Restrictions,Prohibition And Limitations Flashcards
Prohibition, restrictions and limitations
- Limit: The payment for attending board or committee meetings must not exceed the scale approved by the company or the board, as per the company’s articles.
- Example: If the company’s articles state that directors can receive up to $500 per meeting, this limit must be adhered to.
- Determination: Payment for extra services, like serving as chairman, is decided by the board or the company in a general meeting, following the company’s articles.
- Example: If a director takes on additional responsibilities, the board may decide to pay them extra, but this must be approved according to the company’s rules.
- Rule: Directors cannot assign their office to another person. Any such assignment is void from the beginning.
- Example: A director cannot transfer their role to a friend or family member.
- Exception: A director can appoint an alternate director during their absence from Pakistan for at least 90 days, with board approval.
- Example: If a director is traveling abroad for several months, they can appoint someone to act in their place, but this person must step down when the director returns.
- Rule: All cash transactions with directors must go through banking channels.
- Example: Any payments to directors should be made via bank transfer, not in cash.
- Approval Needed: The company needs prior approval from a general meeting to enter into non-cash transactions with directors or connected persons.
- Example: If a director wants to sell property to the company in exchange for shares, this must be approved by the shareholders in a general meeting.
- Director’s Remuneration: Must follow approved scales and be determined according to the company’s articles.
- Assignment of Office: Directors cannot assign their office, but can appoint an alternate director with board approval.
- Transactions with Directors: Cash transactions must go through banks, and non-cash transactions need shareholder approval.
If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
- Approval Needed: A company cannot make a loan to a director or their relatives (spouse and minor children) or give a guarantee/security for a loan to them unless approved by members through a resolution.
- Additional Requirement for Listed Companies: Listed companies also need approval from the Commission for such loans.
Example: If a director of a listed company wants a loan, the company must get approval from both the shareholders and the Commission.
- Ordinary Course of Business: These restrictions do not apply if the company regularly provides loans or guarantees as part of its business.
- Prohibition: A company cannot contribute any amount or use its assets for political parties or purposes.
Example: A company cannot donate money to a political party or use its office space for political events.
- Prohibition: A company cannot distribute gifts to its members during meetings.
Example: During an annual general meeting, a company cannot give out gift hampers to shareholders.
- Loans to Directors: Require member approval and, for listed companies, Commission approval.
- Political Contributions: Not allowed.
- Distribution of Gifts: Not allowed during meetings.
If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 12/30/2024
(1) 5 CFR Part 2635 Subpart B – Gifts From Outside Sources.
(2) 5 CFR 2635.206 – Proper disposition of prohibited gifts..
(3) A Guide On Corporate Gift Giving Laws To Stay Compliant - Giftpack Blog.
(4) Section 182. Prohibitions and restrictions regarding political ….
(5) Political Contribution Under Companies Act, 2013 - Tax Guru.
(6) FEC | Candidate | Who can and can’t contribute -
(7) Section 185 of Companies Act: Loan Restrictions Explained.
(8) Section 185 Companies Act 2013: Prohibitions on Loans to Directors & Others.
(9) Loan to Directors– Provisions of Section 185 of Companies Act, 2013.