respiratory system chp23 Flashcards
the functions of the respiratory system include
Gas exchange between air and circulating blood
2. Air distributor along respiratory passageways
3. Protecting respiratory passageways
4. Sound production
5. Olfaction stimulation
6. Indirectly helps regulate blood volume and pressure (conversion of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II)
how many systems are in the respiratory system
the upper respiratory system includes
nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinusus, pharynx
lower respiratory system includes
larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs
what does the respiratory track do
conducting airways that carries air to and from alveoli, the passageways of the upper track humidify and and filter incoming air, the lower track includes conduction passages and the exchange surfaces of the alveoli
respiratory mucosa also known as
respiratory epithelium and under lying connective tissue
what is the conducting portion lining of the respiratory track called
respiratory mucosa
lamina propria
a layer of areolar tissue that supports the respiratory track
does the respiratory epithelium change throughout the respiratory track?
what is the purpose of the respiratory epithelium
it serves to moisten and protect the airway
where is the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium located in the respiratory track
nasal cavity, superior portion of the pharynx
what is the respiratory defenses system
cilia and mucus
how does air normally enter the respiratory system
connect the nasal cavity and nasopharynx Catch debris swirl air around
what does the nasal mucosa do
traps particles, warms and dehumidified and absorbs heat of outgoing air
hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at top of trachea and esophagus. it is shared by the digestive and respiratory system.
superior part of the pharynx first portion of pharynx air only region
2nd part of pharynx it is continuous with the oral cavity air and food
narrow zone between the hyoid bone and the entrance to the esophagus
surrounds and protects the glottis voice box
the part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the opening between them. it affects voice modulation through expansion or contraction
membranous tube reinforced by the rings of cartilage extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lings
where does gas exchange occur in the respiratory track
how many lobes are there in each lung
right lung has 3 lobes and left has 2
what surrounds the lungs
a single pleural cavity lined by a serous membrane
what is the serous membrane that lines the pleural cavity called
how many types of pleura are there
partial pleura and visceral pleura
parietial pleura
outer membrane that attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
visceral pleura
covers the surface of the lungs
external respiration
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between interstitial fluid and the external environment and includes pulmonary ventilation (breathing)
internal respiration
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between interstitial fluid and cells
an absence of enough oxygen in he tissues to sustain bodily functions
form of hypoxia when the body does not get any oxygen
pulmonary ventilation
is the physical movement of air in and out of the respiratory track
decreasing the volume of a gas increases its pressure and increasing the volume of a gas decreases its pressure
boyle’s law
primary respiratory muscles
the diaphragm and external intercostal muscle.
intrapulmonary pressure
the pressure inside the respiratory track
what determines the direction of airflow
intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure
intrapleural pressure
pressure in the potential space between the paritetal and visceral pleurae
respiratory cycle
a single cycle of inhalation and exhalation