Respiratory Examination Flashcards
Briefly outline the steps of this examination
- Wash hands
- Introduce self, identify patient
- Explain procedure, consent
- Any questions, pain or discomfort
- End of bed assessment
- Hand examination & capillary refill & diamond test
- CO2 retention flap
- Pulse & respiratory rate
- Face examination - eyes & mouth
- Inspection of chest
- Trachea palpation
- Chest expansion
- Lung percussion (anterior & lateral)
- Lung auscultate (anterior & lateral)
- Lymph node examination
- Chest expansion
- Lung percussion (posterior)
- Lung auscultate (anterior)
- Leg examination
- Special tests - Vocal resonance, tactile vocal fremitus
- Thank patient, discuss findings, wash hands
Which lymph node regions should you palpate?
submental, submandibular, anterior triangle, posterior triangle, pre-auricular, post-auricular, occipital, supraclavicular
Describe how to assess JVP
45 degrees, facing left, measure vertical height from sternal angle to internal jugular vein pulsation
Hepatojugular reflex
What are you looking for when examining the leg
pitting oedema, rash, and signs of DVT
What are you looking for when examining the hands
- General - thin skin, bruising, cyanosis
- Palm - Palmar erythema
- Dorsal surface - tar staining, koilonychia
- Index finger diamond window - finger clubbing
When inspecting the anterior chest where else should you look
- Anterior, lateral, posterior, axillae
What should you do if you find an area of dullness on percussion
- vocal resonance (99)
- tactile focal fremitus
Describe how you would percuss the lungs
- Percuss both lung fields, starting at apices, then moving inferiorly
- Compare sides by percussing the left side of the chest and the right side of the chest at the same levels
- Percuss all areas - anterior, posterior, lateral
- Note any dullness or hyper-resonance of lung fields
- Be aware of cardiac dullness and hepatic dullness
- 5 anterior, 5 posterior, 3 lateral
Describe how you would auscultate the lungs
- Auscultate both lungs, starting at apices, then moving inferiorly
- Compare sides by auscultating the left side of the chest and the right side of the chest at the same levels
- Listen to the full inspiration-expiration cycle at each level, noting air entry, breath sounds, character, and any added sounds
- Auscultate all areas - anterior, posterior, lateral
- 5 anterior, 5 posterior, 3 lateral