicolor, S. geoffroyi, S. leucopus)
Chronic colitis, colon cancer
Cites status
Research uses

Saguinus labiatus - White-lipped tamarin
Cites II
Viral hepatitis

Bufo bufo (European (Common) toad)

Macropus eugenii (Tamar wallaby)
Uses in research?
Unique characteristics?

Meriones unguiculatus - Mongolian Gerbil (Sand rat, desert rat, antelope rat, jird)
- Stroke
- Epilepsy
- Infectious dz: protozoa, nematodes (intestinal & filarial), hyatid, cercocystis
Unique characteristics
- Incomplete Circle of Willis
- Require sand bath
- Nasal dermatitis @ humidity >50%
- Highly sensitive to Tyzzer’s: most frequently desc fatal dz in gerbils - used as sentinel animal to test for presence of C. piliforme in contaminated bedding
- Tail degloving occurs: DO NOT pick up by tail
- Seizures: 20-40% by 2 mo old; in response to sensory stimulation & forced exploratory behavior
- Fatal toxicity to dihydrostreptomycin injection
- Develop spongiform lesions in dendrites & glia of brain stem
- Cystic ovaries occur frequently: removal of single affected ovary does NOT sig affect performance
Use in research?

Limulus polyphemus (horshoe crab)
LAL assay for endotoxin
Research uses? CITES?

Callithrix jacchus jacchus (Common marmoset)
Parkinson’s dz, allergic encephalomyelitis (model for MS), idiopathic hemochromatosis
CITES II (although C. aurita, and C. flaviceps are in CITES I)
Uses in research?

Monodelphis domestica (Short gray-tailed opossum)
Used in cancer & transplant research b/c females lack a pouch making the neonates readily accessible
Lack of pouch is unique among marsupials
Also used in development & immunologic studies
Genome has been fully sequenced

Macaca nigra (Celebes black macaque)
What is the only squirrel monkey listed as CITES I?
Saimiri oerstedii (Central American squirrel monkey)
CITES? Research uses?

Saguinus mystax (Moustached tamarin)
Cites II
Viral hepatitis
Uses in research?
Unique characteristics?
Unique disease?

Mystromys albicaudatus (White-tailed rat)
- DM: develops spontaneously & is not assoc with obesity
- American cutaneous leishmaniasis: Leishmania braziliensis
- Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus
Unique characteristics
- No cheek pouches, although it is in the Cricetinea (hamsters)
- 2 pairs of inguinal mammae
Unique disease
- Fatal Enteric Syndrome assoc. with ingestion of topical BNP
- Inherited condition of partial oculocutaneous albinism - similar to Chediak-Higashi syndrome
- Tyzzer’s Dz in immunosuppressed animals

Callithrix pygmea - Pygmy marmoset
Originally listed as CITES appendix I d/t pet-trade
Downgraded to CITES II

Callicebus spp. (Titi monkeys)

Papio hamadryas (Hamadryad baboon)

Bufo americanus (American toad)
Listed as reservoir for what disease?

Tamias striatus (Eastern chipmunk)
Lyme Disease (Borreliosis)

Sciuris carolinensis (Gray squirrel)
Pan paniscus (Pygmy (bonobo) chimpanzee)

Sciurus niger (Fox squirrel

Trachemys scripta (fRed-eared slider)

Cricetulus griseus (Chinese Hamster)
Gorilla gorilla (Gorilla)

Mustela putorius furo (ferret)
Tursiops truncatus (Atlantic bottlenose dolphin)
Uses in research?
Unique characteristics?
Known as reservoir of what dzs?

Peromyscus spp. (White-footed or deer mice) - P. leucopus is shown
Use in research
- Genetics
- Physiology
- Aging
- Cataracts
- Behavior
- Infectious dz (zoonotic dz): Hantavirus, Lyme dz, VSV, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Tyrpanosomiasis, Tularemia
Unique characteristics
- Resistant to MHV
- Molt once a year
- Special precautions must be taken if wild-caught animals are used: they must be screened for a number of diseases
Reservoir of Lyme Disease (Borreliosis) and Hantavirus

Arvicanthis niloticus (Nile grass rat)
Macaca fascicularis (Cynomolgus macaque)

Macaca arctoides (Stumped-tailed macaque
Uses in research?
Microtus sp (Vole)
M. orchrogaster used to study physiology of vomeronasal organ and how chemosensory cues affect courtship, territorial marking, aggression, and reproduction. Also, M. ochrogaster is monogamous, and studies have focused on neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin control of pair-bonding, paternal care, maternal care, and mate-guarding.
M. pennsylvanicus is polygamous and somewhat antisocial and is used as a contrasting species in the above studies.
General research
- Nutritional studies: bioassay animal for protein content, digestibility, & presence of toxins
- Epileptiform seizures: induced by handling & environmental stress
- Infectious dz: Lyme dz, Babesiosis, Trypanasomiasis
- Physiology of vomeronasal organ
- Chemically induced DM

Symphalangus syndactylus (Siamang)

Lemur catta (Ring-tailed lemur)
Research uses?

Perodicticus potto (Potto)
Behavior and locomotion
Altruistic behavior has been described in captive Potto
Uses in research?

Hermissenda crassicornis (Pacific sea slug)
Learning, memory, toxicity (lead)

Macaca mulatta (Rhesus macaque)

Pongo pygmaeus (Orang-utan)

Bos indicus (Cattle (Zebu))
Use in research?

Marmota monax (Woodchuck)
- Viral hepatitis & HCC d/t WHV - model of human HepB
- Hibernation: obligate hibernator
Unique traits?

Heterocephalus glaber (Naked mole rat)
- Very long lived (upto 28 yrs) for a rodent
- Resistant to cancer
Eusociality: colonies of overlapping generations in which only a few individuals produce all the offspring & the rest function as “sterile” workers.
- Insects commonly live this way (bees, wasps, ants, etc)
- Naked moles rats are the ONLY MAMMAL that exhibits eusociality
Use/significance in research?

Neotoma sp (Wood rat or Pack rat)
They are a natural source of zoonotic or potentially zoonotic agents
- Murine Typhus - Rickettisia typhus
- Brucella neotoma
- Chaga’s Dz - T. cruzi
- Plague - Y. pestis
- Lyme Dz - Borreliosis
- Ehrlichiosis
- Hantavirus - Sin Nombre virus
They have anti-hemorrhagic factor serum against rattlesnake venom (like Cotton rat & Opossum)

Mustela vison (Mink)

Macaca radiata (Bonnet macaque)
Uses in research?
Unique husbandry requirements?
Unique conditions?

Sigmodon hispidus & S. fulviventer (Cotton rat)
Research: many uses
- Gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis & developement of adenoviral vectors
- _Viral resp tract dz_s: RSV, measles, paramyxoviruses, parainfluenza, human adenovirus
- Ocular adenovirus is the only model of epidemic KCS
- Natural reservoir of Lyme dz, Hantavirus & VEE
- Many viral, protozoan, metazoan & bacterial pathogens can infect cotton rats
- Aggressive and jump out of cage
- Tail easily degloves - DO NOT pickup by tail
- Cage changes req 2X weekly
Unique conditions
- Exophthalmos d/t right heart failure at 3-12 mths of age
- Wide variation in chromsome # among Cotton rat species

Aplysia californica (Sea hare)

Mandrillus (Papio) sphinx (Mandrill)
Cattle (domestic)
Bos taurus
Use in research?
Unique characteristics?

Mastomys sp - Multimammate rat (has also referred to mouse)
- Extensively used in the study of infectious dz
- Yersinia pestis
- Mycobacterium ulcerans
- Leptospirosis
- Leishmaniasis
- Lassa fever virus
- Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus
- pathogenesis of many parasitic diseases
- Spontaneously develop Gastric carcinoid (neuroendocrine tumor) and are a model of Zollinger Ellison syndrome (gastrin-secreting tumor of pancreas) in humans
- Endogenous papilloma virus that produces cutaneous tumors on activation
Unique characteristics
- 8-12 pairs of mammary glands (hence the name of the animal)
- Prostate gland in females & males
- Submandibular salivary glands are richest available source of NERVE GROWTH FACTOR
- Develop autoimmune thyroiditis & membranous glomerulonephritis
- High incidence of DJD & OA in aged animals

Papio anubis (Olive baboon)

Alouatta spp. (Howler)

Cercocebus torquatus atys (Sooty mangabey)
White-tailed deer
Odocoilius virginianus

Oryzias latipes (Medaka)
Research uses?
Gallus domesticus
- Hereditary muscular dystrophy: autosomal recessive in White Leghorn & New Hampshires observed as fatty degeneration & atrophy of pectoralis mm.
- Hashimoto thyroiditis: hereditary autoimmune thyroiditis
- Gout
- Viral leukemia & oncogenesis
- Eggs are used for viral culture & vaccine production
It develops what kind of tumor that is unique to the species?
Phodopus sungorus (Djungarian dwarf hamster)
Androgen-dependent atypical fibromas are benign tumors derived from ganglion-cell-like cells that are particular to Djungarian hamsters
It generally has a high incidence of neoplasia: Mammary AC, Lung Sarcoma, SCC are most common
JAALAS 2011 50(4):523 - describes development of atypical fibrosarcoma (malignancy of atypical fibromas is rare)…shown below

Ateles spp. (Spider monkey)

Peromyscus maniculatus (Common deer mouse)

Mesocricetus auratus (Syrian Hamster)
Uses in research?
Unique traits?

Didelphis virginiana
- Esophageal burn research b/c musculature is similar to human
- Toxicology, immunology & transplants
- Bacterial vegetative endocarditis: occurs naturally or is induced with single IV injection of Strep viridans
Unique traits
- Resistant to Rabies (300X greater than dog) & snake venom
- Most teeth of any mammal = 52
- Opposable big toe on front feet
- Prehensile tail
- Exhibit catatonia = feigned death

Erythrocebus patas (Patas monkey)

Psammomys obesus (Obese sand rat)

Acomys cahirinus (Egyptian spiny mouse)
Research uses?

Coturnix coturnix japonica (Japanese Quail)
Atherosclerosis research: 95% of males on atherogenic diet develop lesions that persist after stopping the diet

Calomys callosus (Vesper mouse)
Identified as a rodent reservoir of Hantavirus and the Machupo virus which causes Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever

Saguinus leucopus (White-footed tamarin)
Cites I

Papio cynocephalus (Yellow baboon)
Research uses?

Anolis carolinensis (American anole)
Reproductive morphology & behavior
Uses in research?

Daubentonia madagascariensis - Aye-aye
Foraging behavior & locomotion
Guinea pig
Cavia porcellus
Research uses?
Unique diseases?

Spermophilus sp (Ground squirrel)
- Hibernation
- Hepatitis B
- Cholesterol-fed Richardson’s ground squirrel used as model of gall stone formation
Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV)
Susceptible to experimental infection with Western equine encephalomyeitis virus (WEEV)
Carry Plaque

Ochotona sp (pika)
Cites appendix status
Uses in research

Saimiri sciureus Squirrel monkey (Guyanese) - gothic arch
Bolivian squirrel monkeys - Saimiri boliviensis - roman arch
Cites status II
Malaria, prion diseases (CJD), labor & delivery

Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger salamander)
Uses in research?
Unique biological traits?
Husbandy requirements?

Chinchilla laniger (Chinchilla - Long-tailed)
- Auditory studies of OM: d/t large tympanic bulla & resistance to OM
- Pathogenesis of Chaga’s dz
- Atherosclerosis
Biological traits
- Yersinosis outbreaks are commonly described
- Fur slip is a predator avoidance mechanism
- Paraphimosis may result from fur ring around penis/prepuce: causes overgrooming, most often acquired during copulation
- Habitually dust bathe - need daily mix of silver sand & Fuller’s earth
- Vaginal closure membrane: opens only during estrus
- Cooler housing temp preferred (68F)
- Fur slip leaves bald spots not to be confused with fur chewing vice

Chlorocebus aethiops (African Green Monkey)

Trichosurus vulpecula (Brush Tail opossum)
- Banned from importation into the US b/c they are a major reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in New Zealand
- Very aggressive and difficult to handle

Macaca nemestrina (Pig-tailed macaque)

Canis latrans (coyote)

Canis rufus (red wolf)

Canis lupus (grey wolf)
Research uses?
Unique medical conditions?

Cynomys ludovicianus (Prairie dog)
- Monkeypox animal model: recent outbreak occured in prairie dogs after importation of infected rodents from Africa
- Biliary physiology & gallstone formation
- Antibiotic-induced diarrhea: cefoxitin induces C. difficile colitis
Odontoma: common cause of upper resp dz
Respiratory dz is common in captive prarie dogs
HCC associated with chronic hepatitis
Does this animal hibernate?
Use in research

Geomys (Eastern Pocket Gopher)
Animal model for molecular evolution
Unique husbandry requirements?
Use in research?

Dypodomys spp. - D. spectabalis is shown
Kangaroo rats
- DO NOT provide ad lib water - become addicted & develop DI-like syndrome
- Dust baths are required
- Fragile tails
- Renal physiology/water conservation
- Behavior
- Disuse osteoporosis
- Decompression sickness (the Bends)
Use in research?
Unique husbandry requirements?

Onychomys spp. (Grasshopper mice)
- Behavior studies: aggression, predatory behavior, discrimination learning
- Lyme dz: transmission via urine
- Toxicology: carcinogenesis
- Population genetics
- Carnivorous: feed fresh mouse carcasses, canned dog food, supplement with seeds
- Requires dust bath
Convulsive seizures & limb deformities have been reported
Uses in research?
Unique husbandry requirement?
Special concerns???

Zygodontomys spp (Cane mouse)
- Model for evolutionary quantitative genetics & evolutionary divergence
- Infectious dz: Yellow fever virus, VEE, Cocal virus (rhabdovirus), Guanarito virus
- Omnivorous: supplement mouse chow with dry cat food & frozen veggies
- Aggressive: handle with leather gloves
Special concern
- Natural host of Guanarito virus - causes Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever in humans
Primary use in research?
Unique traits?

Dasypus novemcintus (Nine-banded Armadillo)
- Considered the animal model for studying Lepromatous leprosy…Mycobacterium leprae
- produces systemic dissemination more freq than in humans
- Only biological system for producing mass quantities of M. leprae
- 40% of wild animals are susceptible
Unique traits
- Litters regularly consist of 4-8 monozygotic offspring = identical twins
Strepsirhini or Haplorhini?
Uses in research?

Galago sp - Bush baby, Nagapies
Lab Animal April 2012 Model of the Month
Aging research
Risk assessment and foraging behavior
Saguinus imperator - Emperor tamarin
NOT Saguinus mystax
Uses in research?

Procavia capensis - Rock hyrax
Possible reservoir for cutaneous leishmaniasis (Leishmania tropica)
Leishmania studies
Hearing, behavior, poplulation dynamics
Uses in research?

Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - 13-lined ground squirrel
Diurnal vision & functional reliance on cone photoreceptors
CNS trauma