Respiratory System Flashcards
respiratory portion
respiratory bronchioles aveolar ducts aveolar scas alveoli Exchange of gases bet air and blood Maximize surface area
conducting airways
nasal cavities paranasal sinuses pharynx larynx trachea bronchi
structure of conducting portion
1) Mucosa - epithelium
2) Lamina propria - underlying CT = loose fibro-elastic CT, may contain lymph
3) Submucosa - fibro-elastic CT
4) Support elements - bone/cartilage/smooth mm
5) Adventitia - CT merging w/ surrounding tissues (when not resting on bone)
Respiratory epithelium
pseudostratified columnar
ciliated cells
goblet cells
Olfactory epithelium
pseudostratified columnar olfactory receptor cells basal cells (lacks goblet cells) thicker than resp epithelium
Bronchiolar epithelium
simple cuboidal -> columnar
Clara cells
Alveolar epithelium
simple epithelium
Type I cells (squamous)
Type II cells (rounded to cuboidal)
Nasal epithelium
minimally keratinized simple squamous epithelium
Respiratory epithelial cell types
5 cell types:
- columnar ciliated cells
- goblet
- brush
- small granule
columnar ciliated cells
type of resp epi
regular motile cilia move mucus
goblet cells
type of resp epi
make and secrete mucus
features; rER, golgi, apical secretory vesicles
Mucus = hydrated mix of glycoproteins and proteoglycans
brush cells
columnar cells with short blunt microvilli
general sensation
innervated by CN V
small granule cells
Bronchial cell of Kulchitsky
diffuse neuroendocrine sys (DNES)
- amine precursor uptake & decarboxylation
Stain w/ silver salts
extrapulmonary bronchi
c-shaped rings of cartilage
same structure as trachea just smaller
smooth mm restricted to cartilage-free border at first
ciliated pseudostrat columnar epi w/goblet cells
intrapulmonary bronchi
complete but broken ring of cartilage
surrounded by lung parenchyma
Mucosa - cil pseudostrat col epi w/ thick basement membrane (ciliated, goblet, and basal cells)
1) Lamina propria - loose fibro-elastic CT, also contains lymphoid aggregations
2) boundary w/ Submucosa marked by elastic lamina
Submucosa - mixed seromucous glands, blood vessels, larger lymph, ANS ganglia
Cartilaginous/ Smooth mm layer/Fibro-elastic CT
Adventitia - lots of fat, nerve cells, and blood vessels