Responses to Suffering Flashcards
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Statues
-Catholics do not worship statues as forbidden in the ten commandments; rather they use statues as a focal point for prayer and reflection.
-Having images of saints and Jesus provide Catholics with an aid for prayer as they are reminded of the type of life they should live.
-This is seen through their use of the Pieta which is often used to reflect on the meaning of suffering. This does not go against the ten commandments as they state to not, “worship false idols or graven images.”
-Therefore, having statues in churches is not against the ten commandments as they are not used for worship but to help Catholics to teach and inspire others.
How are Catholics Influenced by Statues
-Catholics use statues as an aid to prayer.
-Therefore, they will be influenced to keep statues in their own homes to help with private worship.
-All churches will have statues for all to use however Catholics may keep images for themselves, especially a crucifix, for them to personally focus and reflect on.
Evaluate Catholic Beliefs About Statues
-Catholics provide a convincing argument because Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the father.”
-Therefore, having statues in churches is not against the ten commandments because we have seen Jesus so, we have seen God. This means we can make images of Him we know what He looks like.
-This is not in conflict with the ten commandments as Jesus Himself fulfilled scripture as he taught that we were told to not murder but he told us to not be angry.
-All are part of the ‘Communion of Saints’ which both the living and the dead are part of. It is the saints who offer prayers to God for those on Earth so we are not worshipping them, only asking them to pray for us.
Describe Jewish Beliefs About Statues
-Jews believe any use of statues is idolatrous and against the belief in one God. The ten commandments state,” You shall not make yourself any images,” so having any picture or statue is forbidden.
-Therefore, Jews will not create any sculpture as even if it is not worshipped, it is against the ten commandments.
-Moreover, having statues goes against the first commandment, “You shall have no other Gods before me.” This is because there is only one God so it is God alone who should be worshipped.
-Hence, having statues in synagogues goes against the ten commandments because they are graven images which go directly against the core belief in Judaism: one God.
How are Jews Influenced by Statues
-Jews completely reject the use of statues so will be influenced to not have any statues or images in synagogues however still decorate them beautifully.
-This is because although they are commanded to have no idols, there are still some mitzvot which require synagogues to be decorated.
-For example, Jews are told to have windows as it is suggested that the sky inspires a reverence of God.
Evaluate Jewish Beliefs About Statues
-Jews provide an unconvincing argument as in the Old Testament God commanded for the Ark of the covenant to be decorated with cherubs.
-Therefore, God does allow statues, but it is only the worship of them which goes against the ten commandments and other mitzvot.
Describe Protestant Beliefs About Statues
-The use of statues is wrong as God commanded to not create any image and worship it. This is evident in Genesis, “You shall not make for yourself any images.”
-Despite this not being one of the ten commandments, it is also given directly by God and gives the same message. Protestants will not have statues or images in churches as having them goes against multiple laws.
-Abraham also smashed his father’s statues as they went against the belief in one God. Hence Protestants will also not have statues as it also opposes the belief in one God.
-Consequently, Protestants believe having statues is against the ten commandments as they are told to not have any idols or worship false Gods.
How are Protestants Influenced by Statues
-Protestants reject the use of statues and symbols for worship.
-Therefore, they will be influenced to have plain churches.
-They were directly commanded not to have statues so having images in churches distracts form prayer and may be viewed as idolatrous.
Evaluate Protestant Beliefs About Statues
-Protestants provide an unconvincing argument because many of their churches will still have a cross.
-This may be interpreted as having symbols that can be used to worship and be prayed to which goes against the ten commandments.
Describe the Significance of the Child and Mother in the Pieta
-In the Pieta, there are many references to the pain of childbirth, showing the Catholic belief that suffering can bring about greater goods.
-It resembles a mother holding a new-born child, showing that suffering is part of love.
-It shows that even the Mother of God was not exempt from human suffering, showing the Catholic belief that God is with human beings even in their darkest times
Describe the Significance of Acceptance in the Pieta
-One feature of the Pieta is Mary’s upturned palm shows an acceptance of suffering despite its cost.
-This shows the Catholic belief that if suffering is embraced it can become a source of redemption.
-This was prophesised in Isaiah, “By His wounds we are healed.”
-Despite the horrific scene the Pieta depicts it is still presented serenely and beautifully, showing the Catholic ambivalence towards suffering.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Catholics believe that a pilgrimage is an important spiritual experience to a place of religious significance for believers. The Catechism states, “Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven.”
-Going on this journey represents the journey of life and helps to set aside time for them to reflect on the meaning of their lives and to spend time with other believers.
-A pilgrimage allows for believers to respond to aspects of their lives. Many Catholics will use their time on a pilgrimage as a response to suffering as they may seek healing such as in the baths at Lourdes.
-Catholics view pilgrimage as an important practice as it gives time for them to reflect on their lives and relationships.
How are Catholics Influenced by Pilgrimages
-Catholics believe a pilgrimage is a time for spiritual growth.
-Therefore, they will be influenced to go on a pilgrimage for the sake of others- not just themselves as salvation is through faith and good works.
-They may take the sick or elderly around a pilgrimage site to allow them to also experience the journey towards heaven.
Evaluate Catholics Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Catholics provide a convincing argument because many Catholics will go on a pilgrimage to show penance or devotion.
-Therefore, it is more than just a holiday as it does not involve relaxing but devoting time to God such as through fasting.
-This may also increase the importance of a pilgrimage over other practices
Describe Jewish Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Jews believe a pilgrimage is a time for them to connect with God and offer Him gifts. In the Torah, they are told,” Three times a year [referring to festivals] shall you appear… in the place that God will choose.”
-This shows that it is God’s desire for Jews to go on a pilgrimage setting it apart from a holiday.
-Moreover, a pilgrimage allows for the Jewish community to gather, reaffirming commitment to the covenants and further sanctifying Jerusalem.
-Hence, a pilgrimage is not just a holiday as it is a time from strengthening relationships with God and of community gathering rather than just family or some friends.
How are Jews Influenced by Pilgrimages
-Jews will be influenced to specifically visit Jerusalem for a pilgrimage.
-By going there, they are told (by scripture) that they are further sanctifying the city.
-Therefore more Jews may visit as it is separate from a holiday and the ruin of the temple is where the shekinah is believed to be resting.
Evaluate Jewish Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Jews provide a convincing argument as Jews will go on a pilgrimage during important festivals such as Pesach.
-These festivals are only related to the Jewish faith.
-Therefore, by going on a pilgrimage, this may separate a pilgrimage from normal events like a holiday and increase its importance over other practices.
Describe Other Christian Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Other Christians believe by going on a pilgrimage, they are following in Jesus’ example.
-The Gospel of Luke states, “Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the festival of Passover.” This shows how Jesus went on a pilgrimage; hence it is a good example for Christians to follow.
-In turn, other Christians may go on a pilgrimage to follow in Jesus’ footsteps so will visit holy sites and devote themselves to acting how Jesus has taught us.
-This shows that a pilgrimage is more than a holiday because pilgrims will visit locations with a religious significance.
How are Other Christians Influenced by Pilgrimages
-Other Christians will be influenced to go on a pilgrimage during Holy Week.
-Jesus also went to Jerusalem during his final week so Christians may go there on a pilgrimage to further connect with Him.
-They may also go to remember the events in the Paschal mystery which are important events in the Church’s history and for salvation.
Evaluate Other Christian Beliefs About Pilgrimages
-Other Christians provide an unconvincing argument as many people on holiday may also visit holy sites.
-Therefore, it is only if a pilgrim spends deep reflection time and devotion there which increases the important of a pilgrimage over other practices.
Describe the Significance of the Baths at Lourdes
-Some pilgrims may be submerged in the baths with water from the spring.
-These waters are said to have healing properties, so pilgrims hope to be healed spiritually, emotionally or physically.
-Even those who are not healed return at peace and able to cope with their problems.
-By offering their suffering to God it helps people to cope as taught in Salvifici Doloris “suffering produces endurance.”
Describe the Significance of the High Stations at Lourdes
-One practice a pilgrim may take part in is the high stations.
-Pilgrims will go up to the hills to take part in the stations of the cross.
-This walk is almost a mile long and some will perform it barefoot as penance.
Describe the Significance of Volunteering at Lourdes
-Many young pilgrims may also volunteer by taking the elderly or disabled to different services.
-It is a chance for them to put others before themselves.
-It is also a chance to have everyone brought together in one community: “The Body of Christ.”
Describe the Importance of the Rosary for Catholics
-The Rosary is an important aid to prayer and used as a reflection on the mysteries of God and Jesus. Pope St John Paul II called the Rosary, “a compendium of the Gospel.”
-He said this to describe the simplicity of the Rosary as it is available to anyone, unlike the physical Gospel which some may not be able to read or may struggle to access.
-Catholics are able to focus important events in the life of both Jesus and Mary which helps them to grow in faith.
-The Rosary is an important practice as Catholics can keep track of their prayers and focus their minds to the Gospel. Catholics build a stronger relationship with God.
-The Rosary’s mysteries help Catholic to reflect on different parts of their lives such as the Sorrowful mysteries which can be used to focus on suffering.
How are Catholics Influenced by the Rosary
-Catholics will be influenced to also use statues.
-The Rosary provides an aid and focus to prayer.
-Therefore, Catholics will also use statues to further help with this such as asking for intercession or petition like they do during the Rosary.
Evaluate Catholic Beliefs About the Rosary
-Catholics provide a convincing argument because the Rosary is a universal practice which can be performed by any Catholic.
-This is unlike other practices such as a pilgrimage which many may struggle to perform.
-Therefore, the Rosary is important because it provide easy access to the Gospel which allows Catholics to grow their connection with God.
-Allegedly, St Dominic was given the Rosary by Mary in a vision allowing Catholics to obey Mary like she obeyed God.
Describe the First Three Sorrowful Mysteries
-The Agony in the Garden: Jesus prayed in anguish on the night before His death. He asked His disciples to stay awake and watch while He prayed but they fell asleep.
-The Scourging at the Pillar: Pilate had Jesus whipped before His execution. He was ridiculed, mocked and humiliated.
-The soldiers stripped Jesus of His clothes to make Him vulnerable and whips Him with whips that had nails at the end of them.
-The Crowning with Thorns: the soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe, made a crown out of thorns and put it on His head.
The thorns were pushed into Jesus’ head and used to mock Him. The soldiers saluted Him, “Hail king of the Jews!”
Describe the Final Two Sorrowful Mysteries
-The Way of the Cross: Jesus was forced to carry His own cross to the place of His execution. He fell three times from pain and exhaustion while His mother, Mary watched.
-Veronica wiped Jesus’ face and at one point, the soldiers make Simon of Cyrene carry the cross for a time.
-The crucifixion and death of Jesus on the mount of Golgotha: The soldiers mocked Jesus while they stripped Him and drove nails through His wrists.
-In pain and anguish Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Describe how the First Three Sorrowful Mysteries can Help Catholics with Suffering
-Agony in the Garden: shows Catholics that even Jesus felt pain so it is okay to feel upset and struggle in our lives.
-We should take comfort that God will be there to support us like Jesus as he prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible that this cup pass without my drinking it, your will be done!
-Scourging at the Pillar: Jesus didn’t put up a fight because he knew He had to suffer for a greater purpose. This teaches that sometimes they might have to endure pain and sacrifice but there is a greater purpose to this.
-The Crowning with Thorns: sometimes Catholics may be innocent and suffer unnecessarily. They may even be mocked or ignored as they suffer.
-This suffering helps them to know what Jesus went through and be more Christ like.
Describe how the First Two Sorrowful Mysteries can Help Catholics with Suffering
-The Way of the Cross: This is important for Catholics because even though they will have to endure hard times, there will always be those around them to help and support in dark times.
-The Crucifixion and death of Jesus: Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for others: His own life. Sometimes in this life, Catholics will endure terrible things.
-They need to find comfort that God has a plan and a purpose for suffering. Moreover, if Catholics do experience suffering, it helps them to be more Christ like.