Respiratory Examination Signs Flashcards
Reduced expansion on affected side
Reduced air entry on affected side
Hyper-resonant percussion
Reduced expansion on both sides and hyper-inflated chest
Reduced air entry bilaterally
Hyper-resonant to percussion if predominantly emphasema changes
Pulmonary fibrosis
Reduced expansion on both sides
Reduced air entry bilaterally
Resonant to percussion
Fine-inspiratory crackles that do not clear on coughing
Reduced expansion on both sides
Reduced air entry bilaterlly
Reduced percussion
Fine-inspiratory crackles that clear on coughing
Reduced expansion on both sides during active disease
Air entry reduced on both sides
Hyper-resonant to percussion
Expiratory wheeze
Lobar collapse
Reduced expansion on side of collapse with trachea pulled to that side
Reduced air entry ipsilaterally
Reduced percussion ipsilaterally
Reduced ipsilateral expansion
Reduced ipsilateral air entry
Reduced percussion
Bronchial breathing
No change to expansion or air entry
Possible pleural rub heard over the area
Pulmonary oedema
No change in expansion or air entry
Stony dullness to percussion