Retiree 9 Actuarial Method/assumptions Flashcards
Additional assumptions for retiree group benefits
- Current plan costs and contribution
- 1 life insurance based on salary at retirement
- 2 health benefits based in health plan costs at time of retirement
- 3 health care costs for retirees under age 65 are 150 to 225% of active EEs
- 4 retiree less than 65 generally 40 to 80% of active EE costs
- 5 disabled EE from 150 to 400% of active employees
- Health care trend rate
- 1 inflation, utilization, technology, plan design effects, cost shifting
- 2 aging and population changes are handled directly in the valuation process and should not be included in the trend
- 3 trend assumptions beginning at current levels and grading down to some real rate plus inflation for FAS106
- 4 Medicare benefit increase at a lower rate
- 5 deductible leveraging
- 6 under FAS 106, the trend disclosed is on gross plan costs, not net
- Incurred versus paid claims: FAS106 requires incurred
- Service mix
- Medicare part B premium increase
- Retiree contribution increase
- Plan participation: claims per capita higher if less than 100% participation
- Spouse and Dependent coverage and age
- Effect of Plan changes on Assumptions
Common problems in selection of actuarial assumptions
- Under age 65 premiums
- 1 retirees less than 65 are 150% to 225% of costs for active EEs
- Composite premiums
- 1 Assumes distributions of retirees and dependents will be same in future
- Spouse/dependent premium
- 1 Spouse/dependent prem often classfied by the retirees age
- Old premium structure
- Missing data
- Plan costs should be developed by age
Assumptions for Life and Health Plans consistent with the pension valuation
- Economic assumptions
- 1 inflation: does not include medical inflation
- 2 investment return
- 3 discount rate: use an after-tax instead of before-tax used in pension
- 4 salary increase
- Demographic
- 1 termination/turnover
- 2 mortality in pension plan less critical than in retiree health
- 3 disability: medical costs for disabled > average active cost
- 4 retirement incidence: PV benefits increases the younger a person retires
Actuarial methods for life and health plans
- Pension methods can be adapted for retiree group benefits
- Instead of benefit based on salary, service and age, benefit is based on health plan costs at retirement plus trend
- Modified projected unit credit
- 1 required method under FAS106
- 2 use date of full eligibility, not expected retirement date
- Modified entry age
- 1 used for welfare benefit fund calculations
- 2 EAN (Entry Age Normal) procedures the most conservative (i.e. Fastest) funding
- Traditional unit credit the most liberal funding
- GASB allows majority of methods