Respiratory Epithelia Flashcards
What cell type is in conducting portion of the respiratory epithelia?
Pseduostratified columnar with cilia
What cell type mediates gas exchange in respiratory epithelia?
simple squamous
What are the 5 cell types found in respiratory epithelia?
- Goblet Cells
- Ciliated pseuodstratified columnar cell
- Brush cells (sensory receptors with microvilli)
- Basal Cells (regenerative)
- Granule Cells ( granule containing cells that may be part of neuroendocrine system that regulate secretion)
Describe the function of the Mucociliary elevator
Goblet cells and seromucous glands secrete mucus that floats on the aqueous layer that surrounds cilia of respiratory epithelium. Particles are trapped in the mucus when inhaled and beating cilia propel particles to nose and mouth where they are expelled. Cilia is deeper than goblet cells to make sure mucus moves up and there is no retrograde flow of mucus
What are the characteristics of Kartagener syndrome
There is a dynein dysfuntion
- there is consequently no cilia beating and a greater risk for respiratory infection.
What makes up the Conducting portion of the Lungs?
- Trachea
- Nasal Cavity
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles (Regular and Terminal)
- Larynx
Where in the respiratory system is there cartilage present?
Bronchi (irregular rings or plates), , Larynx (Hyaline cartialge), Trachea ( regular rings of Hyaline cartilage)
What are the regions where host defense can be found?
- Nasal Passages (Vibrissae) 2. Mucus Elevator made of Respiratory epithelium (ciliated) (1-10 microns) and, 3. Alveolus (by alveolar macrophages aka dust cells)
Other host defenses are metabolic (Capillary Endothelium), immunologic ( BALT - Bronchus associated Lymphatic Tissue ) and acid -base
Describe the method of defense of the nasal passages and mucus-coated ciliated respiratory epithelium.
They trap particles larger than 10 micrometers and between 2-10 micrometers respectively
What role does the cough reflex have in host defense?
Host eliminates particles by expectoration (cough up and eject by spitting) or swallowing.
Identify regions where cartilage can be found.
- Bronchi 2. Trachea, 3. Larynx
Identify regions where smooth muscle can be found.
- Trachea (Trachealis muscle)
- Bronchi (between the lamina propria and the submucosa)
- Bronchiole (Bundles in the bronchiolar wall) 4. Respiratory Bronchioles (reduced amount compared to Bronchiole)
- Alveolar Ducts
What is trend of smooth muscle and cartilage as the bronchi branches into smaller branches?
In smaller branches, the amount of cartilage decreases, whereas the amount of smooth muscle increases (bronchi to bronchiole)
Where can cilia be found?
- Trachea respiratory epithelium (ciliated pseudostratified columnar)
- Larger bronchioles ( ciliated pseudostratified columnar transitstions to simple columnar or cuboidal epithelium)
What three cell types make up the Olfactory epithelium?
Basal Cells (small, round, at epithelium base, basal nuclei) Olfactory Cells (bipolar neurons, basal nucleus) Supporting cells (most prominent and consists of an apical nuclei and microvilli-NOT cilia)