Retirement Planning Flashcards
What is one of the defining characteristics of a pension plan?
Mandatory Funding
Which plan has a substantial and recurring funding requirement and what is the requirement?
Profit Sharing
2 out of every 5 years
What is the maximum payout for a DB Plan
What is the maximum contribution for a DC Plan
What is NUA?
NUA is growth on employer stock while it is in a qualified plan that always receives LTCG tax. The amount is determined at distribution and recognized on the date sold.
How is NUA treated at death?
IRD, no step up.
How much creditor protection do qualified plans receive?
Unlimited, extends to non Erisa so all employer sponsored are creditor protected.
What is the amount of creditor protection on IRA’s?
Qualified Plans have contribution limits which means there are deadlines for:
Establishing, funding and measuring the contributions
Funding deadline for a qualified plan is:
The due date of the return including extensions.
What are the 3 differences of DB vs DC plans?
DB plan focus is on the backend, DC plans are on the front end. DB plans commingle assets, DC plans have individual accounts for each participant. Employer bears risk in DB, Employees in DC
When is a person self-employed?
Are: Sole Proprietor or partnership and work for it, (k-1 or 1099’s)
Aren’t: Corporation W-2 income,
Depends: LLC (if taxed as corp, not. If sole prop or partnership are)
If a person is self-employed, what is the max contribution that can be made to a DC Plan? Keogh Plan
18.6% is the shortcut if question gives Schedule C net income and asks for what max contribution is.
What is the OASDI and Medicare Employer and Employee tax rate?
- 2%/ 12.4%
1. 45%/ 2.9% 7. 65% each
What is the permanent requirement for qualified plans?
The intent has to be that the plan will be setup permanently.
Qualified Plan Requirements: Eligibility & Entry Dates
21 and 1 (defined as 1,000 hrs in 12 month period) can be more generous but not less. Except for 21 and 2 can’t have vesting schedule)
Have to have 2 entry dates per year.
What is the definition of a highly compensated employee?
greater than 5% owner or greater than $120,000 compensation from preceding year. 5% owner is a title that means greater than 5% owner. census that says 5% is not a 5% owner by title.
What is the top 20% election rule?
Allows the top 20% of earners to be considered highly compensated, as long as those not considered highly compensated don’t also own greater than 5% of the company.
What is the family attribution rule?
If family owns part of the company, all family is considered to own the total amount owned by the family.
What is are the three key employee tests?
- Officer with comp greater than $175,000
- Greater than 5% owner
- A greater than 1% owner with comp greater than $150,000 (1% owner is used as a title and means greater than 1%)
What is the rule for top heavy testing
There are three tests and one of the tests has to be passed.
Top Heavy Testing: What is the main test, general test, percentage test or safe harbor test?
Number of NHC Employees that are covered/
Total number of NHC Employees >=70% (covered means they are a participant. They are getting a contribution or accruing a benefit)
Top Heavy Testing: What is test number two or the ratio test?
%NHC covered(percentage from test #1)/
%HC covered >=70%
Top Heavy Testing: What is test number three or the average benefits percentage test?
Average benefits % NHC/
Average Benefits % HC >=70% (benefits will be given)
Average benefit as a percentage of income
When is an employee considered covered in a 401k plan?
If they are eligible to defer
What are the attribution rules? What do they apply to?
Stock owned by or for a spouse, children grandchildren or parents , estates, partnerships, trusts. HC and Key EE
What is the 50/40 test?
An Additional test that DB Pension Plans must meet: lesser of 50 EE’s or 40% of eligible EE’s
What is the least generous DB Vesting?
5 year cliff or 3-7 year graded at 20% each year after 2 years of service.
What is the least generous DC Vesting?
3-year cliff or 2-6 year graded at 20% each year after 1 year of service.
What is the minimum funding for top-heavy DB and DC plans?
DB: 2% times the number of years of service up to 20%
DC: 3% of total compensation
What is the ADP(Actual Deferral Percentage) test?
If ADP for NHC: Max ADP for HC is:
<=2% 2 x ADP of NHC
>2%, <=8% 2% + ADP of NHC
>8% 1.25 x ADP of NHC
What is the ACP designed to test?
Matching contributions
What is the ACP Test?
If ACP for NHC: Max ACP for HC is:
<=2% 2 x ACP of NHC
>2%, <=8% 2% + ACP of NHC
>8% 1.25 x ACP of NHC
How to correct a failing ACP or ADP test:
- Corrective distribution (decreases HC doesn’t cost more)
- Qualified nonelective contribution(increases NHC)
- Qualified matching contribution(Increases NHC)
Safe Harbor:
Don’t have to meet ADP and top-heavy testing, can’t have a vesting schedule and have to make a minimum amount contribution.
Matching 100% of first 3% and 50% of next 2%.
Nonelective contribution of 3%
What is another way you can avoid the top heavy, ADP and ACP testing?
QACA: Qualified automatic contribution arrangement. Setup by HR and the contributions start automatically.
Why would you recommend a Safe Harbor 401k?
To benefit the high income earners to be able to max out the plan.
There needs to be a buzzer that goes off inside of me when I see this***
Covered Compensation Limit=$270,000
Limit to the amount of compensation that counts when it comes to calculating retirement benefit, retirement contributions or anything retirement related in a qualified plan we only get to count the first $270,000 of comp. I would be willing to bet that anytime you see comp greater than $270,000 there’s a reason why.
Defined Benefit Limit:
The focus of the plan is on the backend. The max paid out of the backend cannot exceed the the lesser of: 100% of the participant’s compensation averaged over the three highest consecutive years
or $215,000 for 2017
Defined Contribution Annual Additions Limit
The lesser of: 100% of annual compensation
or $54,000
Employer contributions, employee contributions(excludes rollovers and catchup contributions) and forfeitures allocated to a participant’s account.
Annual additions limit is per:
Deferral limit is per:
Annual Additions Limit: $54,000, per employer basis.
Deferral Limit: $18,000 per taxpayer basis
What are the three types of limits for DC Plans?
- Combined limit EE and ER: Annual Add. Limit $54,000
- Employee only limit: Deferral limit: $18,000
- ER only limit: 25%
What is the deferral limit and catch up contribution limit for Simple IRA’s and 401k’s?
Deferral Limit: $12,500
Catch up: $3,000
Which plan doesn’t aggregate?
Section 457 Plan.
A different plan, does it’s own thing, dances to it’s own tune. Doesn’t play friendly, doesn’t play nice with the other plans. (Government Employees)
What is included in the $18,000 limit for 457 plans?
Combined EE and ER contribution. Has regular $6,000 catch up but has Double limit catch-up of $18,000.
Advantages to DB Plan:
Tax-deffered retirement savings. Retirement benefits can be provided regardless of age. Benefit levels are guaranteed. For older, highly compensated, allows the maximum amount of tax-deferred retirement savings. May encourage early retirement.
Disadvantages to a DB Plan:
Higher installation and administrative costs. Complex to design. Employees who leave before retirement may receive relatively little benefit. Employer is subject to annual mandatory funding obligation, regardless of profit or loss. Employer assumes the risk of poor investments(traditional DB and Cash Balance). Costly actuarial services. Additional nondiscrimination test: 50/40.
What are the three versions of DB Plan formulas?
- Flat amount formula: no preference for comp, may require some minimum service such as 15 years.
- Flat percentage formula: Percentage of compensation.
- Unit benefit formula: ex. 2% per year after 30yrs 60%
DB Terminations:
Employee benefits are 100% vested when terminated.
Cash Balance Plan:
Promises certain benefit at retirement, Employees do not have their own accounts. Employees have a cash balance within the plan. Even though they don’t have their own individual plan, they get a hypothetical statement that shows them their cash balance in the plan. This is required because of the guaranteed rate of accrual.