Retirement Flashcards
Retirement Planning
Needs Analysis
Step 1: Inflate the annual need in today’s dollars.
Funds needed 1st year of retirement
Step 2: Determine what lump sum is needed at the BEGINNING of retirement
Amount needed to fund
Social Security Benefits
Social Security (old age, survivor & disability - OASDI)
Federal Unemployment
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Social Security Fully Insured
40 quarters
Eligible for both survivor AND retirement benefits
Social Security Currently Insured
6 quarters of coverage
Eligible for:
Lump sum death benefit
Survivor spouse’s benefit
Dependent benefit
SS Worker Benefits
Retired fully insured aged 62 or over entitled to retirement benefits
Under age 65 disabled 12mos, expected to remain disabled at least 12mos or result in death entitled to disability benefit with 5 month waiting period
SS Spouse Benefits
- Spouse of a RETIRED or DISABLED worker qualifies if meets any of the following:
- 62 or over or any age if
- Has child in care under 16
- Has child 16 and over and disabled before 22
- Spouse of DECEASED insured worker qualifies if 60 or over or any age if caring for child of deceased under age 16 or disabled before 22
- Divorced for two years, ex spouse qualifies if 62 or over and married at least 10yrs
SS Dependent Benefits
Surviving dependent, unmarried child of deceased, disabled or retired qualifies if:
- Under 19 and full time student
- 18 or over and disabled before 22
SS Lump sum death benefit
One time lump sum benefit of $255
Qualified Plans/ERISA
Admin costs
Exempt from creditors
Integrate with social security
May NOT discriminate
Immediate tax deduction for contribution
Retirement Plans
NO vesting
Limited admin costs
MAY discriminate
No employer tax deduction for contributions until employee is taxed
Defined Contribution Plans
(Qualified plans/ERISA)
(Vesting/admin/exempt from creditors/integrate with SS)
- Money purchase PENSION
- Target benefit PENSION
- Profit Sharing
- Profit Sharing 401k
- Stock Bonus Plan
Minimum employer contribution must be no less than 3% of non key employees compensation. (C is 3rd letter; use 3%)
Factors affecting employee’s DC plan benefits
Years to retirement
Investment returns
Salary levels
Employer contributions
Solo 401k
NOT subject to coverage testing and non discrimination
2 different contributions: employee elective salary referral AND employer contribution (25% of compensation) with $66,000 cap
Catch up of $7,500 permitted
412i plan
Defined benefit plan funded entirely with insurance products such as life insurance and annuities.
Qualified Plan Eligibility Requirements
Age & Service: (1) age 21 & 1yr of service (21 and one rule)
(2) 2yr service but immediately vested (2-yr/100% rule)
Year of service: 1,000 hrs within initial 12mos or 500 hrs 3 conservative years
Qualified Plan Coverage Requirements
Ratio percentage test: Must cover a percentage of NHCEs that is at least 70% of the percentage of HCEs who are covered
Average benefit test: Average benefits for all NHCEs must be at least 70% off HCEs
Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs)
A greater than 5% owner*
Earn more than $150,000 in PRECEDING year
**Employees who are the spouse, parent, child or grandparent of a >5% owner is deemed to be a >5% owner
Key Employees (Key Vest)
Relates to vesting
Greater than 5% owner*
Officer AND earn more than $215,000
Greater than 1% owner AND earn more than $150,000
**Employees who are the spouse, parent, child or grandparent of a >5% owner is deemed to be a >5% owner
Top Heavy Plans
More than 60% of aggregate accrued benefits or account balances are allocated to key employees
Faster Vesting Schedule
Top heavy DB plans
All defined CONTRIBUTION plans
Vesting Alternatives:
100% 2yr eligibility
2-6 year grade
3 year cliff
Slower Vesting Schedule
Non top heavy DB plans ONLY
Vesting Alternatives:
100% vested 2yr eligibility
3-7 year grades
5 year cliff
ADP/ACP Testing
Compares the percentages of HCEs to those of the NHCEs. The HCEs rate must be both of the following:
Not more than 125% of the NHCE rate
Not more than 200% of the NHCE rate and not more than two percentage points greater than the NHCE rate
Short hand
Deferral 1% (x2) 2%
Deferral 2% (x2) 4%
Deferral 3% (+2) 5%
Deferral 4% (+2) 6%
Controlled Group
Parent subsidiary: One entity owns 80% of other entities
Brother sister: 5 (or fewer) owners of two or more entities own 80% or more of each entity
Affiliated Service Group: Service orgs (HAEL) that provide professional services
Employee Leasing: Employers choosing to lease employees from independent employee leasing org