Retina cases (oral boards) Flashcards
Macular hole DDx
macular pucker, CME intraretinal cyst
> Pseudohole
- Appearance of hole w/ steep walls
- Caused by vascular tortuosity around macula
> Lamellar Hole
- Thin layer of retina lifted w/ walls “bulging out”
- Maybe precursor or resolved macular hole
Macular hole history questions
previous trauma?
previous eye surgery?
Macular hole exam
complete exam, especially of macula
Perform Watzke-Allen test (slit beam and see if line broken/distorted):
>distortion = pucker
>broken = hole
Macular hole evaluation
OCT = preferred modality
IVFA with early hyperfluorescence w/o leakage for hole
Macular hole stage 1 definition and Rx
Stage 1 = impending hole
Rx: Observe, as 50% will resolve spontaneously
Macular hole stage 2 vs 3 definition and Rx
Stage 2: full thickness hole 400 um, + elevated rim
Rx: vitrectomy +/- ILM peel
if operated w/in 1st 6 mo can regain 1/2 visual loss. others operate up to a year. small portion of patients may benefit even if long-standing history of hole
Education: low risk for RD, but must explain Si/Sx to patient
Macular hole stage 4 definition and Rx
Stage 4: hole with cuff and complete PVD
Rx: vitrectomy +/- ILM peel
if operated w/in 1st 6 mo can regain 1/2 visual loss. others operate up to a year. small portion of patients may benefit even if long-standing history of hole
Education: low risk for RD, but must explain Si/Sx to patient
Bulls eye maculopathy DDx
chloroquine/hydroxychlorquine toxicity cone dystrophy macular degeneration (AMD) Stargardt or fundus flavimaculatus battens = (AR) lysozyme storage dz. H/o seizures and progressive dementia with retinal findings of pigmentary retinopathy
Bulls eye maculopathy history questions
Medications: chloroquine/hydroxychlorquine (dosages)?
History: FH of retinal dz, Sx of photophobia, seizures, ataxia, dementia
New macular hole grading system?
Small 400um
Bulls eye maculopathy exam
BCVA, IOP, DFE with special attention to macular pigment changes, drusen, macular, or peripheral pisciform (fish-like) flecks, CNV
Perform a neurologic exam
Bulls eye maculopathy evaluation
If: patient younger, no RA, not taking chloroquine/hydroxychlorquine then order ERG and IVFA
If ERG shows a non-recordable photopic response I would suspect a Dx of cone dystrophy
If IVFA shows silent choroid I would suspect stargardt
Bulls eye maculopathy A/P
need to evaluation medication dosages.
Maximum daily dose of chloroquine
chloroquine/hydroxychlorquine toxicity education
once toxicity starts, it may continue despite stopping the medication:
Baseline exam
vision, fundus photos, HVF (red test)
NV fronds with exudates and hemorrhage in child ddx
sickle cell retinopathy (sea-fan shaped)
sarcoid sea fan neovascularization
diabetic retinopathy
eales peripheral retinopathy of unknown etiology
NV fronds with exudates and hemorrhage in child: history and eye exam
medical history of: sickle cell, DM, sarcoid, IVDA
look for in eye exam: uveitis, iris nodules, NVI, DFE
NV fronds with exudates and hemorrhage in child:
tests: sickledex, ACE, lysozyme, fasting blood glucose, CT of chest if sarcoid suspected.
IV FA to assist evaluation and development of Rx plan
Sickle cell A/P:
NV –> needs PRP to ischemic area located anterior to sea fan
RD: PPV precautions (avoid encircling SB or taking down EOMs, avoid epi in local anesthetic, ensure O2 & hydration)
For pts with sickle cell history and no evidence of retinopathy - plan f/u exams q6-12 mo
for patients who develop retinopathy, plan closer f/u q3-4 mo, performing PRP as needed
sickle cell education
SC worst ocular Sx (SC>Sthal>SS>SA)
SS worst systemic Sx
Avoid CAI
variable Px. with good patient education and comprehensive interval f/u, patients can expect to maintain good visual potential. Also need to have PCP involved to discuss si/sx of systemic sickle crisis
Sickle cell signs and stages
–Stage 1: peripheral arteriolar occlusion
–Stage 2: peripheral AV anastomoses
–Stage 3: preretinal sea fan NV (posterior border of nonperfusion; may autoinfarct and turn white)
–Stage 4: Vitreous hemorrhage
–Stage 5: Tractional RD
Black sunburst (mid-peripheral pigmented lesion with spiculated borders) Salmon patch (IRH) Iridescent spots (intraretinal spots s/p resorption of salmon patch) angoid streaks (conjunctival comma-shaped capillaries in inferior fornix)
4 quadrants flame shaped hemorrhages following NFL, swollen ON DDx
CRVO DM Radiation retinopathy hypertensive retinopathy papilledema
4 quadrants flame shaped hemorrhages following NFL, swollen ON History
History Questions: HAs, transient visual obscurations glaucoma, thyroid eye disease, DM, HTN, radiation, hypercoagulable dz, vasculitis (lupus, syphilis, sarcoid) medications (OCP, diuretics, tetracycline, trenitoin), orbital tumors
4 quadrants flame shaped hemorrhages following NFL, swollen ON eye exam
VA pupils Hertel ocular motility gonioscopy (looking for NVI/NVA) IOP DFE looking for NVD and macular edema
4 quadrants flame shaped hemorrhages following NFL, swollen ON tests
IVFA to determine and define macular edema - whether condition is ischemic or non-ischemic
IVFA will show non-perfused areas and the OCT macular swelling
Check: BP, evaluate for DM (FBS, HgA1c)
order screening labs (CBC, PT/PTT, ESR, lipid profile, homcysteine), sarcoid suspects (ACE, lysozyme, chest CT), atypical cases (FT-ABS, Lyme titer, ANA)
Refer for cardiovascular and hypercoagulable work-up as needed
suspect ischemic CRVO if: 20/400 VA, APD, no pain
Non-ischemic CRVO: usually has better VA and no APD
Ischemic cases can develop NVI/NVA. Therefore I would follow monthly for 6 months performing eye exams and gonioscopy looking for NV. Should this develop I would initiate PRP to regress NVA/NVI. FOr macular edema I would discuss using IV triamcinolone or anti-VEGF
CRVO education
would discuss with patient that there is a 10% chance of contralateral eye developing a CRVO or branched retinal vein occlusion (BRVO)
retinal whitening with cherry red spot DDx
CRAO, Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick (presents in younger children)
retinal whitening with cherry red spot history questions
History of HTN, carotid dz, CV dz, sickle cell, hypercoagulable states
syphilis, migraines, collagen vascular dz
retinal whitening with cherry red spot exam and evaluation
full eye exam: VA, pupils for APD, DFE to search for emboli
Seek etiology of emboli as this can be helpful:
(1) cholesterol emboli (hollenhorst plaque) = refractile bodies seen @ bifurcations arising from carotid artery atheromatous plaques
(2) calcium emboli = white seen distally in retina and arise from cardiac valves
(3) platelet -fibrin emboli = dull, white long arising from carotid atheroma
CRAO can occur with GCA, evaluate for HA, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, obtain immediate ESR/CRP.
Retinal vasculitis (CG pt as example)
Ddx for etiologies include embolus, in situ thrombosis, GCA, connective tissue disease, hypercoagulable state and less likely syphilis, Behcet’s disease, Susac’s, migraine, trauma.
Control comorbidities, including BP
Secondary risk stratification by PCP to include fasting BS, lipid profile, hypercoagulability workup
Will obtain ESR/CRP, CBC with diff, Coag panel, FTA-ABS, ANCA, C3/C4, CXR, UA
Provided h/o stroke and diffuse vascular disease, will obtain Carotid Doppler, cardiac echo
RTC 5-6 weeks to review results, DFE and OCT Mac
CRAO plan
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance DDx
Stargardt’s dz
Cone’s dystrophy
hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine toxicity
Batten’s dz
Fundus albipunctatus = white dot pattern in mid-periphery
Si/Sx: night blindness, prolonged dark adaptation, normal fields, vision.
Retinitis punctate albescens: declining vision, fields, night blindness, abnormal ERG
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance history
Timing of vision loss, medicine, medical and family history
For Batten’s: ask about h/o dementia, seizures
RP + neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Lipofuscin accumulates in lysosomes
Also: seizure, dementia, ataxia, vacuolization of peripheral lymphocytes
Inheritance: AR, usu. Jewish girls
?fingerprint inclusions on EM of peripheral blood smears?
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance exam/evaluation
Complete eye exam
Additional testing: IVFA, ERG, EOG
On IVFA = “silent choroid” pattern with abnormal ERG and EOG based on fundus appearance if Stargardt’s
Cone dystrophy: if decreased color vision, attenuated ERG photopic responses, bull’s eye on fundus photo
Retinal hemorrhages and CWS at arcade distal to an AV crossing history A/P
A: evaluating for cause (HTN, atherosclerosis, DM) and managing sequelae is key to this condition
P: Check BP and consider bloodwork: fasting blood glucose, HGA1c, ANA, RPR, PT/PTT, ESR, homocysteine
Refer patient to internist for CV dz, HTN, CVD, hypercoagulable work-up as dictaed by my exam and history
Rx: chronic macular edema that persisted for 3-6 mo with vision
Retinal hemorrhages and CWS at arcade distal to an AV crossing education
Follow qmonthly for 6 months. Council that this condition can progress and can develop NVG. Ensure they are following with PCP for HTN and DM.
10% risk for contra/L involvement.
Macular pigmented scar, retinitis and overlying vitritis DDx
Toxoplasmosis, ARN, Toxocariasis, TB or syphilis
Macular pigmented scar (slightly smaller than ON), retinitis and overlying vitritis history
History of: eating raw meat, exposure to cats, immunocompromised risk
Macular pigmented scar, retinitis and overlying vitritis exam and evaluation
Full eye exam looking for additional ipsi/L and contra/L CR scars
>Look for AC rxn, spillover from vitritis
>high IOP in active toxoplasmosis helps support Dx
Blood work: toxoplasmosis IgG/IgM Ab titers, VDRL/RPR PPD, CXR, Toxocara ELISA, HIV test in high-risk individuals.
Toxoplasmosis A/P
Rx: typically 6 weeks, Rx immunocompromised cases longer
A: elevated IOP, Rx with IOP lowering gtts other than prostaglandins.
If immunocompromised and lesions are near the macula or disc, recommend starting primethamine, and sulfadiazine with folinic acid to prevent pyrimethamine apalastic anemia
pyrimethamine: need weekly CBC
Patient allergic to sulfa: consider clindamycin or azithromycin
Use: topical/oral steroids, except in immunocompetent patients.
Other Rx protocols: Bactrim DS bid or atovaquone (expensive but acts against both tachyzoites and dormant bradyzoites)
can observe pts who are immunocompetent but have peripheral retinal lesions and non-threatened vision.
Consider working up: TB, syphilis, sarcoid
Toxoplasmosis Education
Immunocompetent patients: good Px with observation for peripheral lesions and medical Rx for lesions threatening vision. Immunocompromised pts have poor Px and would highly recommend HAART
Multiple large CWS and areas of retinal hemorrhage surrounding a normal disc DDx
purtscher retinopathy HTN retinopathy purtscher-like retinopathy CRVO CRAO (much less likely)
Multiple large CWS and areas of retinal hemorrhage surrounding a normal disc history
Info: trauma?
h/o: pancreatitis, EtOHism, renal failure, HTN, recent retrobulbar anesthesia, intraocular injections (i.e. steroid), collagen vascular dz (lupus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis)
Multiple large CWS and areas of retinal hemorrhage surrounding a normal disc exam and evaluation
Imaging (chest, head, orbit). Consider long bone fractures and amnio embolus (femals)
Work-up for pancreatitis, renal failure, HTN, CVD = BP, amylase, lipase, PT/PTT, internist consult
Purscher’s retinopathy A/P:
no ocular Rx, but must Rx underlying causes
Education: f/u exams with DFE q1-2weeks in 1st month. Vision may not improve but 50% can return to baseline.
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance DDx
Stargardt’s dz
Cone’s dystrophy
hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine toxicity
Batten’s dz
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance history
Timing of vision loss, medicine, medical and family history
For Batten’s: ask about h/o dementia, seizures
aka: Spielmeyer-Vogt-Batten-Mayou RP + neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Lipofuscin accumulates in lysosomes Also: seizure, dementia, ataxia, vacuolization of peripheral lymphocytes Inheritance: AR, usu. Jewish girls
RPE pigmentary changes, macular yellow pisciform lesion, macular “beaten-metal” appearance exam/evaluation
Complete eye exam
Additional testing: IVFA, ERG, EOG
On IVFA = “silent choroid” pattern with abnormal ERG and EOG based on fundus appearance if Stargardt’s