Respiratory Failure/ARDS – 20 Flashcards
ARDS – PaO2/FIO2 ratio
</= 200
Sudden, progressive ARF in which Alveolar cap. membrane damaged –>more permeable to intravascular fluid–>Alveoli fill with fluid
Injury or exudative phase
Time Period
1-7 days after insult
Reparative or proliferative phase
Time Period
1-2 wks after initial lung injury
Fibrotic or chronic/late phase
Time Period
2-3 wks after initial lung injury
Neutrophils adhere to plum microcirculation–> damage to vascular endothelium & increased cap perm–>Engorgement of peribronchial & perivascular interstitial space–>Intrapulm. shunt develops –>alveoli fill w/ fluid & bld passing through cannot be oxygenated; Alveolar cells (I & II) damaged–>Surfactant dysfunx & atelectasis–>Hyaline membranes line alveoli. Severe V/Q mismatch & shunting of pulmonary cap blood–>hypoxemia
(Unresponsive to increasing O2 concentrations)–>Lungs become less compliant
1-7 days after insult
Injury or exudative phase
Influx of neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes–>Fibroblast proliferation. Lung becomes dense and fibrous, compliance continues to decrease. Hypoxemia worsens.
reparative phase persists
1-2 wks after initial lung injury
If reparative phase persists
widespread fibrosis results
If phase is arrested, lesions resolve
Lung completely remodeled (sparsely collagenous & fibrous tissues); Requires long-term mechanical ventilation; Survival chances poor
2-3 wks after initial lung injury
Fibrotic or chronic/late phase
Survival chances poor
dyspnea tachypnea cough restlessness Auscultation normal-fine, scattered crackles
ARDS- Initial presentation
Chest Xray ARDS
normal or scattered interstitial infiltrates initially
Evident discomfort
Intercostal & suprasternal retractions
Pulmonary funX tests –> decreased compliance & lung vol.
ARDS-increased fluid accumulation and decreased compliance
Chest x-ray–>whiteout/ white lung
d/t consolidation and coalescing infiltrates widespread throughout lungs
Rupture of overdistended alveoli during mechanical ventilation
smaller tidal volumes results in
higher PaCO2
Permissive hypercapnia
Keep pH >/= 7.2
Decreased risk of Baro & Volutrauma