Respiratory Toxicology Flashcards
What are the main causes of toxic exposure in the respiratory system? What 3 characteristics make is more susceptible?
inhalation and/or pulmonary circulation
- total cardiac output passes through the lungs
- thin diffusion barriers that facilitate gas exchange, also facilitate toxicant uptake
- large surface area for gas exchange = large surface area for toxicant uptake
What are some pulmonary defenses against toxicants?
- mucus barrier
- mucociliary escalator system
- active immune system (BALT)
- toxicant metabolism
- high repair capacity
What are the acute and chronic toxic responses of the respiratory system?
ACUTE: airway reactivity, edema
CHRONIC: emphysema, fibrosis, asthma, neoplasia
What are the most common signs of respiratory toxicosis?
- coughing
- nasal discharge
- epistaxis
- dyspnea, apnea, hypopnea, hyperpnea
- increased heart rate
- grunting
- weakness, confusion, fatigue, coma, death
What are the 2 most common sources of ammonia (NH3)? What species are especially susceptible?
- toxic air pollutants in high concentration most common in animal facilities
- where feces and other wastes are allowed to accumulate and decompose (poor hygiene)
poultry and pigs
What is the mechanism of toxicity of ammonia? What happens at the high concentrations in animal facilities?
NH3 dissolves in aqueous layer in the eye and upper respiratory tract to form NH4OH, which is caustic and causes irritation of the epithelium and necrosis of cells by disrupting cell membrane lipids
chronic stress to the respiratory tract —> secondary bacterial infections and reduced growth
What are the most common clinical signs of ammonia toxicity? What also happens in chicken?
- excessive tearing
- shallow breathing
- clear or purulent nasal discharge
- increased secondary infection, especially Bordetella rhinitis in pigs*
- reduced production
keratoconjunctivitis, corneal opacity, tracheitis
How can ammonia toxicity be prevented?
- adequate ventilation
- sanitation
What is carbon monoxide? What are 3 common sources?
odorless and colorless gas that is the most common cause of human poisoning in the US
- byproduct of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, especially in the internal combustion engine
- gas water heaters, space heaters, or furnaces in poorly ventilated spaces, like farrowing houses and lambing sheds
- fires
What are the 2 mechanisms of toxicity of carbon monoxide? What is the net effect?
- competes with oxygen for binding sites on hemoglobin (CO = 250x O2), which reduces the carrying capacity of Hb and capacity to give off CO2 in the lungs
- increases affinity of O2 for Hb and the stability of O2-Hb bond, which causes the O2 dissociation curve to shit to the left and the release of O2 from Hb is impaired
- (also affects myoglobin in the same way)
reduced availability of O2 to cells
When will the affinity for oxygen for hemoglobin be high? Decreased? What effect described this?
HIGH = decreased temp, decreased pCO2, increased pH, CO, MetHb
LOW = increased temp, increased pCO2, decreased pH
BOHR EFFECT = hemoglobin’s oxygen binding affinity is inversely related both to acidity and to the concentration of carbon dioxide
How does carbon monoxide affect the mitochondria? What does this result in?
binds to cytochrome C oxidase in the ETC, which interferes with cellular respiration and causes generation of reactive oxygen species —> oxidative stress
When do clinical signs of carbon monoxide toxicity appear? Death? What do clinical signs reflect?
> 25%; > 60%
hypoxia of the tissues - tissues with high oxygen demand (brain, heart, skeletal muscle) are most impacted
What are the initial clinical signs of carbon monoxide poisoning? What is characteristic?
- drowsiness
- nausea, vomiting
- lethargy, weakness
- deafness
- arrhythmias
cherry-red color to blood, skin, and mucous membranes due to high [COHb]
What is characteristic of severely affected animals undergoing carbon monoxide poisoning? What does chronic low-level exposure lead to?
- dyspnea*
- terminal clonic spasms
- coma
- abortion: CO crosses placental barrier causing fetal hypoxia
- acute death
exercise intolerance and disturbances in postural and position reflexes
What is the main goal to carbon monoxide poisoning treatment? How is this done?
restore adequate oxygen supply particularly to the brain and heart
- decontaminate with fresh air
- establish and maintain patent airway with artificial respiration if necessary
- hyperbaric oxygen
- blood transfusion of r functional Hb
What is smoke? What materials make the worst smoke?
complex mixture of vapors, gases, fumes, heated air, particulates, and liquid aerosols (composition is highly variable)
synthetic materials —> high fume intensity and composition
(inhalation = leading cause of death from fires - carbon monoxide)
What are some adverse effects associated with smoke inhalation?
- thermal injury
- cyanide exposure
- inhalation of other noxious gases, aerosols, and particulates
What are the 2 mechanisms of toxicity of smoke inhalation? What clinical signs appear?
- asphyxiation due to decreased supply and impaired transport of oxygen, occlusion of airway, and central respiratory center depression
- irritation of mucous membranes
respiratory compromise and/or systemic toxicity - coughing, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, dizziness, unconciousness, CNS signs, death