Response Object Flashcards
Sets the HTTP status code
res.set(name, value)
Sets a response header
res.cookie(name, value, [options])
Sets a cookie that will be stored on the client
res.clearCookie(name, [options])
Clears a cookie stored on the client
res.redirect([status], url)
Redirects a browser. Default redirect code is 302
res.send(status, body)
Sends a response to the client with optional status code
res.json(staus, json)
Sends JSON to the client with optional status code
res.jsonp(status, json)
Sends JSONP to the client with optional status code
A convenience method to set the Content-Type header. Equivalent to res.set(‘Content-Type’, type) except it maps a file extension to an Internet media type if you provide a type without a slash in it. For instance res.type(‘text’)
Allows you to send different content depending on the Accept request header
Sets Content-Disposition header to ‘attachment’ causing browser to prompt to download rather than display a file. filename serves as hint to browser, [filename], [callback])
Sets Content-Disposition header to ‘attachment,’ causing browser to prompt to download rather than display a file.
Allows you to specify a file to download
res.sendFile(path, [options], [callback])
Read a file specified by path and send its content to the client
Sets the Links response header
Object containing the default context for rendering views
res.render(view, [locals], callback)
Renders a view using the configured templating engine. Default response code 200