How would you start any examination?
WIPER QQ Wash hands Introduce yourself Ask permission Expose the patient Reposition the patient
Ask if they are in any pain or discomfort
How exposed should the patient be for a reticulo-endothelial examination?
From the waist up
How should the patient be positioned for the reticulo-endothelial examination?
Initially sat up
What might you look for during general inspection of the patient in a reticulo-endothelial examination?
Patient may appear generally unwell and tired
Short of breath - anaemia
Signs of bleeding - thrombocytopenia
Any obvious lymph node swelling
Having inspected the patient as part of a reticulo-endothelial examination, what should you do next?
Palpate the lymph nodes
Which lymph nodes should you palpate as part of a reticulo-endothelial examination?
Submental nodes Submandibular nodes Anterior chain Posterior chain Occipital nodes Post and pre-auricular Supra- and infra- clavicular Axillary nodes Inguinal nodes
What might you notice about any of the lymph node groups during a reticulo-endothelial examination?
Enlarged nodes
Having palpated the lymph nodes as part of the reticulo-endothelial examination, what would you do next?
Palpate the liver looking for hepatomegaly
Having palpated the liver as part of the reticulo-endothelial examination, what would you do next?
Palpate the spleen looking for splenomegaly
What test would you say you would do in an OSCE at the end of a reticulo-endothelial examination?
Blood tests and blood film, looking for blasts