Respiratory Mechanics Flashcards
intrapleural space
Both lungs are surrounded by a closed chamber, the “pleural sac” or intrapleural space.
Alveolar surface tension
Alveolar surface tension is responsible for the transmural pressure gradient and the at rest lower-than-atmospheric
intrapleural pressure.
- pressure in lungs must be equal to atmospheric pressure
transmural pressure gradient across lung wall
inta-alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure
- about 4mm of mercury
transmural pressure gradient across thoracic wall
atmospheric pressure minus intrapleural pressure
The transmural pressure gradient
The transmural pressure gradient prevents the lungs from collapsing. If the intrapleural pressure is allowed to equalise with the atmospheric pressure, visceral and parietal pleurae separate and the lung collapses resulting in a pneumothorax.
Quiet breathing
lowering the diaphragm lowers the intrapleural pressure which in turn inflates the lungs. Intra-alveolar pressure falls below atmospheric pressure, and air flows into the lungs.
Quiet breathing
upon relaxation of the diaphragm, intrapleural pressure returns to the normal lower-than- atmospheric pressure. The recoil of the lung creates a slightly higher than atmospheric intra-alveolar pressure, and air moves out of the lungs.
The airflow rate
not only depends on the pressure gradient but also on the airway resistance.
Airflow rate = pressure gradient / airways resistance
Airway resistance
is due to friction along the wall of the airway, and depends mostly on the diameter of the airway.
Increased ventilation
- Inspiration
contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles expand the thoracic cavity and lowers the intrapleural pressure which in turn inflates the lungs. Intra-alveolar pressure falls below atmospheric pressure, and air flows into the lungs.
Increased ventilation
contraction of the internal intercostal muscles flattens the ribcage; contraction of the abdominal muscles pushes the diaphragm upwards. This markedly increases the intrapleural pressure. Together with the recoil of the lung this creates an even higher intra-alveolar pressure, and air moves out of the lungs.
Dynamic airway closure
When frictional losses cause the airway pressure to fall below the surrounding elevated intrapleural pressure, the small non-rigid airways are compressed closed, blocking further expiration and trapping air within the alveoli. The amount of air left in the alveoli after dynamic airway closure is called residual volume.
What if pressure changes the diameter of the conduit?
- In a rigid tube flow is dependent on the pressure difference between each end and the diameter of the tube.
- In a tube with compliant walls flow is also dependent on absolute pressure because pressure between lumen and outside will change the cross section area (diameter) of the conduit.
Thickness of airway wall
Smaller airways have thinner walls and are more compliant
loses alveloi valves and decreased recoil of the lung = at rest ransmural pressure
gradient will not be as low and lung won’t shrink back as much anymore so intrapleural
pressure will be higher than in a healthy person. WHen person forecfully exhales and
puts pressure on the chest using muscles force, as pressure was higher initially it will also be
higher during force expiration. If intrapleural pressure if higher in forced expiration, the intrapressure
point is reached at a time when you have much more air left at your lungs and get dynamic small
airway closure over time when have much more air left in lungs and air traping
Opposing Forces Acting on Lung
- Forces Keeping the Alveoli Open
Transmural pressure gradient
Alveolar interdependence
Opposing Forces Acting on Lung
- Forces Promoting Alveolar Collapse
Elasticity of stretched pulmonary connective tissue
Alveolar surface tension
Prematurely born babies
often present with Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to insufficient pulmonary surfactant production
Pulmonary surfactant deficiency leads to
increased alveolar surface tension thus increased recoil of the lung
increased transmural pressure gradient and decreased intrapleural pressure
late small airway closure with reduced residual volume
increased breathing effort due to increased recoil of the lung and decreased compliance of the lung.