Restoration Drama Flashcards
What was the time period when Restoration Drama was written?
Why did Restoration Drama signify a rebirth of English Drama?
Because the theatres were closed during the 18 years of puritan regime.
What is Restoration Comedy famous for?
Its sexual explicitness, a quality encouraged by the king Charles II personally and his court.
Who was a famous woman writer during this period?
Aphra Behn, who wrote comedies such as The Forc’d Marriage, The Dutch Lover etc
Were there female actresses in restoration drama?
Yes, it was the first time that female actresses were allowed to act on stage.
Who are the famous dramatists of the Restoration Period?
George Etherege, William Congreve, William Wycherley, John Dryden etc
What are the major restoration comedies of George Etherege?
The Comical Revenge or, Love in a Tub in 1664, She Would If She Could in 1668, and The Man of Mode or, Sir Fopling Flutter in 1676.
What was the pseudonym used by Congreve when he published Incognita, Love and duty Reconciled?
Who is the famous author who took on Congreve as a disciple?
John Dryden
What is Congreve’s first play?
The Old Bachelor (1693)
What is Congreve’s most famous work?
The Way of the World (1700), a failure at the time of production because the audience were losing the taste for the immorality and sexual promiscuity of Restoration Drama.
Who are the protagonists of The Way of the World?
Mirabell and Millamant.
How many plays did Congreve write?
He only wrote 5 in total, The Old Bachelor, The Double-Dealer, Love for Love, The Way of the World and The Mourning Bride.
What are William Wycherley’s most famous plays?
The Country Wife (1672) and The Plain Dealer (1676)
What French work is The Plain Dealer based on?
Moliere’s Le Misanthrope
Who are the protagonists in The Plain Dealer?
Captain Manly, his sweetheart Olivia and his friend Vernish.