Respiratory symptoms assessment readings Flashcards
Describe the subjective symptoms which include onset, quantity, quality, setting, associated symptoms, modifying factors, for:
1. Cold
2. Allergic rhinitis
3. Vasomotor rhinitis
4. Flu
5. Bacterial sinusitis
Describe the objective symptoms of fever, nasal examination, lung A&P, causative agents for :
1. Cold
2. Allergic rhinitis
3. Vasomotor rhinitis
4. Flu
5. Bacterial sinusitis
Describe the subjective side effects of onset, quantity, quality, setting, associated symptoms, modifing factors
1. AOM
2. Otitis media with effusion
3. Chronic suppurative otitis media
4. Otitis externa
5. TMJ pain dysfinction syndrome
Describe the Objective assessment of AOM, Otitis media with effusion, Chornic Suppurative otitis media, Otitis Externa, TMJ pain disfunction syndrome
1. Fever
2. Ear exam
3. Other
4. Usually causative organisms
What are subjective symptoms including location, onset, quantity, settings, associated symptoms, modifying factors for these potential causes of sore throat:
1. Strep pharyngitis
2. Viral pharyngitis
3. mononucleosis
4. Herpangina
6. PND