retinal vascular diseases Flashcards
what is the pathology in age related macular degeneration ?
yellow spots or drusens left in the bruch membrane
what are the types of AMD ?
wet AMD
dry AMD
what are the risk factors associateed with AMD ?
UV light
positive family history
what are the symptoms of AMD ?
may be asymptomatic
gradual loss of central vision
visual fluctuations
what are the signs associated with AMD ?
early - macular drusens
late - geographic atrophy
what examination is to be done in a case of AMD ?
amslet grid
sit-lamp examination
what results are observed with amsler grids in AMD patients ?
central scotoma
metamorphasia (distortion)
what is the management for both exudative and non exudative AMD ?
education and amsler grid
smokking cessation
HIgh vegetable intakke and vitamins
what is the specific management for exudative AMD ?
PDT - photodynamic therapy
what are common signs seen on fundoscopy that indicate retinal vascular disorders ?
Av crossings
Cotton wool spots
what are the grades of hypertensive retinopathy ?
grade 0: no changes
grade 1: barely detectable arteriolar narrowing
grade 2: obvious arterial narrowing with focal irregularities
grade 3: G2+retinal hges with or without exudate
grade 4: G3 + disc swelling
what are the symptoms of retinal artery occlusion ?
sudden painless loss of vision
perceded by amaurosis fugax
what sign is observed if there is central retinal artery occlusion ( CRAO ) ?
decreased visual acuity and RAPD
cherry red spot at macula
pale retina
pale disc
attenuated vessels
how is visual acuity tested for ?
using a snellen chart
what is the observed sign if there is branch retinal artery occlusion ?
field defect
what is the presentation of retinal vein occlusion ?
sudden painless loss of vision
what are the signs in retinal vein occlusion ?
retinal haemorrhages
cotton wool spots and exudate
disc swelling
macula oedema
engorged vessels
on appearance of neovascularization what is the best management ?
retinal photocoagulationn
with macula oedema what is the best management ?
consider anti-VEGF
what are the stages of diabetic retinopathy ?
non-proliferative DR
severe non proliferative DR
proliferative DR
advanced diabetic eye disease
what is seen on fundoscopy of non proliferative diabetic retinopathy ?
dot and blot haemorrhages
what are the signs observed with severe NPDR ?
macular edema
irregular veins
IRMA ( intra-retinal microvascular abnormalities )
venous beading
deep hges
why does proliferation occur in proliferative DR ?
due to release of VEGF
what are the pathologies associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy ?
new vessels on the disc
new vessels elsewhere
vitreous hge
traction retinal detachement
what is the management for diabetic retinopathy ?
strict control of blood glucose
pan retinal photocoagulation
intravitreal Anti Vegf
Surgery - vitrectomy
when is pan retinal photocoagulation used ?
in cases of proliferative DR
Non proliferative DR but in high risk patients
cases of neovascular glaucoma
what are the side effects of PRP ?
loss of peripheral vision
reduced night vision
what is the best next step in management of a DR patient who has macular oedema and is not responding to PRP ?
anti-VEGF (intravitreal Lucentis)
when should surgery be considered in DR ?
vitreous haemorrhages
traction retinal detachment
what is retinal deetachement ?
Retinal detachment refers to a separation of the retina from the retinal pigment epithelium
what are the symptoms of retinal detachement ?
floaters and flashes which worsenn on eyee movement
shadow (stationery)
loss of vision
what are the signs of retinal detachment ?
visual field defects
tobacco dust
retinal tears
subretinal fluid
what is the management for retinal detachement ?
what is vitreous detachment ?
liquification of the vitreous gel
normal deegenrative process
what are the symptoms of vitreous detachment
with or without flashers
what is the management for vitreous detachment ?
no need for intervention
what is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly ?