Retinoblastoma Flashcards


Retinoblastoma - overview

  1. Def = rare childhood cancer arising from retina; most common primary intraocular malignancy of childhood
  2. Sporadic and hereditary forms.
    - Sporadic = two separate mutations within a single retinoblast cell; always unilateral
    - Hereditary = one mutation in germ cell -> all retinoblasts descended from affected germ cell have first mutation -> by chance, more than one retinoblast will often develop -> hereditary form is often, but not always, bilateral
  3. Sx (3+1) = leukocoria (white pupillary reflection; white tumour seen immediately behind lens), strabismus, poor vision; often fhx retinoblastoma
  4. Ix (5)
    a. Dx = ophthalmoscope examination under anaesthesia
    b. Ocular ultrasonography
    c. MRI of brain and orbits
    d. Metastatic evaluation (bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, lumbar puncture, radionuclide bone scan) - but metastatic disease rarely present at time of dx
    e. Genetic testing - suggested for all affected parents
  5. Mx (3)
    a. Low-risk tumours = cryotherapy, laser photocoagulation, plaque radiation therapy (less commonly)
    b. Moderate/high-risk = chemosurgery (selective destruction of tissue by use of chemicals), IV chemotherapy, enucleation (removal of eye)
    c. Metastatic disease = multimodal therapy (high-dose multiagent chemotherapy + radiotherapy + autologous haematopoietic stem cell rescue)
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