Respiratory failure Flashcards
What is the definition of type 1 and 2 respiratory failure?
Type 1 respiratory failure is less than 8kPa oxygen
Type 2 respiratory failure is less than 8kPa oxygen and greater than 6kPa carbon dioxide
what is the physiology behind type 1 vs type 2 respiratory failure?
Type 1 respiratory failure is caused by a V/Q mismatch for example pneumonia
Type 2 respiratory failure is caused by hypoventilation
What are some of the causes of type 1 respiratory failure?
Asthma Pneumonia Pulmonary oedema PE Asthma Emphysema Pulmonary fibrosis
What are some of the causes of type 2 respiratory failure?
Chronic pulmonary disease (COPD, Asthma, sleep apnea)
Chest wall deformities
Neuromusclular disease e.g. cervical cord lesion
Reduced respiratoy drive e.g. sedative drugs
What are the clinical features of hypoxia?
Dyspnoea Restlessness Agitation central cyanosis Confusion
What are the clinical features of hypercapnia?
Headache Peripheral vasodilation tachycardia Bounding pulse Retention tremor
What is are the saturations to aim for in a patient without chronic respiratory disease?
What are the saturations to aim for in patients who have chronic respiratory disease?
What are the causes of restrictive lung defect?
Interstitial lung disease
Chest wall deformity
Neuromuscular disoders
Why does hypoventilation cause type 2 respiratory failure?
CO2 diffuses 20 times as fast as O2 across the alveoli so the critical part of CO2 movement is ventilation
What sort of percentage oxygen is given by nasal cannulae?
Given at a flow rate of 1-4L the percentage O2 is 24 - 40%
What percentage oxygen do non rebreathe masks give?
They give 60-90% oxygen and should be used on a flow rate of 15L/min