Rev 50 to 105 Flashcards
In Rv 14, the 144,000 have the names of Jesus and God written on their foreheads. 1 Where (in which chapter) did they receive them? 2 Where did the 144,000 come from? 3 From what kingdom did the beast in Rv 13 come?
- Rv 7 2. From the harvest field (Jesus’ field, the field where the seed was sown) 3. The kingdom of Babylon
In regards to the harvesters, the time of harvest, and the work of harvest, 1 after what events does the harvest take place? 2 Write three verses from the four gospels and Revelation that describe the place of harvest.
- After the events of betrayal and destruction (After the sun, moon, and stars become dark and fall in Rv 6, after the judgment and end of the world of the former heaven) 2. Mt 24:31, Mt 13:30, Rv 14:14~16
Regarding the 144,000 in Revelation, 1 write four chapters that explain who they are. 2 When do they appear? 3 Where do they appear? 4 Who are they?
- Rv 14, Rv 7, Rv 1, Rv 5 2. At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (the time of harvest) 3. Mt. Zion 4. Harvested firstfruits (12 tribes)
1 How are Rv 13 and Rv 14 different from each other? 2 In which chapter do the 144,000 become sealed? 3 Who are their actual entities?
- Received the mark from the beast, sealed by the Lamb 2. Rv 7 3. The sealed congregation members of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (the sealed 12 tribes of Shincheonji)
Based on the order of prophecy to fulfillment, 1 write when and how the creation of the promised new kingdom, the 12 tribes in Rv 14, came to be. Include the applicable chapters and their contents.
- Jer 31, the prophecy of sowing two types of seeds → Mt 13, the seed is sown → Rv 14, the harvest → Rv 7, the sealing and creation of the 12 tribes.
In Rv 15, 1 those who were victorious fought against whom and in which chapter? 2 Who are the all nations that come and worship? When did they come? 3 To where do they come? 4 After what event does this take place? Write a chapter besides Rv 13.
- Rv 12, the dragon 2. The guests who came during the WARP Summit 3. The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where the one who overcomes is 4. After the event of Rv 12
In Rv 16, 1 where (which chapters) did the seven bowls come from? Write 2 chapters. 2 Why were these bowls chosen? 3 What is poured out from these bowls? 4 Why is it poured out at this location? 5 Where is this location?
- Rv 12, Rv 15 2. Because they overcame 3. God’s wrath 4. Because it’s where the betrayers and destroyers are 5. The tabernacle in Rv 13
1 In Rv 16, what are the bowls of wrath? 2 When and 3 who gathers the dragon’s kings of the whole world?
- Those who overcame 2. At the time of judgment (after the 6th bowl is poured out) 3. The dragon, the beast, false prophets
1Who judges the betrayers, the destroyers, and their kingdom? 2Which chapter did these people come from? 3With what is the judgment given? 4 Write 2 applicable chapters.
- Those who overcame (those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and the number of its name) 2. Rv 15 3. The wrath of God 4. Rv 16, Rv 15
1 To where and 2 to whom is God’s wrath poured out? 3 What splits into three parts? 4 What is the condition to judge this place?
- The First Tabernacle that became Babylon 2. To the betrayers and destroyers 3. Babylon’s organizations 4. Those who overcame (victorious)
In Rv 17, 1 to which kingdom do the beast with seven heads and ten horns and the prostitute belong? 2 In what chapter do they destroy 3 whom? 4 Who are the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth? 5 How are the seven heads and the eighth beast with ten horns different?
- Kingdom of demons, Babylon 2. Rv 13 3. The chosen people of the tabernacle of heaven 4. The Gentile pastors and congregation 5. The seven heads: The beast that comes out of the sea in Rv 13 and belongs to the prostitute; The eighth beast with ten horns: The beast that comes out of the earth in Rv 13
1Who brings judgment on the prostitute and takes her kingdom from her? 2 With what? 3 The Lamb brings people out of what kind of kingdom?
- The beast with ten horns 2. Fire 3. Babylon, the kingdom of demons
1 Write 3 chapters that show when, where, and with what one can recognize the actual entities of Babylon, the kingdom of demons the devil in Rv 18. 2 Who did the nations that fell marry? 3 Who are the bridegroom and bride of that marriage? 4 What are the sea, ship, sea captain, sailors, and those who travel by ship, respectively?
- Rv 13, Rv 15, Rv 17 2. The devil (demons) 3. The devil and congregation members who belong to the devil 4. Sea: the world; Ship: church; Sea captain: pastor; Sailors: church staff; Those who travel by the ship: congregation members
In Rv 18, 1 what caused all nations to fall? 2 Who is the prostitute? 3 Who are the kings of the earth that committed adultery with the prostitute? 4 Who are the merchants of the earth that grew rich? 5 What did they buy and sell to grow rich?
- The wine of adulteries 2. The mother of Babylon who had a relationship with Satan and gave birth to children, Satan’s head pastor 3. Gentile pastors 4. Evangelists 5. Excessive luxuries
1 How are the marriages in Rv 18 and Rv 19 different? 2 How are their foods different? 3 Who are their actual entities? 4 What is the difference between the all nations that fell and the guests invited to the wedding banquet of the Lamb?
- Marriage with the devil (evil spirit), marriage with Jesus 2. The maddening wine of adulteries, the hidden manna 3. The pastor who is the beast of Babylon, the one who overcomes 4. Fell from the maddening wine of adulteries, chosen by the Lord
In Rv 19, 1 who and who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb? 2 What do they eat at that time? 3 Who is the white horse and its rider? 4 Who are the white horses and their riders?
- The spirits and the congregation members 2. God’s oxen and fattened cattle 3. White horse: the one who overcomes, New John / Rider: Jesus 4. White horses: 144,000 / Riders: martyrs
1 What is the robe dipped in blood that is worn by the rider on the white horse? 2 In which chapter have the horses and their riders that the birds gorge themselves on been shown? 3 Who in which chapter are the beast and the false prophet, who deluded with miraculous signs and were thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur?
- God’s word 2. Rv 9 3. The beast that came out of the sea and the beast that came out of the earth in Rv 13
In Rv 20, 1 who are seated on thrones with the authority to judge after the dragon is seized? 2 Who partake in the first resurrection and reign with Christ? 3 Who receive judgment after the thousand years?
- Jesus’ spiritual and physical 12 disciples 2. The spirits of the martyrs and those who did not receive the mark of the beast and received God’s seal 3. Gog and Magog, the spirits whose flesh have died
In Rv 18, all nations that fell married the demons. 1 After what event does God reign? 2 What are the entities that must come to an end? 3 Write at least three answers regarding who receives heaven that comes down.
- After Babylon receives judgment and the dragon is seized and locked away 2. The dragon (Satan, the devil) 3. Sheep-like believers (Mt 25:34), one who overcomes (Rv 3:12), Shincheonji congregation members (Rv 21), God’s people who bear fruit for God’s kingdom (Mt 21:43), those who keep Jesus’ words (Jn 14:23)
In Rv 21, 1 how are the new heaven and new earth and first heaven and first earth different from each other? 2 How are the Holy City and the sea different from each other? 3 Why is there no more death or pain when God dwells with His people?
- New kingdom and new people, denominations of traditions 2. Holy City: heaven / Sea: Babylon’s world 3. Because the lifeline is reconnected
1 Write 4 chapters that describe what the sea, first heaven and first earth, and new heaven and new earth are in Revelation 21. 2 Who are the actual entities of each?
- Rv 18, Rv 6, Rv 14, Rv 7 2. The Tabernacle Temple, the Christian Council of Korea and the Christian Stewardship Training Center, Shincheonji (the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony)
1 When is there no more death or suffering, and everything is made new? 2 Who will inherit all this? 3 What is the result of those who do not believe this?
- The time of the new heaven and new earth 2. The sealed saints of the 12 tribes 3. Eternal punishment in the fiery lake of burning sulfur
1 In which chapter is it written that the New Testament prophecies, pastors, heaven, earth and sea will pass away? 2After this, who is the one that reigns, and what is the kingdom that comes?
- Rv 21 2. God, the kingdom and priests purchased with the blood of Jesus (144,000)
In Rv 22, 1 what is the tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruit in the Holy City, the bride of the Lamb? 2 What is the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God? 3 With what water must we wash our robes? 4 Why do we need to wash them?
- The sealed spirits and flesh of the 12 tribes 2. God’s revealed word 3. Water of life as clear as crystal (the revealed word that comes from the throne) 4. In order to enter the Holy City where the tree of life is