Restorative Justice Flashcards
Commonly known as a Theory of Criminal Justice
Restorative justice
Focuses on crime as an act by an offender against another individual or community rather than the state
Restorative justice
It is done between the offending person and the person who has been harmed is a central process within restorative justice
The person who has harmed takes responsibility for their actions
Person who has been harmed is able to take a central role in the process
A theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by criminal behavior
Restorative justice
Practices and programs reflecting restorative purposes will respond to crime by
Identifying and taking steps to repair harm
Involving all stakeholders
Transforming the traditional relationship bet. communities and their governments in responding crimes
Some of the programs and outcomes typically identified with restorative justice
Custom offender mediation
Victim assistance
Ex-offender assistance
Community Service
One of Principles that form the foundation for restorative justice
Justice requires that we work to restore those who have been injured
One of Principles that form the foundation for restorative justice
Those most directly involved and affected by crime should have the opportunity to participate fully in the response if they wish
One of Principles that form the foundation for restorative justice
Government’s role is to preserve a just public order, and the community’s is to build and maintain a just peace
Create opportunities for victims, offenders and community members who want to do so to meet to discuss the crime and it’s aftermath
Expect offenders to take steps to repair the harm they caused
Seek to restore victims and offenders to whole, contributing members of society
Provide opportunities for parties with a stake in a specific crime to participate in it’s resolution
Types of compensation include
But not are limited to:
Community Service in general
Community service specific to the deed
Self- education to prevent recidivism and/ or expression of remorse
For petty crimes or first time offenses a case may be referred to
Restorative justice as a pretrial diversion
In more serious cases, restorative justice may be-
A part of a sentence that includes prison time or other punishments
In the community, the concerned individuals meet with all affected parties to determine what the experience and impact of the crime were for all
Those called out for offenses-
Listen to what others experience first, preferably until they are able to reflect and feel what those experiences were for the others.
Usually ftf meeting, in the presence of a trained mediator, between the victim of a crime
Victim- Offender Mediator
Usually consists of a small number of participants and often is the only option to incarcerated offenders, due limit to visitors
Victim- Offender Mediator
Where did VOM originated from
Canada where it formed an alternative court sanction in a 1974 Kitchener, Ontario
Much wider circle of participants where the participants may include people connected to the victim and the offenders family
Most appropriate for juvenile cases
Family Group Conferencing