Results2 Flashcards
Study provided support for Bandura’s social learning theory how?
Learning through social behaviour & modeling
Shows identification of which models are likely to be imitated
Study shows that children can learn as a result of imitation and without reinforcement, suggesting that?
This suggests that modeling is a form of observational learning
Study shows that people will produce new behaviours that they have observed & generalize these behaviours to new situations like?
Expands operant conditioning by the idea that this imitative behavior can be rewarded or punished
Female aggression seemed to cause confusion amongst children as it went against social norms such as?
“That’s not the way for a lady to behave”
Aggressive male models more likely to be imitated as it was seen as normal behaviour within society
- May help explain results of boys & girls aggression levels
- May be due to children’s understanding of sex-appropriate behaviour like fighting is acceptable for boys but not girls
- Comments like “Al’s a good socker, he beat up Bobo”
- Girls’ higher instances of verbal aggression may be a result of non-clearly defined sex-roles and thus their outlet while possibly suppressing desire for physical aggression