Responsibility as Master Flashcards
What are your responsibilities as Master
exam answer
(example answer)
My responsibilities as Master come from legislation.
Is to ensure the ship is in a seaworthy condition at all times.
I am responsible to implement the company’s safety and environmental protection policy
I will do this by ensuring the safety management system is implemented onboard the ship.
I have responsibility to ensure we comply with the MLC and onboard the ship we have a copy of the MLC certificate and Declaration of Maritime compliance part 1 and part 2 onboard the ship at all times.
As Master, I have responsibility towards the health and safety of everyone onboard the ship and to facilitate the work of the safety officer and safety commitee.
Through that I would make sure all the crew are well rested and fit for duty by ensuring the minimum hours of rest are complied with.
What are your responsibilities as Master with regards to the vessel?
MS 1995 - Ensure the ship is in a seaworthy condition
MS Pol Prev - Ensure ship does not pose unreasonable threat to environment
MS OLB - Produce OLB to RGSS or customs official on demand. Deliver the OLB to the appropriate officer/ super intendent
MS LSA - Ensure vessel complies with LSA regulations
MS Tonnage - Ensure the vessel has a valid International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
What are your responsibilities as Master with regards to health and safety?
MS H&S facilitate work of the safety officer and safety commitee
MS Dangerous Goods - Ensure DGs do not pose a significant threat to health and safety of any person
MS ISM - Make decisions with respect to safety and environmental policy of the company
MS MLC - Ensure persons onboard the ship are provided with the minimum hours of rest
MS MLC - Ensure copy of MLC is onboard and MLC Certificate and declaration of maritime compliance is available
MS Accident and Reporting - Notify chief inspector as soon as practicable when an accident occurs
MS STCW - Ship must have valid safe manning document and complies with safe manning before proceeding to sea.
What are your responsibilities as Master with regards to other ships
MS 1995 - Render assistance in the event of a collision
SOLAS V - Provide assistance on receipt of a distress. Take action necessary for the safety of life and prevention of pollution
MS SAR - Passenger ships - Implement company plan to co-operate with SAR searches
What are your responsibilities as MAster with regard to security
Maritime security act - Deliver a person suspected of a security breach on board to appropriate authorities in UK or other
What are the 4 pillars of the International convention?
How would you ensure the crew are properly rested as per MLC
I would do this by managing they’re hours of work and rest.
At the start of the month I would look at the work ahead and organise the work activities to account for the watchkeeping hours of each crew member.
I would print out hours of rest sheets, they would be given that an advised to fill out on a daily basis. I would monitor that as the month goes on. If a crew member does go over they’re hours, it would be highlighted to myself and this would be compensated with extra hours of rest.
At the end of the month I would check the sheets have been filled in correctly, the seafarer signs it, the master signs it and it gets filled away for a minimum of 12 months.
What is SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34-1 Master’s discretion
Master can use his dicretion for safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environement
No one shall restrict the Master of the ship from taking or executing any decision which, in the Master’s professional judgement, is necessary for the safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment
ISM Part V What is Master’s responsibility and authority?
Master has overiding authority regarding safety and environmental policy
The company should establish in the SMS that the Master has the overiding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the company’s assistance as may be necessary.
What is the Master’s responsibility under ISM?
- Implement the safety and environment protection policy?
- Motivating the crew in the observation of that policy
- Issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner
- Verifying that specified requirements are observed
- Periodically reviewing the safety management system and reporting its deficiencies to the shore based management.
What is the responsibility/ duties of the flag state?
Comply with internation conventions
- Maintain a register of it’s ships flying its flag
- Issue Internal law
- surveyed by qualified surveyor to ensure safe navigation of vessel
- ensure Masters and officers hold the appropriate qualifications
- Observe applicable regulations concerning the safety of life at sea
- Duty to investigate incidents and accidents
What is the duty of Port state?
To discover sub standard shipping and prevent the vessels trading. This is why there are port state inspections
What is the role of the classification society
The purpose of a Classification Society is to provide classification and statutory services and assistance to the maritime industry and regulatory bodies as regards maritime safety and pollution prevention, based on the accumulation of maritime knowledge and technology.
How would you know the limitations of your vessel?
This would be stated on the certificate of class. Indicate how ship is designed and built. Stated through class notations. e.g. Ice class UMS capable
Who issues statutory certificates
Flag state, evidence the ship complies with requirements of international conventions
Who issues certificate of class?
The classification society, focusing on the design construction standards and ongoing maintenance
If you have any damage onboard you ship, why is this an issue?
You will find the ship probably doesn’t comply with the international convention, making you statatory certificate invalid but also your certificate of class maybe invalid and a condition of class may be put on.
Where would you find your responsibilities as a Master?
SMS - duties, responsibilities & authority
UK Legislation - Statutory instuments
International convention - Marpol Solas, MLC, STCW,
What would your standing orders contain?
Alligned to SMS/ UK legislation/ International Convention
Reference company standing orders
Clear unambiguous language
Expected standards of behaviour and limits of authority